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How to select the right stand-up e-scooter


10 kW
Feb 28, 2011
Bay Area
First off, what makes me the guy to write up this guide? Just a joe-shmo who's done a lot of online research and who recently picked up an electric stand up scooter. I have a number of rideables in the garage. I'm a bit of a nut that way. Foldable skateboard, recumbent trikes, electric ice chests, Razor Crazy cart, hoverboard, etc. I'm the guy who needs a little brother but doesn't have one.

Let's get started. Get ready for your mental debate between performance, price and portability.

You've already eliminated the possibility of a pedal kick scooter (non-electric). The Razor Lux Carbon (not to be confused with carbon fiber as this is carbon steel which weighs more than its aluminum counterpart, the Razor Lux A5) doesn't suite your fancy despite the affordable $60 price tag and professional black paint job. You know that the Xootr brand sets you back at least $200 already and you're not interested. You admit their lineup looks fantastic but you really do want an electric motor pushing you along. You understand an electric one will weigh more, there's inherent risks in operating a faster vehicle, and the price doesn't bother you. Now that we've gotten that out of the way...


This is probably the best way to narrow down your choices quickly. If you know the voltage you're looking for, there will be a price range that matches that. After understanding that, you can commit or reconsider. Readers should comment on their thoughts, but I generally believe (w/o getting too technical and considering battery type, overvolting, etc):

12v = Remember that little kid toy, Power Wheels? The one you just got your kid b/c you never had one when you were young are you're still gawking on on Youtube? That thing is typically 12v. First thing that comes to mind for an electric scooter is the Razor Power Core E90, $112. 10mph top speed. It weighs 22lbs. Uses SLA batteries to keep that price down.

24v = Neighborhood riding. Nothing to get too excited about, but it's fun. You won't be climbing any hills. Sticking with the Razor examples, this would be the E100. It's got one more battery making it weigh 26lbs. Top speed is only increased by 1mph, so 11mph. The cheaper version weighs 29lbs and hits 10mph. On the high end, a carbon fiber 14lb scooter was recently released. 15mph. Price for this is a bit tricky as knockoff ones are $470 with other vendors selling these for as much as $1,300. So not worth it, but it gives you an idea of what's available. The reason I didn't pick this is b/c batteries aren't easily replaceable by non-technical people. It's a proprietary size and shape. Something to consider. SLA batteries are heavier and cheaper but they don't last that long. Typically designs that use SLA batteries enable users to easily replace them as needed w/o having to take it to a specialist or research for hours and hours on how to do it safely. You'll be a pro after just 10 minutes of Youtube "researching". The E-Micro one and CityGo Urban are both high end 24v scooters but they are designed as a kick assist scooter and not as a pull the throttle and let it go type of riding.

36v = Most people will fit into this category who are serious enough to research a buying guide for scooters. You're over the kid's toy thing. You don't want just kick assist. You're willing to spend some money for a serious machine. You want something more substantial in performance and build quality. You're looking for something you won't just throw away or sell at a garage sale. You'll keep it long term, keep it clean and treasure it as a prized possession. You better b/c you'll be spending upwards of $800 for one. Majority will be in the $900-1,200 range. You won't be winning any races against custom builders, but you you'll climb an occasional hill, want to show off to some friends, drag race some cyclists. The quality and performance of this can easily take on that "last mile" to/from work. You'll be nervous about letting others take a test ride.


36v is where we have adult scooters. The Glion 200 or more well known as simply the "Glion" is priced at $750-800, but that's a unique price for what you get in performance and features. It's got cruise control and even a USB port to charge your devices! No wonder it's a best seller. The Inokim Quick 2 is a 36v scooter, looks amazing, but is very large. Prices vary a lot depending on where you get it. The company is releasing their new Quick 3 version soon which offers a 48v setup which fits in the category below.

48v = Fewer people will fall into this category. This is a work horse. You may be hard pressed to justify the extra weight of a 48v scooter. You won't be riding this when it's out of batteries. Make sure you always have juice b/c this thing will be heavy. Efficiency gets a little iffy in this category. The weight for a 48v system is significantly higher. A lot of that power is used just to propel just the dead weight of the battery itself. A 48v scooter is larger b/c the battery itself is physically bigger.

