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Got ran over by a car today...

Ugrd said:
Learned that it isnt a broken rib and just a bruised rib. Also may have torn a muscle below my armpit. They told me to take some ibuprofen and if it gets worse or anything come back. I had hardly any pain today so I kinda figured it wasn't broken. So that's good at least...

Reminds of my shoulder trouble of over 3 years. Though the worst only lasted about a year.

Minor injury to start with. But there was this slightly dislocated rib and muscle injury in the armpit. I was off to a rolfer in less than a month, but after 2 1/2 weeks of not seeming like anything it started going downhill fast. The rib was causing some swelling, which made it difficult to put back in place. This was causing some irritation of a nerve that crossed over it and continued all through my shoulder and arm. Hence the real issue for all that time, which if I hadn't waited for almost a month to go to the rolfer it may well have not been a real issue in my life.

After 10 weeks it wasn't so bad during the day but it was keeping me from sleeping, move just a little and I was going to be awake for awhile. I decided to call off a trip I'd been looking forward to 3 weeks in advance, there was no way this could have been better. Over that 3 weeks it got so bad. The worst was the 2nd 3 months. (My truck is stick shift.) Basically after the first year I didn't think of it as painful, just useless and weak. I've just gotten the full range of motion back.

So you ice not just by holding it on the spot but by rubbing it in a circle. More effective than asprin or ibuprofen is ginger. Go to Yoshinoya, they have that stringy beet like stuff with the condiments. You can eat all that you want and no side effects. It's even good for your digestion.
So she will attend court for hitting a pedestrian, where all charges will be dropped as there was no pedestrian. Just someone crossing the road illegally. Using there conveyance which moves much faster than a pedestrian, in a pedestrian area. Why would the driver of expected something incoming at some speed. It's a woman, she can't judge speed, only distance. The law understands women are not men, and they have rights to drive to. Something blokes don't seem to comprehend.

Cross walks are for walks across. If it was for bikes, it would be a bike lane.

Sidewalk and cross walks or any other walk you can think of is for walking. I think the woman got a ticket she can get-off to increase her awareness in future. The police are not looking after a cyclist using pedestrian crossings. One of the most irritable crimes on the road.

Maybe it is different there, but here you would of collected a ticket too.

If them drawings are true, your using the crosswalk while vehicles are still on it. You can only blame yourself. I can only imagine you don't drive and should take some lessons. Your going to be a statistic if you can't drive properly and think you can demand the rights of pedestrians. Look how it's working out so far.

I'm sorry, but somebody has to tell you.
Ugrd said:
..... The call to her insurance company will go along the lines of trying to make a deal with them for 800-1000 for the trike. And if not il tell them il lawyer up and then sue them for the trike + medical + whatever else I can which would end up being more than 1000. Il call them here in like 2 hours or so.


Oh God No don't call her insurance company. You let the lawyer speak for you. If you call the insurance company, it's like a baby kitten going up against a pack of wolves. They've done this kind of thing thousands of times. You've never done it. You need the help of a professional.

Why the aversion to lawyers? You, of all people, are the kind of person they can help the most.

Please: see this as merely a technical problem you need to solve for yourself. There's no one on this forum you've talked to that thinks you would be a gold-digging ambulance chaser. You've come across as quite the opposite.

If you talk to a lawyer, you won't be any less of a concerned, caring person than you are now. It won't turn you into a devil or a bad person. It will, however, give you far more information about the circumstances than you have now. Wouldn't talking to a lawyer simply be another way of doing more research on a technical problem?
Hillhater said:
That nice matt black helmet and black trike is really "stealth" ..
..which is the exact opposite of what you need to be seen at night !

If you ever drive a car around cyclists at night, you can see for yourself that any color clothing or bike that isn't reflective is essentially invisible to a driver until it's too late. Only lights and reflectors are any good; all the dayglo or white outerwear in the world won't help. At traffic speeds, such clothing only becomes apparent after it's too late for a car driver to react appropriately.

I think the main problem in this case, other than the driver being oblivious, is showing up where a driver would not reasonably expect to encounter another vehicle. Riding in the lane, in the correct direction, makes you easier for a driver to "see" because you are easier to anticipate.
Chalo said:
Hillhater said:
That nice matt black helmet and black trike is really "stealth" ..
..which is the exact opposite of what you need to be seen at night !

