My e-ride XPe: Chinese Sailing Ship?

I would go to salvation army and try to find a heating blanket.
A connection to charge up the second battery pack wasn't hard to make.
I wouldn't trust an electric blanket as far as I could throw a toaster. Fire starters they are.

Muwahaha.. the mad scientist just had another idea.

Instead of leaving the chain attached to the crank shaft and having the second motor turn the peddles as it powers up the hill. I'm going to shorten the chain so it's motor to wheel only. Now that I have a crank shaft not doing anything I was thinking... Hmm how to turn a crank shaft into a GENERATOR wuahahahahaaaa.

Maybe peddling the shaft will help with the extra voltage sag that will hit the batteries as I climb?
Now that I have a crank shaft not doing anything I was thinking... Hmm how to turn a crank shaft into a GENERATOR wuahahahahaaaa.
You certainly could, but it means hauling around another motor.

Try a Unite MY-1018; a 36V wound version?

Think of all the Diesel-lectric locos, Rudolf... :)

Efficiency will be poor, but the fun factor will be high. Training wheels:
Imagine sitting at the traffic lights,
pedaling to while away the red time;
pedaling at your favorite cadence.

"WTF WTF look at that guy!"
"He's a biketard."

---The World is not worthy of us, Les. It's not.

Another FLAT. this time not a puncture. Pics speak for themselves. I guess it is a powerful little motor. This was an extra thick tube.

Reminds me of a B5 quote
Londo "Now, out of that 50, how many gods do you think I must have offended to have ended up with G'Kar's teeth buried so deeply in my throat that I can barely breathe?"
Vir: "All of them?"
Londo: "Sounds right. And now, I have to go back to the Council and explain to them that in the interest of peace the Centauri government will agree to give quadrant 37 to the Narns. I think I will stick my head in the station's fusion reactor. It would be quicker. And I suspect, after a while, I might even come to enjoy it. But this -- this, this, this is like being nibbled to death by-- what are those Earth creatures called? Feathers... long bill... webbed feet .. go 'quack'...?"
Vir: "Cats."
Londo: "Cats. I'm being nibbled to death by cats."
Have you gotten yourself some really good rubber yet?
Well that one wasn't a failure of the tire. It was the metal hub itself cutting the inflation tube. I took some sand paper to it so it isn't as sharp anymore. My mothers old fashioned bike had the sme thing happen.
Just got pulled over by the cops for the second time. They really don't like winter bicycle drivers.

"Drivers license and registration." (no please)

"Don't have any officer, it's a bicycle."

"No it's not, it's a motor vehicle!"

"I point to the sticker. Well sir, 1.2.1 of the motor vehicle~~~~"

"You got any documentation on that?"

I Point to my trunk open it an take out an email from Transport Canada and Services New Brunswick. He's not happy. Not happy at all. Grouses a bit about not having winter tires, being too slow and dangerous. I just GRIN and let him grouse.

"Something is going to have to be done about this."

He takes my name and phone number and address and sends me on my way.

I think he woulda put up a bigger stink but it was damn cold out.
Personal opinion is irrelevant. Legally it is a bicycle.

Without the sign I was receiving some driver harrassment. As in, they would come up behind me slow down stay there and honk their horns. With the sign they don't.
Personal opinion is irrelevant.

Hmmm....with a little slogan amalgamation, your sign could be super effective at raising motorist's "awareness":



  • signsin5.jpg
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Lol... might get a good laugh out of some car drivers .. ..

Problem starts when the one's with power start to become the " resistance "....

As a regular joe with an e-bike.. this is no concern... as a potential distributor of hub motors this could have an impact in the long run.... :oops:
Day after replacing the turn signal I thought I had burned out my headlight bulbs. Upon further investigation I find that the lights are just fine the cables running to the high low setting were bad. I crossed the high and low beam wires together so both are lit at once and the light is brighter now instead of the pathetic flashlight strength it had before. The headlight is either ON or off now, no option for high or low, but it works and there shouldn't really be an issue with shinning into cars ahead of me as the light isn't really that strong even with both on at once and I ride the curb except at intersections.
Yeah I'm not really a big night time driver or I would too. Most of my driving is in city limits as well so I don't really need bright lights.

It's just more documentation on poor wiring on this older model bike.
Looks like it wasn't the cable heading to the light just the connector. The little piece of metal that is bent up to keep the connector from sliding back wasn't, bent that and thelight issue went away.
Hi Les, when they give out merit badges for persistence of vision,
you'll be seeing double!

Ha ha, you are so patient with your bike....
because you're in luv, right?

Les, every time I see your sig, I sort of cringe, because someone might just go and deal with Greenwit.

A year ago, when I first started looking to learn about ebikes---long before I found any e-forum, I found their webstore. It was an accident of Google. I fell for the pitch.

I believed their texts and I spoke on the phone and was wide-eyed excited
as I selected an entry level bike that cost about $400usd.
Oh, it was a special. "These all need a bit of touch up and we'll do that before sending it out to you." This recounting is not exaggerated, btw:

Two months later, after begging for shipment of my by-then stale b-day present to self,

what they sent to me was a total wreck of grade D parts tossed into a used other-bike's flat carton. With a big hole in the side from a fork lift punch.

It, the thing inside, was not what was advertised, except in the most nominal ways, it was not a bike.

The plastic carrier--that breadbox on the rear carrier for the batteries, had had its four corners cut off!!
by Colin Maston, the shop craftsman,
to allow the three bricks that I'd specified to fit.--I wanted a 36V ride.

It was outrageously bad work, yet Colin (who btw claimed to have invented the hubmotored BOB concept) told me by phone,
"Good news--I've found the perfect sized box for your 18Ah bricks."
He didn't tell me how he made the box work: with a soldering iron melt-cut of the box's four rounded corners.
You'd see the battery corners! It was a freakin joke.

It's was a kid's bike too---they knew I was an adult---they sold me a 24" tiny framed kid's MTB. Wow. I didn't know then 26" from 24" or a damn thing about bikes.

Then when I complained (it was such a dented, dirty, cat-hair covered, melange of hooey) they then said "Well you bought a cheap bike. What'd you expect for that money?" It was more than bruised: the rear wheel was totally taco'd in shipping.
It was a potato chip.
And they had not insured the package.

All the finished parts were gouged either in packing and in shipping,
slipping all over each other;
all stryo bits of waste packing had slipped to the bottom of the box.
The styrofoam survived the shipping better than the bike parts.

"We'll be sending it to you all assembled and adjusted and road tested".
That's what they had said for two months whilst stalling on sending my purchase. "We'll send it out next week". I heard that four times, at least.

And it came at last. So excited, happy again. And then I opened
The Box: euuuuuuuuuuowwwwwwwrrrrrgh!

OH MAN. If my experience was at all representative, well,

Les--your sig line question makes me relive the horrror and the denigration and that dead feeling ya get when you find out you've
bought a box of rocks. :oops:

end: I forced return of the bike. First time in my life to ever force a return for credit. It was so bad an experience.

Then I found the Currie mongoose cruiser, bought that and have been happy ever since.

I'm glad you rescued the XPe from careless clutches.
May it live long and love you back. It's a good match.
And, it IS a bike! :lol:

Well I kinda went into this expecting that I'd be getting not what I paid for. It would be a learning experience and a hobby,repairing it, and thus a way to really learn about electric bikes. :twisted: .

The one thing I still find most annoying is they are still listing a 350W motor as a 500W motor as they have "adjusted" the controller, aka added solder to the buzzbar.

The interesting thing is that getting into selling bikes(partly to undercut a certain company so they can never make a sale inthis area again) I've contacted the company that supplies Greenwit and know that the manufacturer lists my bike as a 350W motor not 500. So this 500W over amping scheme is entirely motorino/greenwit/e-ride.