The Imax S1 comes to mind. This thing is 39lbs but can climb hills with ease. It's a monster in performance and size. This category is for you if you're only looking to pick this thing up to move it to and from your car or storage. You won't be lugging this around on public transit. We're talking 10" wheels here and of course there's 2 of them. This thing when folded may be as big as your 6 year old from head to toe. The price range of a scooter in this category starts at $1,300. Take a step down if you're not prepared to fork over that kind of cash or would be worried about theft of your beloved new toy.

Expect that your scooter will give you a range between 8-15 miles. Some boast 20 miles, but in a real world setting where you're gunning it through some occasional inclines in stop and go traffic, you're far from the ideal testing conditions the manufacturer uses to come up with the numbers labeled on the box. Long range means a bigger/heavier battery which will take longer to charge (assuming you're comparing similar battery chemistries). If you plan to charge your scooter at your destination which happens to be work, the difference between a 2hr charge and a 4hr charge may not be important to you. If you're constantly on the go, charge time might be worth considering more heavily. The pricier scooters aren't designed to have batteries swapped in and out on a regular basis, so you can forget about charging one while using another. These lithium batteries also cost upwards of $300 a pop, so the "convenience" most likely wouldn't be worth it anyway.


Majority of electric stand-up scooters are rear wheel drive. I'm guessing this started with gas powered scooters. It makes sense to mount the engine in the rear and power the wheel that's closest to it. This naturally translated to electric scooters. Nowadays, a vast majority of electric stand-up scooters run on hub motors, meaning there isn't a belt nor chain. It offers a cleaner look and there are fewer components that stuff on the road can get caught in. Rear wheel drive scooters will offer "higher efficiency on hills" and make going over terrain easier.

More great info covered by the community here: https://endless-sphere.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=26625

Unless this is super important to you, you won't have much of a choice here b/c the setup will end up being whatever it is based on the scooter you choose which meets your other criteria. Larger more substantial scooters will have disk brakes, but it's not at all common with scooters under 48v and less so under 36v.

The three most common are:
A. A twist throttle like a motorcycle. I'd avoid this one as it's hard to keep a steady hand in acceleration from a stand up position on a scooter that most likely won't have suspension. Twist throttles found on electric rideables are typically cheaply made relative to other alternatives on the market.

B. Thumb actuated like the UScooter E-TWOW. Makes for a much more compact package. At high speeds you'll want a better grip on the handlebar. To do this, your thumb wrapping around the handlebar is essential. This gesture directly conflicts with your ability to wrap your thumb around the grips. You'll essentially be holding the right handlebar with your fingers.

C. Lever throttle like the Eco Reco lineup. My favorite b/c it doesn't have the drawbacks of the two types above.

If you're super concerned about punctures where you intend to ride, you want the solid airless tires. These are typically only offered in smaller wheel sizes like the 6" ones on the Eco Reco line up. They offer air tires as an option. Some of their models are a combination of both. Typically in cases where solid tires are offered, they're on the rear drive tire. Changing the tire on the wheel that has the integrated hub motor is a lot more involved than replacing or patching the tube of a front tire.


Tires of larger sizes like 8" and 10" will be air tires. If you choose an air tire, be prepared to maintain it a bit and check air pressure every now and then. Air tires will be cushier and offers some level of comfort in ride quality. Generally a larger wheel will run over bumps/gaps and uneven road surfaces less noticeably.

Consider that suspension components add to the overall weight of the scooter. It may be necessary if you don't on riding a majority of the time on a paved road surface. Suspension doesn't necessarily add extra bulk. Designers have done a pretty good job of integrating it into the frame of the scooter. It may not be obvious that scooters with rear suspension actually have rear suspension back there. The design is typically the same and it gets hidden under the deck (standing surface). From what I've researched, rear suspension does make a fairly noticeable difference. I wouldn't know first hand as I opted for the Eco Reco S3 which only has suspension in the front. I also expected the ride would be rough as my priority was on size of the scooter and I was willing take a hit on ride comfort in exchange.


