Occupy REI!

wineboyrider said:
And Ron Paul predicted all of this crap when all of the other politicians were laughing at him with his sound knowledge of Austrian Economics. The pain from this the largest of all fiat money pump up schemes is just beginning! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

END THE FEDERAL RESERVE an elite global corrupt banking cartel that is unconstitutional.

Yep! Glenn Beck has done a pretty good job of trying to get that word out himself, but of course, if you're not open minded, you just reject the messenger with out listening to the message.

I don't agree with Ron Paul, Glenn Beck or Joe Lieberman on everything, but they all have made good points that have made me stop and think!

Where is the accountability for the government both Republican AND Democrat who insisted on these loans being given to people who couldn't afford them? Literally threatening banks with charges of discrimination against low income customers if they didn't, and on the back side profiting themselves at the expense of people they knew would default on the loans and be for-closed on in the end.

Sure it's ultimately the responsibility of those taking the loans, but when we don't even have a healthy, adult relationship with money as a country, where everyone is spending like crazy and racking up huge credit, I agree, it's exactly like what lead up to the 1929 Stock Market Crash, and Great Depression.

And I agree wholeheartedly that Oil companies and Banks, and Stock companies are just as responsible for our financial mess, but this is NOT a Left VS Right thing, you can find plenty of examples of both sides taking huge contributions from Financial Institutions, Oil Companies and other lobbies.

The "Federal Reserve" IS an unconstitutional privately owned bank, and we do not base our money on a true asset, haven't for a really long time, and it is coming back to bite us.

Our system is way out of whack and needs to be put back, not burned to the ground and a new form of government in the image of countries like Greece.

But hey, if you think you can do it better, great! Sell the idea, but lets talk ideas, not just "I'm mad! That man is bad!" lets build something rather than just talk about what we want to tear down! :D
dogman said:
Yes, it's true, my wife's retirement fund took a hit,like everybody elses. But if my ten bucks is now worth seven fifty, it's the oil companies fault more than the banks. There's your obsence profits and the source of recent inflation if you ask me.

Nope. Oil companies making big profits, and that money getting hoarded by a small group of people, LOWERS inflation.

There is an enormous difference between earning/collecting/stealing money (getting real existing money from somewhere to become yours), and what this administration did, which just "created" money from thin air, which is to say, they just reduced the value of all existing currency.
LI-ghtcycle said:
In the end, it's our Mayor that is really showing who he is and how weak to let this go on, part of a major reason he will not be re-elected.

Are you insane?

LI-ghtcycle said:
Here are some nice quotes from that article:

Back in New York's financial district, the atmosphere around the protests has become increasingly debauched as more and more youngsters join.

Conspicuously living among the politically active in the makeshift village in Zuccotti Park are now also opportunistic junkies and homeless people - making the most of the freebies on offer.

Some of those camped on the site have been smoking marijuana in plain site, despite the strong police presence in the area.

Protesters said the site smells like a sewer and the free condoms have given visions of what the Woodstock festival was like. In one shocking picture, a man was seen defecating on a police car.

'Most of the kids are trust-fund babies. They don’t need to be here,' Andre, a 40-year-old activist told the New York Post. 'I’ve seen some making out, having sex. It doesn’t look good.'

Ironically, many of the wealthy youngsters are planning a 'Millionaires March' - to confront some of New York's wealthiest tycoons on Tuesday.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2047664/Occupy-Wall-Street-Children-1-good-time-protests.html#ixzz1aXyoXy3F

Blatant propaganda for sheeple.

First of all, some foolish kids will always be attracted to any excuse to behave poorly in public with a chance of getting away with it. They will also get the bulk of the media attention (welcome to the reality of the media).

This in no way effects the life and death criticality of the ability for people to assemble and demonstrate against what they perceive to be a public injustice.

