Help Us! Ebikers for Freedom in Pennsylvania


1 µW
Jun 28, 2012
As many people have noted, here in Pennsylvania we’re trying to get our
legislature to amend the motor vehicle code to include a classification
for electric assist bikes based on the Federal code. The current code
really doesn’t distinguish between electric assist bikes and

We are starting an organization called “Ebikers for Freedom in
Pennsylvania.” You can find us on Facebook at:

Please ask your readers and customers to “Like” the page to show
support for our cause!


Bruce Kahn
West Chester, PA
Mistake. Get em to let you have 20 mph, but 2000w. Then you will be able to get up steep Pennsylvania hills. Low speed motor, 72v 20 amps, about 1500w and then you will not fry your motors trying to climb hills with 800w.
searched for text of PA house bill 2216 could this be it? interesting,convoluted wording,with no watt limit
Personally, I just think watt limits are just exceedingly poor law. Unenforceable at street level for starters. Then they never define where the watts are measured. Potential watts based on controller spec? Even those vary depending on the spin the seller puts on it. Actual watts measured leaving the battery? Watts that actually make it through the motor and reach the rubber? They never even say in the law. We all know where to get a 250w sticker.

Speed limits the only sensible thing, a low speed limit makes some sense, but even 20 mph is slower than a fit cyclist pedals? WTF with that?

20-30 mph POWERED speed limit, Idealy 25 because a typical hubmotor on 36v goes 20-25 mph.

Same limit for bike only trails. Much slower speed limit for multi use paths. 15-20 mph for ALL wheeled devices on the trail.