A 5mph difference is a lot on a stand-up scooter. It takes a lot to move a scooter 15mph vs 10mph, to 20mph vs 15mph from a design point of view. The experience on a 15mph scooter gets your attention and at 20mph, it's pretty dangerous. At speeds 20mph and higher, you really do want a wide based handlebar. Looks funny proportionally, but you'll feel much better when steering. Slightly over 20mph is pretty much the cap for two reasons. Some city regulations will require a license to operate a vehicle exceeding 25mph. Designing the scooter to reach 25mph means more batteries which means it'll be heavier and pricier. With so few people looking at 25mph top end scooters, it doesn't make sense to offer anything that fits in that category. The sweet spot that balances price, weight and speed seems to hover between 15-20mph which is plenty fast for a stand-up scooter.

Heavy sounds bad, but when you're going at full speed, you really do want something substantially heavier. If you remember the $100 Razor scooters when they first came out a couple decades ago, you may remember the steering is very squirrely and people were getting injured at high speeds with a straight up and down steering column and tiny wheels. Doesn't take much to accidentally flip the wheel 90 degrees and flip you off. On my first ride on the Eco Reco S3 yesterday, I was flying down a main artery of the city and was very glad the scooter didn't weigh any less than 29lbs. Most electric scooters will weigh between 25-30lbs, meaning under 25lbs would be considered light and anything over 30lbs would be considered heavy. Yes, there are scooters that weight just shy of14lbs and some weigh a whopping 62lbs.


Whether you're on a budget or if you just have a craving for good value, it's something worth paying attention to. Naturally, you'll either spend:

A. Under $250 - For $120, you can pick something up from your local big box store and not have to mention anything to your wife about your new purchase until she sees you riding along the driveway with that big grin on your face followed by mumbling an offer for her to take it for a spin. You know you're just hoping she'll fall in love with it and understand immediately why you got it.

B. This would be a great category, but there isn't much for stand-up electric scooters from $250-750. The knockoff carbon fiber 14lb scooter that was just released can be had for $470 ish, but retails from legit vendors for over $1,000. You can find some knock off E-Twow Boosters on the high end of this category range. City Bug 2 doesn't go any faster than the $120 Razor Power Core E90, but it's better looking for $700. The CityGo Urban Indiegogo campaign just ended yesterday for under $700, but will supposedly retail for $1,000. No throttle though. It's a kick assist scooter.

C. It's a big jump to $750 and most will be $800-$1,200. Often times the 4 digit number of $1,000 becomes a mental cap but what's another $200 if you're spending over a grand, right? At least that's what you'll be telling yourself. Just don't forget tax and shipping costs. If you intend to ride the scooter outside a 5 block radius from your house, you'll find yourself in this category. You're looking for that "last mile" solution or a very serious non-toy toy you'll be riding regularly. If you think the Veetron Vomo falls into this category, do a bit more research and you'll learn that this was a complete scam. Their website is still up selling a scooter for $399 including shipping. Their Indiegogo crowd funding campaign had over 800 people sign up, but only 35 people received a product.

D. $1,300-1,400 would probably be your max expense. Spending anything over $1,500 just feels weird b/c you know even though it's not the same, you'll always remember in the back of your mind that you can buy yourself a used Honda/Yamaha gas motor scooter for that price. $1,500 also starts to bite into the Plasma TV budget or your kid's monthly preschool tuition dollars. $1,500 is fairly sizable for most. It's tough to swallow justifying a purchase like this even if it's for a new fancy road bike.

E. $1,500-$1,999 - You're only in this category b/c you're already eying the Goped ESR 750 Hoverboard.

F. $2,000 - Just get the Goped Iped-2 already. You know you want it.

G. $5,000 - Really? Seriously? The GoPed PPV weighs 62lbs and goes 30mph. If you're buying this, you're most likely not reading this guide. You've either already clicked the "Buy" button or are about to.