They are protesting (and likely the bulk of them don't even understand why or what they are protesting, but it doesn't matter, they are still helping) the theft of ~60,000usd from my parents retirement that they had been saving there whole lives, and a similar theft of wages and savings to every american for the purpose of keeping a corrupt banking system from reaping what they sewed when they made bad decisions, then yes, that seems pretty reasonable to me.
I'm glad somebody with the time resources to make that happen is doing it, so at least some folks (obviously missed on you, and other media reading sheeple) can become aware they were the target of the biggest robbery in the history of the world, and the robbers just continuing to smile from the white house and spread big sh*t spewing lies to the people who trust them.

Do you know what happens in a country where the people can NOT protest freely against the government?
Exactly, you get the gulag archipelago.

I do know what you mean about devaluing currency. A common effect of the kind of state not only manipulating the currency, but actually creating a fantasy economy by decree. You can't legislate away all inflation. I've been watching it happen for years, as Mexico made it's long slow slide into banditry again. Somehow the rich always got thier wealth stashed away in time, while the worker lost lifesavings. This was real visible to us here, right on the rio grande. Russia did it worse than anyone though. But mexico operated a fantasy economy long enough to drive huge numbers of thier workforce north, to earn money that kept it's value awhile.

This is bad, worse than the 80's which was plenty bad in my lifetime. We have been in a fantasy economy too for at least 10 years, but it wasn't by decree, but rather by collective agreement. We decided houses were worth a lot more than they are, by collective agreement. But they weren't and the bubble popped, like they do.

I guess the main thing that is bothering me is this concentration of the blame on the banks. We did this to ourselves. But we did have lots and lots of help from politicians, bankers, wall street, and conglomo corporations like big oil.

I don't say your parents deserved to lose the money, I don't mean it that way. I'm just saying this orgy of charging it, taking out loans and flipping houses, pouring everything into the market hoping to make a killing on an OP, it all just got to be too much. Just like it did in 1929. And all of us together did it, with the assitance and blessing of the a--h---s we elected.

I just think we asked for it, and now we got it. And now we wave a sign and want to blame anybody but ourselves. The really sad thing is even worse calamity is on the way for the working poor and lower middle class who are headed for being poor. They'll pay the worst of the price, as usual.
It's actually REALLY painfully simple to stop inflation.

You don't print unbacked currency.


We went over 200years, from even before we had a federal government with ZERO inflation. A dollar bill was a redeemable representation for a set amount of gold or silver, and as such, the government couldn't just print money it didn't have real value assets to back. A dollar bill bought you the same things a dollar bought you from ~1690's to 1914. Then they created the "federal reserve"... later dropped the gold standard, then dropped the silver standard, which gave the government a key to the piggy banks of every last working persons savings and wages to steal from at will. This has since been abused like a $2 whore, but abused to a historically unprecedented amount by our current administration.

Also, ONLY the government/federal reserve has the ability to steal from you in this way. It's not anyone elses fault. No oil company can print money and devalue your currency. No corporation or other countries can steal from your kids piggy bank in this way, it is ONLY the federal reserve (mind-blowingly a private central banking group, no joke) when given permission from the executive branch of the government can just make pretend money and steal from every working man, woman, and child's savings and wages at will.

This is why folks try to direct protest towards banks.
The Bank of Canada (French: Banque du Canada) is Canada's central bank and "lender of last resort".[1] The Bank was created by an Act of Parliament (the Bank of Canada Act)[2] on July 3, 1934 as a privately owned corporation. In 1938, the Bank became a Crown corporation belonging to the Government of Canada.
SunCoaster said:
"the fallacy of man made global warming "

Wow, what an ignorant statement.

Here's a starting point for mr. studebiker's re-education:


It really doesn't take too much effort to learn the facts, but your mind must have some space free of right-wing dogma.

