100 W
Just that quick question basically. I'm contemplating getting the TSDZ2B to use with my new smaller EM3EV Super Shark 52v battery - mainly for torque sensing, lower wattage, and lower gross weight of motor. I'm using the BBSHD on a tadpole trike now and it's really kind of overkill. Originally bought it for a cargo bike and didn't really use that cargo bike that much. Not a whole lot of time on the BBSHD or the big triangle pack battery, just pretty much overkill for the trike these days. If I get the TSDZ2B I'd be selling the BBSHD with display, battery and a bunch of cables. Just kind of wondering if there's much market for that, especially since the BBSHD is now discontinued, right? Thoughts? I have some concerns about the TSDZ2B playing nice with my 52v battery (getting full voltage displayed and being able to use full capacity of the battery), as one site indicates the display won't show full charge or allow the motor to make full use of the full 52v battery charge. That doesn't seem up-to-date though, especially with the most up-to-date full color display which I imagine would show the full charge of the battery, not to mention the open source firmware for the TSDZ2. I have to confess I have NOT delved into the now 400-post-long thread about the TSDZ2 yet. That's kind of daunting. Basically I want torque sensing, greater efficiency of motor so I get more range from my pedaling, and lighter weight, and better-feeling pedal assist. Thoughts?