TIP: High end sticker prices should have high end components. If you're in category C or higher, pay attention to the throttle of the scooter you're eying. If it's something you see on ebay, look at the price and make your decision accordingly. Do you really want an $8 throttle on your $1,000+ scooter? If you see $25 ebay throttles on your category D scooter, put it on your do-not-buy list immediately. If you're paying over $1,000 for a scooter, your battery meter should be digital. I've seen $8 throttles on $1,300 scooters. That's not exactly good value.

Hopefully you were quickly able to identify which category you belong in and can make an educated assessment of which scooter fits you best. There are so many out there these days that it wouldn't be helpful for me to do a review on each. Instead, I've plugged some of the popular ones and some you may never have come across. Good to know the field so you know what you're NOT getting. Sometimes that can be the best way to determine what it is exactly that you DO want.

Don't hold your breath if you're waiting for Boosted to create a stand-up scooter using their technology. It does sound exciting to think about a 15lb foldable scooter that can climb hills at full speed and only require 1 hour of charge time, but i doubt electric skateboard technology would be implemented into the stand-up scooter products anytime soon. Totally possible, but I just don't see the two merging in the near future. Let me know what you ended up deciding on. It'd be great to hear a story about your purchase. Good luck, have fun and stay safe.

If you're curious about the Eco Reco S3 that I ultimately purchased for myself and you're not tired of reading yet, I have a full review here: https://endless-sphere.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=82967&p=1216888#p1216888
I'm fine with mods changing the title to your suggestion.

I'd have to agree with your statement regarding the availability of components being limited and being adopted by various companies in their scooter frame. A company named ROHM is teaming up with Eco Reco to design a scooter with sensors such that in the case that a rider falls, the scooter knows and will link to a cell phone and automatically dial predetermined emergency contact. How cool would that be? Pretty neat that the technology is being used in this fashion. I inquired about whether or not the hardware is already in the S3 and if it's just a matter of the app and software being developed, but haven't heard back yet. Should be very interesting.
Not to veer off topic, but to address your statement. Yes, 3 wheels are definitely more stable and I love vehicles like that. I've got two recumbent trikes: KMX Tornado and Catrike Speed which are two of my prized possessions. I'm for sure a fanatic when it comes to three wheel vehicles like the Polaris Slingshot which I'm still eying for a purchase some time later.

The advantage of the two-wheel vehicles though are that it's much slimmer. It's easier to navigate through pedestrian traffic (although we probably shouldn't be on sidewalks anyway). It's also lighter in weight. For most who are buying foldable electric stand up scooters, 3-wheeled versions wouldn't work for their application. I haven't seen many designs that allow it to fold up for easy transport and storage. The ones that are available aren't within the budget that most people are looking at when they're considering a "last mile" solution.
Definitely bulkier than what I like using mine for, but that's quite a beast. Looks better than I was imagining. I like that the deck is wide enough for two feet side by side. The first time I rode a scooter with my feet side by side facing the same direction (forward), I thought it was a bit goofy but after Sk8norcal recommended it when I test rode his GoPed back in the day, I really liked it. If you haven't ridden a Goped before, try it out. The super-wide tires make it surprisingly stable. I was going very very slow and super surprised I could still stand upright.

For the readers who may be curious (including me), can you tell us about the name and specs of your 3-wheeled standup scooter. Quite an unusual contraption. Ride safe out there!
I just saw the intro video. It shows older folks using it as I had suspected it was targeted for. I'm surprised how tight the turning radius is. The older fellow putting the flexscoot into the trunk appeared to have done so fairly effortlessly. I do wonder the weight since it's not on the website.

For sure a different market from the urban city riding weaving in and out of vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Very narrow market for the flexscoot. The distance one is traveling has to justify the bulkiness of the product. It's not meant to be small but has the folding feature which is nice, but this isn't a "last mile" solution. I see this more for running errands close to home where riding it in and out of the garage wouldn't require any lifting nor folding of any sort. The 48v option is plenty of power for taking it up hills. I imagine with the size of the scooter itself, there's plenty of amperage to get a larger range than the motorized kick scooter counterpart.