All I need to see is that the splash page leads with a quote from ALgore to know it is total BS. Thanks for playing, do try again sometime. :)

Don't use theft in the past tense. There is an ongoing theft that directly affects everyone. Goldman Sachs and crew in large part used wealth created from thin air through derivatives and similar financial instruments, a house of cards that the bailout prevented from fully exposing or appropriate losses recognized, to manipulate the commodities markets. They started with crude oil back in '07 and '08, which was the critical trigger or last straw popping the real estate bubble. Then that worked so well for them that they moved on to most food commodities. This is all being done using exclusion letters giving them the ability to circumvent decades old laws put in place to prevent exactly what they are doing. That's why oil prices remain high, which affects the price of everything. It's also why food prices jumped sharply in the past 3 years too.

What it boils down to is that not only did a very small group directly pocket much of life savings of many, but now they are skimming 20% or more right off the top of the price of most things. I don't really care if it was legal or not, because what's gone and going on is unconscionable and immoral, and those who perpetrated this ongoing fraud need to be tracked down, jailed, and their ill gotten wealth taken from them.

Too bad much of protesting is just a social gathering as a way to get out and score some hippie chicks, or a means for punks to misbehave hiding in a crowd, or just get out. I don't think things have gotten bad enough for true grass roots protests to begin, but it is a start. Too bad what's really going on is hidden behind transaction structures so complex that it will never get unraveled.

What to do? Get the protesters more informed about the broad scope of the ongoing theft, and better focus the protest to get off of the straight class warfare line. Only few of the haves did anything wrong. A good start of the focused demands would be to:
1. Switch the laws back so banks are only in the banking business with the investment business totally separate like it used to be.
2. Cancel all of the commodities trading exception letters retroactively, and recoup all ill gotten gains.
3. Eliminate the derivatives market and all other similar instruments by making them all null and void, and cancel their transactions retroactively.
4. Open the books of the Fed.
StudEbiker said:
SunCoaster said:
"the fallacy of man made global warming "

Wow, what an ignorant statement.

Here's a starting point for mr. studebiker's re-education:


It really doesn't take too much effort to learn the facts, but your mind must have some space free of right-wing dogma.

All I need to see is that the splash page leads with a quote from ALgore to know it is total BS. Thanks for playing, do try again sometime. :)

LOL! He's so far gone that he missed that they had to change the name to Climate Change.
liveforphysics said:
LI-ghtcycle said:
In the end, it's our Mayor that is really showing who he is and how weak to let this go on, part of a major reason he will not be re-elected.

Are you insane?

LI-ghtcycle said:
Here are some nice quotes from that article:

Back in New York's financial district, the atmosphere around the protests has become increasingly debauched as more and more youngsters join.

Conspicuously living among the politically active in the makeshift village in Zuccotti Park are now also opportunistic junkies and homeless people - making the most of the freebies on offer.

Some of those camped on the site have been smoking marijuana in plain site, despite the strong police presence in the area.

Protesters said the site smells like a sewer and the free condoms have given visions of what the Woodstock festival was like. In one shocking picture, a man was seen defecating on a police car.

'Most of the kids are trust-fund babies. They don’t need to be here,' Andre, a 40-year-old activist told the New York Post. 'I’ve seen some making out, having sex. It doesn’t look good.'

Ironically, many of the wealthy youngsters are planning a 'Millionaires March' - to confront some of New York's wealthiest tycoons on Tuesday.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2047664/Occupy-Wall-Street-Children-1-good-time-protests.html#ixzz1aXyoXy3F

Blatant propaganda for sheeple.

First of all, some foolish kids will always be attracted to any excuse to behave poorly in public with a chance of getting away with it. They will also get the bulk of the media attention (welcome to the reality of the media).

This in no way effects the life and death criticality of the ability for people to assemble and demonstrate against what they perceive to be a public injustice.

They are protesting (and likely the bulk of them don't even understand why or what they are protesting, but it doesn't matter, they are still helping) the theft of ~60,000usd from my parents retirement that they had been saving there whole lives, and a similar theft of wages and savings to every american for the purpose of keeping a corrupt banking system from reaping what they sewed when they made bad decisions, then yes, that seems pretty reasonable to me.
I'm glad somebody with the time resources to make that happen is doing it, so at least some folks (obviously missed on you, and other media reading sheeple) can become aware they were the target of the biggest robbery in the history of the world, and the robbers just continuing to smile from the white house and spread big sh*t spewing lies to the people who trust them.