If you ever drive a car around cyclists at night, you can see for yourself that any color clothing or bike that isn't reflective is essentially invisible to a driver until it's too late. .
I drive a lot at night, and people wearing black are practically invisible.
Any light color is much more visible.
But yes, reflective is the smart thing to wear.
Took the trike over to Upson Hall today (Engineering Dep) and had them re-straighten the right wheel holder and paid one of the my welding graduate friends there 10$ and then re-mig weld it back on. The supporting things for the seat are still broke, but the seat has also been realigned. The wheels got tuned up by myself today for the most part, it still needs a bike shop visit, and everything was taken off of it, its just like how it came in the crate. Everything that I put on there is now removed. I cleaned it up and might need to repaint some parts, and il look over it once more before I sell it in the summer sometime... The trike pedals just like it used to when I first got it, apart from some scraps on the bottom and a torn seat. Im not going to contact a lawyer nor did I call the insurance company or her. She did get cited, she hasn't paid for it yet though. I have no idea if theres a court date or not, but im guessing there is (http://publicsearch.ndcourts.gov/CaseDetail.aspx?CaseID=2841052) (Thats public record by the way so im not disclosing any personal information) She didn't get a DUI so that's good in her case, as that couldve ended very badly for her. I also looked up the laws regarding pedestrians and im not a pedestrian apparently on a motor bike in Grand Forks, nor actually am I allowed to be on sidewalks in the first place. The doctors visit didn't cost me personally anything as insurance took care of it. Over all im not really depressed about it, but what happened, happened, and there wasn't much I could do against the law... Il put the trike up on the for sale section in endless sphere for cheap in May after I bring it to a bike shop to tighten and straighten the wheel spokes. If not il sell it on Craigslist. After a month of getting my KMX, I think I just knew that trikes just weren't right for me, and this event just kinda nailed that idea on the head. Trikes for some people might be great, but as a fast, low to the ground, electric vehicle, im not so sure...

Your call. But if her insurance company does call you, take the check at least.
We're rooting for you man, no matter what you do. Please know you have our deepest empathy and support. We do understand how you are trying to navigate through this difficult experience. We here on E-S just want to see you 100% restored and riding whatever form of bicycle you think is right for your needs.
As it so happens, I was hit by a car on my bike last Friday night. In the midst of the chaos that is South by Southwest, a guy decided he'd just passed a parking space, so he quickly threw his car in reverse and zipped backwards into me. My headlight was flashing and aimed at car window level (until it was knocked off the bike onto the pavement, where it kept flashing), so it was not a matter of him not being able to see me. He just didn't look when he needed to.

I'm ok-- just a few scratches and some soreness. My bike is much worse off, with a bent wheel and fork. The car seems to have taken the worst of it, with a crumpled bumper and a crushed taillight.


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Chalo said:
As it so happens, I was hit by a car on my bike last Friday night. In the midst of the chaos that is South by Southwest, a guy decided he'd just passed a parking space, so he quickly threw his car in reverse and zipped backwards into me. My headlight was flashing and aimed at car window level (until it was knocked off the bike onto the pavement, where it kept flashing), so it was not a matter of him not being able to see me. He just didn't look when he needed to.

I'm ok-- just a few scratches and some soreness. My bike is much worse off, with a bent wheel and fork. The car seems to have taken the worst of it, with a crumpled bumper and a crushed taillight.
I live by this mindset: Assume they can't see you while simultaneously assuming that not only do they see you, they are trying to hit you. ^Case in point. Glad you survived, Chalo.
Hapenned to me too, i was riding my bike (not electric) on the road and a car tried to push me on the side so he could go around the car in front of him, he didnt care to hit me i guess because he looked at me and pushed me to the side, i took my bicycle pump wich is made of aluminum and i broke his window on the right side, he called the cops, i had many witness who stopped to testify to the cops.

The guy got arrested for Dangerous driving and i got nothing for breaking his window.

So people are simply stupid, dont search why it's like that, they dont care to hit you or run over you, they only care about getting home faster.
The guy who hit me was quite upset that he'd screwed up that way, and very contrite. The deaths of two (now three) people and injuring of dozens the night before at the hands of a rogue driver was fresh on everybody's mind. He just got distracted by the pressure of parking, plus the chaos resulting from people walking down the middles of the streets everywhere.

The problem isn't that people are callous. It's that driving a car is the best option available to most of them. Until we fix that, we'll continue to die untimely deaths at the rate of tens of thousands a year. And we'll soak up billions in injuries, lost productivity, stress-related illness, pollution-related illness....

We need to sort things out so we don't need cars, and the corollary problems will sort themselves out. Cars' faulty guidance system is not the core issue.
Chalo said:
As it so happens, I was hit by a car on my bike last Friday night. In the midst of the chaos that is South by Southwest, a guy decided he'd just passed a parking space, so he quickly threw his car in reverse and zipped backwards into me. My headlight was flashing and aimed at car window level (until it was knocked off the bike onto the pavement, where it kept flashing), so it was not a matter of him not being able to see me. He just didn't look when he needed to.

