News of the Weird

Mind Games: Brain-to-Brain Communication Takes Another Step Forward

University of Washington researchers have reported another advance in research on connecting two brains via an electronic interface, a year after they showed it was possible. The original study, performed by Andrea Stocco and Rajesh Rao on themselves in August 2013, stimulated a part of one's brain when a certain thought pattern was detected in the other's. The result: one person thought about moving a finger, and several blocks away, the other's finger moved. But testing on oneself isn't exactly a foolproof methodology, so over the last year Stocco and Rao repeated the experiment with three other pairs of subjects.

It worked, but accuracy was far from perfect, largely because of participants' difficulty in forming the correct thought pattern to send the finger movement signal to their partners. Having shown that the system at least works somewhat on other people, the researchers plan to expand into other types of thoughts: visual signals, sounds or more complex movements. The study appeared Wednesday in the journal PLoS One, and the team has received a $1 million grant from the W.M. Keck foundation to further explore the field.

Ahh, I know this plot!


I loved the part where they placed the recording device on the monkey's head! Truly a movie ahead of its' time.
Alas - it was Natalie's last; a beautiful woman gone :cry:

The future is already scripted. KF
gives a new meaning to hotpants!!!!!!!!
EMF said:
Phosphorous may have been on hot beach rocks in CA

May 17, 7:03 PM (ET)


LOS ANGELES (AP) - Beach rocks that caused a California woman's shorts to catch fire and severely burn her legs and hands appeared to be coated with phosphorus, but it was unclear how the flammable chemical got onto the stones found near a military base, authorities said Thursday.
"We have never been aware of anything like this before," said Denise Fennessy, assistant director of Orange County's environmental health division.
Field tests indicated the phosphorus was found on two rocks from San Onofre State Beach that will be submitted to a state-certified laboratory for verification, Fennessy said.
A naturally occurring mineral, phosphorus is found in oxidized form in rocks, but in its pure elemental form can burn when exposed to air. Phosphorous compounds are used in everything from flares to fertilizer.
Coast Guard and fire officials, however, said they never heard of local beach rocks igniting.
"I spoke directly to the paramedic on the call," said Capt. Marc Stone of the Orange County Fire Authority. "He's worked 27 years as a paramedic and specifically on the beach areas, and it's the first time he's ever seen anything like this."
The beach where the rocks were found is near the Camp Pendleton Marine base and an offshore island used as a live firing range. A nuclear power plant is also in the vicinity.
Camp Pendleton spokesman Capt. Barry Edwards said there was no evidence that military training aids were involved in the discovery, but the base will cooperate with investigators if asked.
Five other rocks became cross-contaminated with the substance, possibly when the chemical reaction occurred, Fennessy said.
The children of the 43-year-old woman who was injured collected the seven rocks Saturday from San Onofre State Beach near the border of Orange and San Diego counties, a popular surfing beach nicknamed Trestles for its location near a railroad bridge.
The children took the rocks home. Hours later, the woman, whose name was not released, scooped them up from the floor of her San Clemente home and put them in the pocket of her cargo shorts, where they either caught fire or became hot enough to set fire to her clothing, Stone said.
The rocks were small and smooth. One was greenish in color and another had rusty orange streaks, Stone said.
"She actually had flames coming off of her shorts," he said. "She did a stop, drop and roll maneuver ... that was unsuccessful because of the amount of heat coming out of her pocket."
The smoke set off smoke alarms and firefighters arrived to find her husband hosing her down with a garden hose to cool off her burns.
She suffered third-degree burns to her leg, and she and her husband had second-degree burns to their right hands from trying to get the rocks out of the pocket, Stone said. The woman remained hospitalized.
Dauntless said:
Okay then, this is weird, but is it weird ENOUGH?
Scary weird :shock:

Glad no one has died.
May future weirdness be more entertaining ... and not of the stalker/pervy type!

As they say in Austin: "Keep it weird" :wink:
oatnet said:
Grifters: Pure gold!

Thank you Oat for that contribution... that is spot-on weird and worthy! People can be so false; I fight the same thing at my local supermart :?

Best regards to you and yours, KF
Prague's landmark Lennon Wall painted over by anonymous culprits

Reuters said:
Prague's graffiti-covered John Lennon Wall, a favourite photo spot for tourists and a symbol of Western culture under the former Communist regime, was painted completely white on Tuesday.

The wall had been a forum for anti-communist calls, love messages and hippie-style paintings even before Lennon's death in 1980 when Prague was still the capital of communist Czechoslovakia.

A group of anonymous students claiming to be from Prague art schools and calling themselves "Prague Services" claimed responsibility for painting over the wall on the 25th anniversary of the country's "Velvet Revolution" that shook off Communist rule.

"Twenty-five years ago, one big totalitarian wall fell...Students of art schools are expressing their commemoration of (1989) and opening room for new messages of the current generation," they said in a statement.

Before 1989, protest notes and the Western pop culture symbolism of the wall were a thorn in the side for Communist authorities who often covered it in military-style green or grey paint.

Following the revolution, the spot became a gathering spot for tourists who often added their own messages and took pictures at the wall. Passers-by had already started covering it in new graffiti by Tuesday morning.

Hard to find good weirdness this week...
Ypedal said:

Not really Weird... but pretty amazing !
and to add...

Bills forced to adjust by massive snowstorm

Fingers - that belly dancer stuff was eww yuck creepin' me right out :shock:

Gots the Heebie-jeebies now...
Shower time, KF
Worm That Lived in Man's Brain for Four Years Has Genome Mapped

Researchers have sequenced the genome of a rare brain-infesting worm after removing it from a British man's head — where it had been living for at least four years. Spirometra erinaceieuropaei, as the parasitic worm is called, has only been reported 300 times since its discovery in 1953. While surely gruesome for the victim, the discovery was welcomed by scientists as an opportunity to study the worm's lifecycle and genes, and to to detect and treat cases in the future. "For this uncharted group of tapeworms, this is the first genome to be sequenced and has allowed us to make some predictions about the likely activity of known drugs," said the Sanger Institute's Matt Berriman, co-author of the study.

The worm causes seizures, memory loss and headaches as it burrows through the brain — in this case, it had traveled about two full inches over its period of habitation. Its unusually large and repetitive genome, a third the size of a human's, house a great number of genes aimed at host invasion and defense against rejection. The 1-centimeter-long worm was successfully removed by surgeons in 2012 and the patient is now doing well, researchers said. No one knows for sure from where the worm originates or how the man got infected, but you may want to stay away from one potential culprit: raw reptile and amphibian meat.

Yikes! KF :shock:
How to prepare and cook a shrimp dinner in under 3 seconds :mrgreen:

What an annoying idiot. People like her give all cyclists a bad name. Add to this behavior, the fact that she somehow lost her job at Subway, that gives us good reason to believe she should do well in politics. At least for now she can "work" raising money for her campaign. Yep she's a leader alright. /S