Do you know what happens in a country where the people can NOT protest freely against the government?

Luke, you completely misunderstand what I am saying man, please don't get me wrong. I am NOT saying the police should be down there busting heads and clearing the streets.

First off, before you call me a media reading sheep, show me where to find this mythical "99%"? I took the pictures in the beginning of the post, I walked through the camp, I SAW with my OWN eyes what is going on in Portland, so am I a propagandist too?

EVERYONE I saw at this supposed grass roots protest fit the exact opposite of what the MAIN STREAM media largely has been portraying it.

I was there and so were you, your experience in your town being different than mine does not invalidate mine, nor mine yours.

I will say it again, I have NO problem with ANYONE protesting ANYTHING but lets accept there are limits! Even dogs don't crap and sleep in the same place, and if your ok with drug addicts coming into the protest, and doing stupid things, crapping on police cars, and allowing them to trash the place in the name of a "protest" then that is where you and I differ.

The Tea Party has NEVER been accused of this, and at worst there are a few nuts that carry obscene signs, and in at least one instance when someone started shouting racist remarks, they were shouted down by other Tea Party members.

I'm not saying you, but I am really tired of people trying to compare this to the Tea Party Protests that in most cases cleaned up the area they used, did their protest with-in the rules and they didn't have to set up a carnival to attract people to come hang out or have organizations that are highly political like labor unions busing people in.

Ordinary people organize all the time, but to say that a group of professional protesters, kids hanging out, and international socialist organizations is grass roots is absurd.

Sure there have been some average folks come too, but from what I have seen, they are by far in the minority, and how in the world can this be a "grass roots" movement when they themselves are claiming protests around the globe?

Who is calling for their protest to be ended? Not me, but I think it would make sense to arrest people who are blocking traffic just like most all the other cities have that are willing to up-hold the laws, but here in Portland, only those with the right political ideology get a pass. :roll:

I don't know what you experienced in your town, I'm only speaking to what I did in mine, and why am I now a "sheeple" for believing the reports and taking them for face value when I am seeing the same exact scene in my town?

Today a kid showed up with a wad of $100 bills in Portland and started handing them out to the protesters who have continued to block traffic, have now expanded there illegal protests which has never been registered (something any Tea Party member would be promptly fined and possibly arrested for) so how is that "allowing protest" when one side can, and the other side cannot?

How well do you really know Portland and our Mayor? I have been following the local politics here pretty close, I think I know Portland pretty well my friend. :wink:

There is much agreement on the over-all problems, and taking it JUST to the banks, and ignoring the government's involvement. BOTH are too blame, but where are these Occupiers at the White House?

99% is the Americans who got f*cked from having there wages and savings stolen to prevent a cooked banking system from having consequences for it's actions.

That 99% includes yourself, and everyone you know.

Do you know why what they are doing is important? Even the attention whore retards pooping on a cop car? They are bringing a tiny bit of awareness to a few folks.

Pooping on a car, painting themselves while naked, etc are all beneficial to this cause of trying to get a few Americans out there to wise up and recognize that they got jacked by the banks/fed. Retarded sensationalist crap is what our media covers, so way-to-go attention whore kids doing stupid things that will lead to some tiny amount of intelligent folks who see it to look into the cause of the gathering (which most of the gathered people likely don't understand, and don't need to understand), and realize they, and everyone they know were all robbed on an epic scale.

The plane was crashing from extremely poor piloting, and they begged the president to just line up 99% of the entire population in a big pile to crash the plane into and be cushioned by the general population. We never got a say in it, we took the hit, and now they profit from it.

Sometimes it takes massive sacrifice to draw the attention to awake a nation, like the classic and always effective pouring gasoline over yourself in a public place and self-immolating for your cause. Does the actual act of that persons sacrifice and body burning have any impact on a revolution or a war or oppression ending? No, of course not, it's just some foul smoke and a mess to clean up, and a guy pooping on a car is just a mess some poor cop has to clean up. However, sensational acts like that can wake a sleeping or blind population into awareness of a situation, leading to positive changes, or even revolutions as we've seen many times in history.

I don't even support there cause, and I think there methods are silly, and I personally wouldn't participate. However, if this work results in just a few percent more folks in the country realizing that this administration threw them under the bus to protect banks from exactly what they had coming to them, then it's extremely valuable and a critical step towards making a positive change in this nation.
John in CR said:
What to do? Get the protesters more informed about the broad scope of the ongoing theft, and better focus the protest to get off of the straight class warfare line. Only few of the haves did anything wrong. A good start of the focused demands would be to:
1. Switch the laws back so banks are only in the banking business with the investment business totally separate like it used to be.
2. Cancel all of the commodities trading exception letters retroactively, and recoup all ill gotten gains.
3. Eliminate the derivatives market and all other similar instruments by making them all null and void, and cancel their transactions retroactively.
4. Open the books of the Fed.

I agree here 110%!

I have no problem with people who protest, especially those who see things from a different prospective than me, or totally disagree with me! I welcome it, it's how I learn and grow! :)

I want to see the same ends as most of the Occupier's are talking about, however, I have no use for the "Evil 1%" simplistic garbage that makes everyone who has wealth from elderly who earned it, to business that employ people into enemies!

Not everyone who works at a bank, financial institution or political office is a crook! Not everyone who thinks, feels or does things differently is evil or my enemy!

That being said, revolutionary extremists are the enemies of all who love life, liberty and the many wonderful things that make this country so envied, and lets remember it didn't become great in a vacuum, we have the wealth, prosperity is not by chance, the fact that we have laws based on basic human rights, rule of law, and liberty are the REASON we have such a country.

We are not great or good with-in ourselves, but because we call each other to be better and raise each other up, we let immigrants come and share simple joys of the freedom to be allowed to succeed and bring about a better tomorrow and we are enriched by their contribution. How many "American" success stories or famous inventors were recent or the children of recent immigrants! :)

Try asking someone who lives in a place like Saudi Arabia how easy it is to just live life with out oppression and extremely limited opportunity!

You want to talk about a place with no middle class!? Try people so wealthy, they leave a brand new Land Rover or Lamborghini on the side of the road when it breaks down badly enough and just buy a new one, while not too far away, there is the average family who has two goat, and a hut to live in!

Try asking them who the 1% is, and most of us average people in our middle class live like ROYALTY compared to the average person there!

I would add to that list, abolishing the IRS, or at least the Tax code, do a consumption tax, that way the more you consume the more you pay!

That would put an end to all these tax exception games, end the 70 year business of figuring out how to outsmart the tax code and pay too little if you can figure out enough ways around it, and put a lot of tax preparers out of business (sorry if you do this for a living, punch card operators got a pink slip too :wink: nothing against you guys), and keep people honest!

Imagine how much money would be saved when you no longer have to have all these forms, filings, and a ton of paperwork to wade through!

Cut the red tape, enforce the laws, PUNISH the guilty (jail, fines what ever needs to happen with-in the law, no executions c'mon this is real life you know? we don't need to become like Cuba) and help people get back to work! 8)
liveforphysics said:
99% is the Americans who got f*cked from having there wages and savings stolen to prevent a cooked banking system from having consequences for it's actions.

That 99% includes yourself, and everyone you know.

Do you know why what they are doing is important? Even the attention whore retards pooping on a cop car? They are bringing a tiny bit of awareness to a few folks.

Pooping on a car, painting themselves while naked, etc are all beneficial to this cause of trying to get a few Americans out there to wise up and recognize that they got jacked by the banks/fed. Retarded sensationalist crap is what our media covers, so way-to-go attention whore kids doing stupid things that will lead to some tiny amount of intelligent folks who see it to look into the cause of the gathering (which most of the gathered people likely don't understand, and don't need to understand), and realize they, and everyone they know were all robbed on an epic scale.

The plane was crashing from extremely poor piloting, and they begged the president to just line up 99% of the entire population in a big pile to crash the plane into and be cushioned by the general population. We never got a say in it, we took the hit, and now they profit from it.

Sometimes it takes massive sacrifice to draw the attention to awake a nation, like the classic and always effective pouring gasoline over yourself in a public place and self-immolating for your cause. Does the actual act of that persons sacrifice and body burning have any impact on a revolution or a war or oppression ending? No, of course not, it's just some foul smoke and a mess to clean up, and a guy pooping on a car is just a mess some poor cop has to clean up. However, sensational acts like that can wake a sleeping or blind population into awareness of a situation, leading to positive changes, or even revolutions as we've seen many times in history.

I don't even support there cause, and I think there methods are silly, and I personally wouldn't participate. However, if this work results in just a few percent more folks in the country realizing that this administration threw them under the bus to protect banks from exactly what they had coming to them, then it's extremely valuable and a critical step towards making a positive change in this nation.

I get you man, I'm right there with you, but this talk of revolution IMHO is the worst possible thing to happen, get a bunch of people mad, thinking and acting like a mob (and we all know the psychology of a mob is reduced to the worst people in the mob) with no direction, with no real message, while our some of our media makes them out to be saints, while calling the supposed non-grass roots Tea Party is just a bunch of racist bigots! :roll:

I honestly don't have a "dog" in the fight either, I'm not a member of the Tea Party, but I have a lot of agreement with what I have seen them support, and the results of elections where they held even conservatives feet to the fire, and got more than a few of the old bloated idiots on the Right out of government. The Tea Party truly is about making America better by and for Americans, and they have gotten results in the polling booths, I just don't see this group in even the same league, but hey, that's ok, they're allowed to be idiots. :p

I agree with what you are saying, the government has been allowing the fed to screw us royal ever since it was instituted, and if we get that fixed, we will all be better off. However, picketing at a house of the CEO of Goldman & Sachs or some other institution is going to do nothing about fixing the fed IMHO.

I am not however part of the Mythical 99% that every one of the Occupy protests that I am aware of that is supposedly the victim of some rich guy who should give away his money not because of any reason than a silly notion that if things are fair, everyone will have the same amount of everything, and that his being richer than me is automatically a crime.

There are plenty of politicians that profited plenty, especially when you look at the housing bubble, pretty interesting that the same people forcing banks to give unqualified loans were also big share holders in the companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and made huge money themselves at cost of people's money directly.
LI-ghtcycle said:
I agree with what you are saying, the government has been allowing the fed to screw us royal ever since it was instituted, and if we get that fixed, we will all be better off. However, picketing at a house of the CEO of Goldman & Sachs or some other institution is going to do nothing about fixing the fed IMHO.

What would you suggest is better at raising awareness? If you don't have a better plan, and somebody has something going, even if it's stupid, and it gets a few folks to open there eyes, it's better than doing nothing.

LI-ghtcycle said:
I am not however part of the Mythical 99% that every one of the Occupy protests that I am aware of that is supposedly the victim of some rich guy who should give away his money not because of any reason than a silly notion that if things are fair, everyone will have the same amount of everything, and that his being richer than me is automatically a crime.

Missed the entire point.


I love rich people. I want as many millionares and billionares as possible, and I'm greatful for every one of them. They don't owe me anything, I don't want a cent from them.

What I don't love, is a single tiny branch of folks who run the fed central bank system getting to rob me, my family, my wages, and everyone I know in this great country. That's not a case of somebody being rich, it's a case of directly pillaging the piggybank and salary of every person in this country, except the tiny percent that directly benefited from it, and managed to profit from all of us getting plundered on an unprecedented scale.
liveforphysics said:
LI-ghtcycle said:
I agree with what you are saying, the government has been allowing the fed to screw us royal ever since it was instituted, and if we get that fixed, we will all be better off. However, picketing at a house of the CEO of Goldman & Sachs or some other institution is going to do nothing about fixing the fed IMHO.

What would you suggest is better at raising awareness? If you don't have a better plan, and somebody has something going, even if it's stupid, and it gets a few folks to open there eyes, it's better than doing nothing.

LI-ghtcycle said:
I am not however part of the Mythical 99% that every one of the Occupy protests that I am aware of that is supposedly the victim of some rich guy who should give away his money not because of any reason than a silly notion that if things are fair, everyone will have the same amount of everything, and that his being richer than me is automatically a crime.

Missed the entire point.


I love rich people. I want as many millionares and billionares as possible, and I'm greatful for every one of them. They don't owe me anything, I don't want a cent from them.

What I don't love, is a single tiny branch of folks who run the fed central bank system getting to rob me, my family, my wages, and everyone I know in this great country. That's not a case of somebody being rich, it's a case of directly pillaging the piggybank and salary of every person in this country, except the tiny percent that directly benefited from it, and managed to profit from all of us getting plundered on an unprecedented scale.

I understand that, but I haven't seen much being said like that at these protests, most of what I see on the posters and ideologies represented by the organizations I see there is just that, rich are evil, everyone else oppressed.

I'm not saying you are saying that, but if I happened to be living in a neighborhood where people are picketing whom ever they deem guilty, or at my house if I happen to be the focus, I'm not going to trust that they don't really mean what they say when they are talking about killing "the guilty".

Even if they aren't, no one in this country has a right to violate someone's privacy like that.

Once we start saying it's ok to picket someone's house, especially with groups like these calling for violent revolution, we are one step closer to the guillotine.

No reasonable person wants that to happen, but if we allow an angry mob to run the streets in the name of a protest as has been happening in Portland, we might not recognize the country we once had if we don't emphasis peace and cool heads.

Just about everyone knows someone or has family directly affected by this recession, and I'm not faulting calling attention to the guilty, but an angry mob outside someone's house with blood in their eyes is one step closer to a lynch mob, and we are better than that.

Again, how is this "grass roots"? Here is a video of the people helping to organize these protests, describing how indeed this is being professionally run.


Wow, that was quick.

Been following and participating my local chapter of 'occupy' and we went from being labeled dirty hippies ( only 1 in the group out of 30 ), to being labeled criminals, and now according to the local media we have a leader.. ( none of us were aware of that )

That's quite a bit of FUD from an idea that originated from adbusters, popularized by anonymous, and taken up by local people who are just pissed off about our government not representing us.

Things can be twisted around rather fast.

If this thing is funded by ACORN etc, we need to get them on the line because they haven't been sending us any money our way and we've had to rely on the donations of local individuals. :mrgreen:

Meanwhile we have been fending off special interest groups, most of them being liberal, from trying to latch on to this thing for their own publicity.. warding off homeless people.. dealing with the police and city officials here in Colorado Springs ( in the heart of the military-industrial complex, with 1 of 2 homeland security offices 4 blocks away ), and trying our best to be nice to people yelling at us and flipping us off.

If you think this is about sitting around and whining you are dead wrong. Our system is not serving us and the public needs to be aware. Get off the couch and do your part!! This is hard work and you are not winning any battles complaining about the occupy movement on the internet!
By the way, we have ex-tea partiers and republicans along side us here in Colorado. The west and east coast branches of 'occupy' will have a strong liberal color.. where i am you will get yelled at for talking about what party you're in.

There is something beautiful about people of all political stripes coming together to and hating on something other than each other for a damn change..

IMHO you live in the wrong area, li-ghtcycle. Come down and have a visit. Portland is WAY too liberal.


Once we start saying it's ok to picket someone's house, especially with groups like these calling for violent revolution, we are one step closer to the guillotine.
Woo hoo 1 step close to the guillotine!

