Hybrid moped wattage?!


1 µW
May 14, 2024
Athens, Greece
Hello mates and thank you for this forum :)

I have a moped, an old school one with pedals. It's a Peugeot Vogue and I love it! I had it in flatland Belgium and I have it in hilly/mountainous Athens :)
The problem is that I'm 135kgs, and it had trouble going uphill as well as accelerating. My idea that has already been done is to add a hub motor for these two elements.

A full tank of gasoline is ok for about 200km and it hit 60km/h easily with the 50cc two stroke, therefore I don't care much for speed or range. Although the 3000w QS motor says it could reach 120km/h I am not that crazy either.

So please, I need first your opinion on wether I should go for 1500w or 3000w! I guess double the watts, half the range?
And what about battery size? What do you suggest?

I am having trouble estimating a realistic range for using the electric motor to accelerate and climb hills meaning in a supplementary way to the gasoline one... Has anyone done it? What is your input?

Thank you very much!


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What size motor you have wont determine what range you get. The question is how much power will you use, and for how long? In a hybrid system you probably wan to keep the electric stuff rather small. Will you have a battery capable of powering the bigger motor? If you plan of a max power of 7-8kw for relativly short periods the 1500w motor probably is more than enough.