Is this something I should be worried about?


100 mW
Apr 28, 2015
Hello everyone,

I was repairing/modifying my pulleys today, and after putting the entire motor assembly back together, I tried running the motor. As it ran for a couple seconds, it came to an immediate hault...almost as though there was blockage.
I opened up the motor to find a little piece of the "stator stack" not fully clipped off, but almost torn a bit. This had been done by some debris on the magnets. I cleaned the magents as best as I could, bent the stator back toward the coil and down, and then put the motor back together.
I gave it a careful and slow test run. It seemed to have fixed the problem, but I wanted to get some opinions on whether or not this may cause me problems in the future or if the damage will take its toll early on.

Here is a picture of the stator stack.
The deformation is in the corner.

Like I said, after cleaning it out, it ran just as good before I damaged the stator stack (I apologize if I am not using the correct terminology).

Thanks for taking the time to read this :)
As the lamination in that area is damaged there may be a slight "hot spot" there but as the area is so small I doubt that it will cause any harm at all.
As long as it is turning freely and nothing is scraping I would have no great concerns.
I really appreciate the help!
I'm taking it to the city (Chicago) for the first time. The roads aren't the best, but I think I'll manage.
Thanks again!