light batteries with low AH, or heavy batteries with high AH


100 µW
Jul 2, 2014
Hey so I am in the process of planning the build for my own electric motorcycle. I was looking at some walmart batteries, which are marine deep cycle batteries. They have an excellent AH of around 120 ah for only $100 with a free 5 year warranty. The issue is that they weigh 60lbs a piece, so that means my 48v system will weight 240lbs. On the other hand I can get lithium ion batteries, which for $200 have a 24-32ah rating; and they only weigh 3 lbs.

I want my build to have fast acceleration and feel powerful, but I also want long range. The beach is approximately 24 miles round trip, so I want something with a good 10 mile buffer to ensure that I won't get stranded and have a bad day.

How can I calculate my range, I've heard that you can assume that 100watts will get you a mile, but how does weight and stuff play into it? For example the 120ah heavy batteries will give me 5760 watts or 57.6 miles per charge; but will that be true? The lighter batteries be 200+lbs lighter but only will give me 1536 watts, or a pathetic 15.36 miles.

What should I do? What is the better option?
Most la batteries ie marine do not have support for vibration ie waves does not give as much as road vibration will,
Lead Acid only gives you a small portion of it's rated capacity, and it's in the process of failing from the moment it's made.
For the lead acid, 120AH at 60lbs would be 53Wh/Kg which is not a credible energy density for this type of battery even under "ideal" conditions (e.g. discharging at one milliamp at 25 Celsius).
Forget lead acid batteries for an emoto. I made that mistake on my first electric build back in 2007. The only result can be a heavy pig moto with terrible performance and short range...or maybe an obese pig moto with worse than terrible performance and moderately short range.