I also like the width of the scooter. The video showed a glimpse of two people riding it. Sounds fun for a quick casual ride for curious faces, but probably not something to do on a regular basis. Not a limitation of the scooter since it clearly can be done, but the need for two people to ride on scooter is few.

The photo you posted along with most of the video shows folks in their 40's-50's riding it. A bit of the clash of the background of a BMX biker going up a steep half pipe. I can't really see younger people adopting the flexscoot for their lifestyle but perhaps if more people in the suburban areas knew more about the flexscoot, there'd be a good opportunity for a sale there.

Thanks for sharing info on your product.
Thanks for pointing out the weight. I was glancing it over looking for lbs forgetting that it would've been mentioned in kg from the place of origin. 10kg for the urban model sounds very attractive.

I haven't done the research myself, but I wouldn't doubt that that scooters sold in the highest quantities are the ones you've shown in your photo. By that age, it's considered a necessity and the drivers/riders can't afford a fall. A 4-wheeler is a must if they are to get around on their own. Correct, there's no single scooter best for fitting all needs. People's "needs" are always in opposition from one person to the next and rideables can't really be more than one thing at once.

Safety for sure is to be considered, but it's also an area of where riders are willing to sacrifice a level of it in order to have a gain somewhere else. For me personally, I wouldn't consider a three wheeled scooter for what I'd use it for. I'm a lover of 3 wheeled vehicles. I own two recumbent tricycles, two Cruzin Coolers and am still dreaming of the Polaris Slingshot. They each have their place and I'm sure your Flexscoot device fits somewhere too. The market is just very narrow for a foldable electric 3-wheeled scooter. For those that are looking for something like that, you've got them hooked. 25mph for $1,500, it folds, does hills, good range, has a seat option and can fit two at a time sounds great for those in that category. And you even have one that tops out at 30mph! The market as a whole for scooters no matter what the specs will be tough over $1,300.

The natural comparison for the 48v12 Flexscoot I think would be the Cycleboard:

1. Both weigh approximately the same around 42lbs with Flexscoot weighing a tad under.
2. Flexscoot has a 700w motor while Cycleboard only has a smaller 450w motor.
3. Personally, I like the more sleek refined look of the Cycleboard.
4. Cycleboard reaches 20mph. Flexscoot tops out at a whopping 30mph.
5. Flexiscoot has the delta trike style setup with the two wheels in the rear while the Cycleboard has a tadpole style setup with two wheels in the front. The Cycleboard would undoubtedly be more stable as it carves into turns. In addition to the stability, I'd prefer this setup for the goofiness of the aesthetic if not for anything else.
6. $1,622 for the Flexscoot and $1,299 for the Cycleboard.
Interested (maybe). Not any mention in this thread yet about drink holders. (Gotta stay hydrated.) AT LEAST need somewhere to attach. And "within reach"... "better" but as always any weight placed lower for balance "better".
Just thinking about that today. I think stand up scooters are less likely to have that accessory because most people will not be able to drink while riding. I suppose if a water bottle is mounted on the steering column it can still remain there when the scooter is folded up. Also less need for hydration on an electric vehicle. We're not really sweating. I'm sure people will find electric standup scooters for other purposes, but I believe most will be using it for commute in which case they probably have any nag where their drinks can go into.

My thoughts for a cupholder though, was from holding a Boba drink on my way home. I make a trip out there every now and then and don't necessarily want to finish it before I ride back. It would be nice to finish the rest at home. That', a slushy and a Thai iced tea aren't exactly easy to carry back otherwise.

We most likely won't once in integrated cupholder. So this topic isn't really relevant to deciding on which scooter to get.
Hello kmxtornado,

Thanks for this guide, it's great to have this detailed explanation. I'm starting to write several blog articles about electric scooters, hoverboards, PTs and the like... Your guide is a nice asset to understand the e-scooter world ;).

Mind if I ask you which scooters did you own? I like to know about current / past owners experiences to share those with the readers in my product reviews... I'm not going to directly publish your experiences without the proper permission, this is just to know which ones did you try and how did you like them. You mention several in your guide... did you use them all?

Thanks a lot in advance!