Help choosing correct Lekkie bling ring


10 µW
Aug 25, 2020
I need help choosing correct Lekkie bling ring for my Bafang BBS02 48v
The standard ring that is in the box with 46t fits well with my 9speed cassette. No noise and never problem which chain dropping off. The ring has ended up in the same place as my original front second speed was, so my front derail is still on.

Now I would like to upgrade to a Lekkie bling ring with same teeth but with same offset but can’t figure out which on it is. I prefer speed over tourque. I have street tyres and ride only to work and back. Chain line seems good but not an expert. It seems as the front speed is in the middle so that the chain is straight in speed 4/5
Maybe the Number of teeth isn’t important but offset is

Thanks in advanced
If you've had no problems at all with the stock ring, why do you want to switch to something else that might give you problems (and cost a lot more)?

If you ride most of the time in the smallest rear sprockets, get a bigger chainring.
Maybe the chart on the second page would be helpful, since it also includes the stock ring: