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Pikes Peak Race--Entering?

Wrong link man?

You got the wrong date in the heading! Yeah and wrong link...you were going to arrange carpools etc.

You think we are going to fall for that was a simple mistake?

This is too smart of crowd here...

You tell opti to call the dogs off...they will get hurt messing around with this crowd.
Nice try nimbuzz...you crafty dog.How much did you sale us out for?

You optiguys are ruthless...

I think physics is going to lose 100 bucks to change his plane reservations...i heard he is mad.

How could you mistake those two events?

One is for extreme gas powered motorcycles and racing cars...a freaking race race.

And the other is described as a "non race" fun event not even a race but a RIDE: How can you win a fun ride? Did you read this event actually has a speeding limit...that's because your not suppose to be racing. They have police motorcycle riding along with you make sure no one speed breaks. How is that a race? Nobody wants to race where they can get a ticket and it has cops cruising it non stop... Opti is racing with itself.

Taken right from the bicycle ride website:

Welcome to the Greatest “Fun Ride” in the United States!

The Assault on the Peak cycling event gives riders of all abilities a truly unique experience. This is the only fully supported cycling ride that includes a 14,000 foot peak on a closed course! The only vehicles you will share the road with will be police and our support vehicles. The road up to the summit is nearly all paved. Last year there were 2.5 miles of hard pack and the City of Colorado Springs has plans to pave another mile this year. Meaning that the 24.5 mile trek up the mountain will be paved for 23 miles! This is a true CHALLENGE event. Riders leave Manitou Springs and begin climbing right away. There will be 4 fully supported rest stops on the way to the Summit. More than 300 riders were part of our first Assault in 2010 and we are expecting many more to be part of the Fun this year. We have lots of improvements planned so if you rode last year or if this will be your first attempt make sure you keep August 28th open.
:lol: wtf this is the strangest thread i have read on here for a while?? Pikes Peak always seems to throw this up? you wanna check out the power assist forum if you want to see arguments over this one, lets not bring that kind of BS to this forum please, those who are going to race go but do your homework, its not as easy as it first looks :twisted: Opti have always held this up as an achievement without any serious competition, so if you are serious make some competition for them :twisted: its on the wrong side of the pond for me, however I have 2 rides in my garage that would do it with style 8)
Sorry guys..but i got inside dope on nimbuzz...

I met with the opti leadership over breakfast last week (many people on this group were witnesses and can verify i am speaking truth) ...and nimbuzz just happened to be there...just happened to be. The only other "opti owner" there.

I am not making this up...we are having breakfast in an upstairs dark hovel and that guy nimbuzz never took his sunglasses off...i swear to you... and he had in his ear this little ear piece.

This guys i know for a fact is a opti ambassador with big ties to opti. Their was a lot of secret "keep this down low talk" at the table that day..and nimbuzz ...my guess he has something to do with opti security...lets just say the guy is pretty scary looking. He looks like he would eat physics for breakfast...be careful physics if you meet this guy outside the race track.

There is more here than you know...but believe me...we just dodged a bullet. Or maybe not a bullet but aleast a smoke screen. This was a well thought out plan that just got foiled.

And who wants to race on a race with a speed limit and a police presence anyways? Stay clear of that August "ride" guys...instead make your plane reservations now to the SF Hill Climb Race on may 14th...in reality which city do you really want to visit...boondocks colorado...or San Francisco California....come here and race...forget about that pike peek hill "ride". It aint no thing. Once there is police on motorcycles involved it aint no fun...especially in ultra conservative colorado.

And as for Nimbuzz...he is a lot smarter than i thought...i think some ES administrator should pop a cap in his azz and silence him.

Admins...make me a moderator and I will pull the trigger when needed.... i am fast like that....I got your back fellas...i think a little credit is due here for flushing out a rat.
This is getting down right entertaining! I think I might use it for my next screenplay!
Alan B said:
What is the speed limit? What is the speed of previous winners?? There may be plenty of room for "racing" under the speed limit on these grades with ebikes!

It depends which race you are talking about Allen.

If you meant the gasser race that you were almost fished to in some classes they average over 50mph.

In the fun ride in august...opti won it last year in the rides inaugural year with an average speed of 12mph. 2 optis crossed the finish line at the very same time.They were the first riders to finish by like 40 minutes. (like 300 pedal bicyclists entered)

There were 4 other ebikes besides the 2 optis...and only one of those actually finished...the rest of the ebikes pooped out.
well the problem this year is you also got to ride downhill...or "race" downhill depending on how u phrase it. You ride to the top...and then back down to the finish line.

but trust me if the right rider shows up (phycics, matt, etc) speed limit will be a problem going up the hill as well.

When those guys race it will seem outright dangerous...how fun is race with average speed of 12mph? Really...come on now.

Just wait and see at the May 14th hill climb....its ridiculous what an "unlimited" ebike can put out...both range and speed. You really dont think physics cant manage to beat 12mph for wtvr miles? Really? Probably 100 other members can win that ride as well. Remember no weight limit...throw 100 pounds of battery on her if you have to you will make 20 miles on pavment...no problem..and 12mph...no problem... i guess since the cat is out of the bag you will see this year.

98 percent of success is showing up.
Isnt there only one road up the peak ?
With 300 riders of varying abilities, it strikes me as a little risky to have bikes racing up and down the same road at the same time.
I really dont see the point in racing down anyway !
Looks like the ride down is just to get back. Not part of the race. Riders can also take a shuttle down.


Total elevation gain is 7710 feet. "The average grade is 6.7%, with a maximum grade of 10.5%."

Enough cooling and battery will get across the finish line. The elevation gain alone will require
lots of batts. Then pile on more for the 24 miles and pushing wind at speed.

Maybe do like NASA and shed weight by dropping your spent LiPos along the side of the road :mrgreen:
bmxed said:
Enough cooling and battery will get across the finish line. The elevation gain alone will require
lots of batts. Then pile on more for the 24 miles and pushing wind at speed.

Maybe do like NASA and shed weight by dropping your spent LiPos along the side of the road :mrgreen:

At a quick estimate, the top TdF climbers have a power-to-weight ratio of about 6.5 watts per kg - so I'd guess the Optis are in the same region. So if bike and rider weigh 100 kg that's about 700 watt hours delivered to the wheel to beat them up the climb - plus whatever you need to make up you efficiency losses. You won't need so much coming down! :wink:

If you have the power to climb it at 25 mph with the same efficiency then, because you are doing it in half the time, you wouldn't need much more battery capacity, just 100 watt hours or two to deal with the increased wind resistance.
I was poking around on the pikes peak race site, and didn't see an ebike class. I started to wonder if it was a completely seperate race or something.

I did see requirements for EV battery construction that would DQ me at the tech inspection on any of my bikes, even the ping powered ones. You'd have to build a pretty expensive fan ventilated battery box. Waived for the ebikes?

Should read before spewing. Obviously this is a completely different race. Hmm, I'm interested. Maybe one of my dirt bikes would be up to it. From what I heard of the optibike performance, a 9c on 2000 watts ought to slam it, if that is, it don't melt down.

Looking some more at the website, I don't see any Electric class listed. Informal bragging rights class? Any tech inspection? My battery looks like a IED ya know.

I'm interested. What's the length, the full course or the half way ride? The full course is 7,700 feet of vertical. I couldn't see pushing much more than 800 watts for that kind of rise for 24 miles though a 9c. Pedal assiting would help a lot, but at 14000 feet, my pedal assist would be a joke.
dog--Is this the link you have?


In last year's results they list that the top two are ebikes.
This is where I was getting My info:

here is the entry fee info:

it would be worth your time to read page 2 of thread to see what happened.

Nimbezz, an "optibike ambassador" tried to dupe us into entering that gasser race. Physics was packing his bags and preparing his bike to make the journey to colorado and he would have been smashed by gas race cars and motorcycles.

I had to correct the entire situation by showing the group the correct link and date...etc.Then nimbezz edited his original posts.

This Nimdezz may have tried to pull the biggest coupe in Endless Sphere history and it was me who saved us. Read the entire thread...i have inside dope on who Nimbezz is. Pretty sly fellow he is...i think some kind of e-assassin sent over from the optibike groups where he is an avid poster.
How do you prove it?

What are the chances that someone close to optibike would come over and egg us on to go to their race, and try to take their throne from them? The pikes peak victory is one of their biggest performance selling boasts....key to their entire marketing strategy.

I got inside dope on nimbuzz...read thread...i have met him face to face along with opti top rung leadership...i got inside dope on him.

There were only 4 other ebikes in the race that werent optis last year and none of them were serious contendors. 2 of those were bmc hub drives.

I think Nimbuzz is too smart to willingly advertise optis back yard neighborhood race, and try to get the fastest electric bikes on the planet there.

Also how could Nimbuzz...an avid opti loyalist...mistake a hard core gasser event for a friendly "bicycle hill ride"??

How could Nimbuzz be 2 months off on the date?

My guess this was an ES Coupe attempt launched our way cruise-missle style from Jim Turner's office himself....as revenge for all the opti slamming TylerDurden has been doing in another threads....tylerdurden being one of our big leaders over here....this was a highly thought out tactic...a chess move...between big political forces in the ebike forum world.

We were witnesses to an optibullet....a very clever one. Clever dog that nimbuzz...nice move optidude...but checkmate...we got you.
Well. Adding up what it would cost me to go to this pikes peak bicycle race in August, I just can't afford it. Lotta miles on the car, and I still have lots of battery payments to make all summer for what I took to the DR.

But I have a whole stable full of ebikes, and a really good test hill nearby that I used for my motor melt off. Anybody passing by with an Optibike, or any ebike, I 'll race em up San Augustine pass on hwy 70 any time. You just pick out the kind of bike you want to race against. I bet even my trike could beat the opti up that hill.

The trike is 48v 20 amps, pulls 1000 real world watts. Schwinn meridian with a 9c 2810 front hub.
between big political forces in the ebike forum world

wow. Thanks for that. Now I feel like a real badass, and not just another desk jockey who builds electric bikes.

Did you know that: like every president of the United States, every e-bike company was also started by Free Masons?


Next year the event will be called "Submission on Pikes Peak."

Commandant Taber
knoxie said:
:lol: wtf this is the strangest thread i have read on here for a while?? Pikes Peak always seems to throw this up? you wanna check out the power assist forum if you want to see arguments over this one, lets not bring that kind of BS to this forum please, those who are going to race go but do your homework, its not as easy as it first looks :twisted: Opti have always held this up as an achievement without any serious competition, so if you are serious make some competition for them :twisted: its on the wrong side of the pond for me, however I have 2 rides in my garage that would do it with style 8)

Yes, it sure is strange over there. Maybe we should organise our own hill climb in the UK, a proper gentlemen's event. Rules would include wearing plus fours and carrying a bottle of champers.

Seriously, though, a hill climb is possibly more attractive to many e-bikers than a race on the level, as there's a good chance with a nearly legal bike. There is also a long tradition of hill climb competitions in the gasser, sorry, petroleum world. It might not be difficult to find a series of venues.

How about this for starters http://www.wiscombepark.co.uk/news/news1.html

This is not a race, only a social gathering. A climbing race has no rules, but to make it to the top as fast as you can build and ride. What about downhill with a speed limit that is a joke, you really want to compete in braking performance?