I'm ok-- just a few scratches and some soreness. My bike is much worse off, with a bent wheel and fork. The car seems to have taken the worst of it, with a crumpled bumper and a crushed taillight.

Glad both the OP and you are okay.

However,....is that a disc brake I see on your bike. :p

This should be fun. :pancake:
Joseph C. said:
Chalo said:
As it so happens, I was hit by a car on my bike last Friday night. In the midst of the chaos that is South by Southwest, a guy decided he'd just passed a parking space, so he quickly threw his car in reverse and zipped backwards into me. My headlight was flashing and aimed at car window level (until it was knocked off the bike onto the pavement, where it kept flashing), so it was not a matter of him not being able to see me. He just didn't look when he needed to.

I'm ok-- just a few scratches and some soreness. My bike is much worse off, with a bent wheel and fork. The car seems to have taken the worst of it, with a crumpled bumper and a crushed taillight.

Glad both the OP and you are okay.

However,....is that a disc brake I see on your bike. :p

This should be fun. :pancake:

But its NOT hydraulic at least :wink:
Joseph C. said:
However,....is that a disc brake I see on your bike. :p

Yep. It's not my only disc-braked bike, either. But it has a 1980s Suntour Pedersen Self-Energizing cantilever on the back, for better sensitivity and quieter braking on the rear. The disc is a 2004 Hayes mechanical with 203mm rotor and EBC Gold metallic pads.

The disc rotor was twisted out of shape by the bending of the fork, but when I took the wheel out, it did not appear to be permanently bent. I was surprised.
I just saw the OP today. I'm happy you didnt get hurt more than this.

Visibility on a trike suks and driving during winter is slippery.

I made myself a flashing flagpole for my KMX. Blue is illegal here, but it is legal to have flashing lights on a bike.
I am now working on a new powerful version that can be seen during daylight.
old version :
I understand your reluctance to press charges, I'm like that.

But consider this- she was impaired through drink/drugs and nothing happens so she continues driving in an impaired state, next time it could be a kid, mother, ANYONE. Would you not feel some responsibility? You could have stopped it?

I think I know what I would do. Not as revenge though.
She didnt get charged for drinking and driving, not on public records at least. She did pay the fine though for the running over a ped, stating she is guilty for it. I still haven't contacted the insurance company but I'm sure it's going to be a little mouse vs a big lion. So I don't know, worth a try I guess. I don't know if they would send an adjuster out or not to price the damage... I'm riding my other ebike currently. My rib is healed for the most part.

it really is too bad you don't wanna use the student services so you could get some help in figuring out what to do. if you already paid student fees, what is wrong with using the legal services they provide?

i really missed the entire point of why you did it this way. she is not gonna like you any more than she did before. i am sure she is really bitter you snuck in front of her where she did not see you and caused her all this grief.

i never got the chance to collect damages from the people who knocked me down because they never stayed around. i did chase down the bus driver who pushed me off the roadway back into the broken glass and after i caught up with him across the river, i actually stopped his bus by climbing onto the windshield and hanging onto the wipers. but i used to be an angry young man. i was very outraged by the lack of respect given by cars to bicyclists.

that was 35 years ago, there were fewer cars and they were less of a shielded box and before cell phones and texting, so now i will not ride on a public street because i consider the risk to be too high.

i got T boned in my car by a guy in a huge Ford Expedition as he ran the stop sign on the exit from a home depot. i had the pictures to prove he ran the stop sign, and was way over in my lane, but my insurance company has just stalled on going after him because i did not have comprehensive insurance so they don't have to pay me anything when they say it was equal fault.

so i am now stuck with trying to sue him myself. since july 31st last year and i have emailed them asking what is happening with the arbitration and they don't even reply. but i have to be concerned they will cancel my insurance when they find i am in a different location from where they think i am living. because my rates would double if they knew i was living in the city instead of the boonies where they think i am.
Received a bill in the mail today for 227$ for "Ambulance services" which is bull because I signed a paper that said they wouldn't treat me/transport me, whether or not they can bill me for that I have no idea (legally) nothing on the sheet talks about that portion. Lawyers are going to get involved now though, its at that point now I think. And also I don't know if you didn't see before, but our student services don't have personal/injury lawyers unfortunately.

they do not have anybody who can give you advice on how to deal with the courts and collection agencies? i thought that all the schools had that as part of student services.
Strikes me as odd the insurance folks haven't contacted you yet to assess damages. :|
Goodish news. The claim I made finally made it through after I called her insurance company today again about the ambulance bill. An adjuster is suppose to call me tomorrow to determine what will happen (I hope they at least cover the ambulance). We will find out what they will cover tomorrow hopefully.