+1 for the guillotine!
Short of that maybe perhaps pass laws making it ILLEGAL for news agencies to deliberately LIE and twist what they are reporting.

Canadian regulators announced last week they would reject efforts by Canada's right-wing Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, to repeal a law that forbids lying on broadcast news.
neptronix said:
By the way, we have ex-tea partiers and republicans along side us here in Colorado. The west and east coast branches of 'occupy' will have a strong liberal color.. where i am you will get yelled at for talking about what party you're in.

There is something beautiful about people of all political stripes coming together to and hating on something other than each other for a damn change..

IMHO you live in the wrong area, li-ghtcycle. Come down and have a visit. Portland is WAY too liberal.

Sounds good Nep, I wish I were closer!

I'm not saying there aren't any good groups out protesting, I'm talking about the origins and the false comparisons by many to the Tea Party.

I'm curious, what is your group suggesting as a solution?

I'm not saying there aren't spontaneous groups out there, I'm just pointing out that the inception certainly wasn't, and that doesn't reflect on you or your group, good on you Nep!!

We need more out there like you and your group.

Unfortunately here on the Left coast, you get a lot more of what I am seeing in Portland and apparently in NY.

One nice up-date!

Our Mayor has finally followed sanity and cleared the protesters that were blocking main street, only took him a week :roll:

And the cars towed aren't even being impounded! No charges, just moved to another place for the owners to come get. Imagine if anyone else had done the same thing!

To their credit, the majority of the protesters agreed to clear main street, only 8 had to be arrested that refused to move, and I still say they had a right to do that, (I'm not against civil disobedience) even though I think they are fools for doing it, they could take a lesson from people like you Nep, and your group!

I hope that this begins to shift into something more effective and something that the average person can relate to!

The idiots like the majority of what I have seen in Portland are hurting the movement by full-filling the "dirty hippie" cliche and taking away from any message (these protesters are saying they are still trying to get a consensus on that message last I heard) they could be sending.

I wish I had a local protest here that I could be a part of' unfortunately as you say, Portland is far too hard left to let any other message out.
Lessss said:


Once we start saying it's ok to picket someone's house, especially with groups like these calling for violent revolution, we are one step closer to the guillotine.
Woo hoo 1 step close to the guillotine!

+1 for the guillotine!
Short of that maybe perhaps pass laws making it ILLEGAL for news agencies to deliberately LIE and twist what they are reporting.

Canadian regulators announced last week they would reject efforts by Canada's right-wing Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, to repeal a law that forbids lying on broadcast news.

Oh yes, state controlled media. A place where even preachers in churches can be fined for reading something from a holy book that isn't in agreement with the "truth" that he state has decreed.

I'll keep the free press thank you very much, don't like the news you are getting? Listen to both sides ... oh right you only get one side when laws control who or what is "right" or "true" :roll:

You can keep your "truth" and I will make up my own mind after listening to all the free information out there and make an INFORMED opinion.

I don't let anyone else least of all media make it for me much less my Government, but that explains a lot given that Adbusters is a Canadian group! :lol:

Free speech isn't free apparently in Canada, how far gone is a country that actually regulates what is "true" or allowed to be said by the media?

You can keep that kind of "freedom" in Canada thank you very much, I'll stick with a free press that isn't muzzled by the government. :p

LI-ghtcycle - check your bread for Urgot poisoning.
Don't feel bad Lightcycle he gets mad at me when I remind him about being able to suspend parliament too. Hehehehe. He is Canadophile and a Ameriphobe extraordinaire just let him snort some more maple leaves.
8) 8)

stop watching and paying attention when he starts trying to sell you a report and gold silver investment tips.
wineboyrider said:
Don't feel bad Lightcycle he gets mad at me when I remind him about being able to suspend parliament too. Hehehehe. He is Canadophile and a Ameriphobe extraordinaire just let him snort some more maple leaves.
8) 8)

He he I didn't know that was a common practice for some in Canada! :mrgreen:

Maybe that is what caused the Stanley Cup Riots! :shock: :wink: