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MysteryDate: Who is BigFail?

Philistine said:
Jesus Christ DeVries. Do you really not know who Ebike Sarah is?

I waggle my sweet little pair of apricot cheeks in your direction (and slide a finger between a tight clam shell)?
Sorry, as of yesterday, I don't really care "who" eBike Sarah is! I do care about spoofing using a persona to play psychological mind-games with other registered ES members in the Technical & General Discussion areas. Toxic discussions is an exception, imo, but that is a Policy Decision for ES to make.

This thread is proof we need to get a handle on this NOW, meaning soon with Justin at the helm, and just layout the rules in a clear & understandable way. That way everyone can understand how to deal with each other in a fair-play set of standards. Apparently, you did persona 'yourself' in a most serious thread about the fate of ES, which is bizarre, imo, since I didn't know who the hell eBike Sarah was at the time. You were active on this thread & no doubt could have PM'd me privately, when I openly asked to be PM'd about this subject from someone that might know. You did not admit on thread or notify me privately, I guess, to keep toying with my game afoot... bummer. :? I'm sure this was/is very amusing to have watched me fall prey to my own mistaken assumptions at my expense in time & effort. :lol: :idea:

Anyway, this is BS to be doing this sort of spoof-thing "up here", rather than "down there" in Toxic areas where eBike Sarah can thrive... Up "here" I think it's a big no no, & I offer this thread as evidence.

Time for the Mods & Justin/Fechter to clarify situations such as this, imo, and put it in writing too. Where is this information now on ES anyway? It should be easily found at any time by forum membership, imo. :?: :idea:
Geeze Devries. I thought we were experiencing a bit of post revolutionary Fun. But I will be the first to say I took it too far. Apologies. And will ban myself permanently, or as long as Justin deems fit. I consider all of it fare. Please tell me if you want me to go away.
I will go way. And won't come back. I just wanted to be clear on why I left this forum. I thought this was about fun? That's why I left. I gave so much of my personal life here. Isn't it meant to be fun?
Philistine said:
Geeze Devries. I thought we were experiencing a bit of post revolutionary Fun. But I will be the first to say I took it too far. Apologies.
Hey, I've been taken for a ride in this thread because of spoofing, at my expense in time & energy, and it was not a complete waste of time if it exposes that ES has no standards or policies about spoofing. I do not enjoy pegging LFP as being eBike Sarah, while you just sat there & allowed me to become the fool. :( :oops: :wink:
Philistine said:
But who is Philistine? Does he really even exist?
As you suggested, :wink: you might be spoofing under Philistine too. :lol: Well, are you? :twisted:

Hey, I'm just asking for "the rules", so we can all play together nicely or not so nicely, but at least have some standards or understandings BEYOND the Toxic areas. I've already given my opinions about it in the two previous posts today.

I will be the second to say that you took it too far too, and I agree with you too. I accept your apology *if* it is sincerely given. You are suspect, you know... :wink: :lol: :p
Philistine said:
I will go way. And won't come back. I just wanted to be clear on why I left this forum. I thought this was about fun? That's why I left. I gave so much of my personal life here. Isn't it meant to be fun?

I hope you're kidding here because I enjoy your sense of humor. Although, I really don't get your avatar. What's a fap? Probably an aussie thing...

Let's move on and not dwell on the negatives here. It was all done for fun and not to be taken too seriously. We wouldn't want BF to think he/she got the best/worst of us, would you? I think not my friends... :mrgreen:

What are you posting Methods? :? You are one crazy MoFo! :lol:
methods said:

Man... I was made for being the stunt driver for that show.
deVries said:
while you just sat there & allowed me to become the fool. :( :oops: :wink:

Only you can let yourself be the fool bro. I think you're the only one that still cares, and everyone else posting is just posting to keep and/or get you riled up.
liveforphysics said:
deVries said:
while you just sat there & allowed me to become the fool. :( :oops: :wink:
Only you can let yourself be the fool bro. I think you're the only one that still cares, and everyone else posting is just posting to keep and/or get you riled up.
Being a fool for the day ain't so bad. :p

Whoever is continuing to post today to continue "to keep and/or get you (me) riled up" is the only fool in 'that' game for sure. :p

Fool me once... ok, shame on me... :p :wink: :lol: 8)

Speaking of fools... Again, sorry I foolishly thought you were eBike Sarah. :oops: Re: Hey, that ain't so bad as Methods almost say'in you're BF though. :p
hehehe, oh man that washing machine totally broke apart hahahahaha :mrgreen:
nicobie said:
Hey, don't make The Philistine leave!

