lipo explosion video


100 W
Mar 3, 2014
Seattle, WA
Not sure if it's been posted, but lipo batteries must be respected and handled carefully.

Video is in Chinese, not meant for enthusiasts ...

Piercing test:

Bend test:

Now the finale ...

Overcharge test:

Took a while but it finally happened at 11:30
Yup.. not hard to find videos of lipos producing death metal show pyrotechnics when seriously insulted..

These are some of the best batteries for our bikes, but they are also insanely dangerous when mishandled. That was just one cell going off after being abused. Imagine a regular ebike pack's 20-100 cells going up in flames. yow.

I don't know if the multistars are any safer. I would imagine that their smaller size means less mass to burn up though, but only 20% less mass, lol.
LiPo batteries have very high charge density. I love using them for my quadrocopter. However, I'm using LiFe chemistry for my electric motorcycle project. I've been told that LiFe chemistry is less volatile than Lipo (with a bit less charge density). I would hate to pierce my battery pack full of Lipos on my motorcycle. I'd be a bonfire on wheels.
Pretty much any chemistry is huge upgrade from RC Lipo, lol.. you don't need to go all the way down to the lowest common denominator to get safety, fyi..

lifepo4 cells are like dead weight compared to newer NCM chemistries ( over twice as much capacity per pound, literally.. and as far as safety goes, not as bulletproof as lifepo4, but very very close. )
NCM looks like a good motorcycle battery solution. I know Zero is looking at this for future models. Do you know if these batteries are price friendly at this point?

LiFe was a good balance of capacity, availability, safety, and price ($/charge).
JamStrong said:
I know Zero is looking at this for future models.
they already used them for at least one or two model years, maybe more. I think they may have moved on to better things now. There are threads about them if you look around.
When they come out with some cells the same weight and size as rc lipo, cost about the same, and will do at least 20C, then I'll try them. until then, I've been perfectly happy using rc lipo for the last 4 years and not having to worry about discharge C rates and sagging weak chemistries.