He is vital to our favorite tag team... Morph and Phil :mrgreen:
Just send eBike Sarah to the Toxic areas, imo. I don't think The Philistine should leave either, unless there is some unbreakable rule violated.

We need to turn the page & come to an understanding about what the heck the spoofer rules-policies are & make it uniform for everyone, imo. :twisted: :mrgreen:
EbikeSarah said:
Philistine said:
Imagine if BigFail and Ebike Sarah got together and had a child together?
You rang ? I don't know about having any children but I might let "Mr Big" have a crack if I knew his true identity.
So there's an incentive for you big boy, give the hounds a clue and maybe it'll land you some punani
Philistine said:
Maybe it says something about me, but I regularly engage in misleading or decieptful conduct (we all do this in some ways, just some more than others), but whenever directly confronted, unless I am facing a jail term for what I have done, I nearly always confess, as the lie about a lie, is almost always worse than the original lie - I think that is a well established principle.
But! The Above IS just tooooo freaky for the non-toxic areas where there is some serious situation at hand too. Like losing ES to money-rapers. :evil: :shock:
Wasn't Chekola the same person that pissed off Jeremy enough to make him leave???
Che is a bit of a noodge... but IIRC, Jeremy's reasons for hiatus were manifold.

As for spoof accounts, the shills get banned and the ones for goofing-around are easily deleted if they are a nuisance. As we can easily see, some are quite funny. :mrgreen:
amberwolf said:
As to whether it matches anyone else's or not, I don't know, as I haven't checked (have had no reason to, and still do not).
I think we had/have good reason to check it at the time I brought this subject up regarding eBike Sarah. Why?

1) Because of the nature of this thread, and it has led to a lot of false finger pointing (myself included :p :oops:).

2) I asked about Spoofing Rules on this thread w/no response, but I found this today...


DON'T abuse site members on the forums, or through email or private messages.

DON'T create more than one account for any reason. If you have multiple accounts
it may lead to deletion of ALL your accounts.

I going to hold firm in "my vote", whatever that means, that this thread 'here' is a perfect example WHY this forum rule should remain AND be enforced on the "new" ES.

I'm going to cross-post this request to the other threads that are trying to address these issues, so we can get some resolution about Forum "rules" & moving forward for better communication, "fairness", and understanding. Personally, I really don't care much about what goes down in the Biker Bar areas including "personas" (Formally aka Cesspool), but I DO care about the General Discussion Areas & the Tech Areas regarding "two" above.

Those are The Forum Rules 'now' & should continue to be The Forum Rules, imo, though I'm sure it's time to UPDATE or at least REVIEW the Forum Rules too. :idea: 8)
Would you settle down DeVries?
in the words of Napoleon Dynamite... GOSH!

TD got it right. Shilling for the purpose of being an ass can result in action from the mod team.

Spoofing for fun like ebikeSarah is doing is tolerated because she is fun, funny, and entertaining.

In this BigFail example no action has been taken because BigFail has remained inactive. If BigFail were to start up again warnings would be made and then action could be taken. The rules are in place to allow us to get rid of a-holes if we need to.... They are not there to be nit-picked and fretted about.

The goal of moderators and "rules" is to have as little impact on the forum as possible. You guys should be self governing and mods should only need to take action when people are totally out of line.

I live in a rented house with a few housemates.
Recently 2 of them have become interested in ebikes, because of mine.
We all share the same household internet connection (there are 4 computers here).
So if or when they do post about their builds. Will I get nailed for having what seems like "spoof" accounts ?

We never pay attention to IP's unless someone is shilling or being a complete ass. We have to actually look it up... and we really don't care... and I am sure you and your mates will be on your best behavior :p

If anyone wants a forum with some really strict rulesets, I'm sure they're out there. I haven't been motivated to look for them, because I'm not into really strict rulesets. I get the feeling this forum hasn't historically been big on strict rules, and I quite like it for that. It's pretty loose really.

I note that the rules quoted before say:

"...MAY lead to deletion of all your accounts." (my emphasis).

It doesn't say that it must or definitely will, it doesn't even say that the second or subsequent accounts WILL be deleted.
liveforphysics said:
slayer said:
So did you guys find out who is BF

Dang! 99% Certain with this from his blog:
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