Pocket Mod Adventures


100 TW
May 28, 2010
Coordinates: 33°52′48″N 117°55′43″W
I was looking at the exploded diagram for the Razor Pocket Mod (Especially the frame) and had oh so many ideas of what I could rebuild one of those into, or even many of those; now I've finally managed to get my hands on one. Cheap.

Before I rip it apart completely I think I'll figure out why it doesn't work. The motor runs, it spends the rear wheel unless the wheel is on the ground. This is a brushed motor, nothing about a hall sensor. Too dark to mess with it once I got home tonight: What do you suppose I'll find broken when I get at it in the morning? Don't expect to have a use for that little motor anyway, but that can't be the problem, can it?

Someone here already put my planned motor on a Mongoose, sounded as though it was working out for him.


Well, darn it, the MOTOR doesn't have a freewheel, but that's where the problem is. Didn't get time to mess with it until it was getting dark and this is an example of there's no time for to make the thing work BETTER when they're designing it, but plenty of time to make it harder to take apart. Plus I see I should have asked for the 'You already worked on it yourself' discount. (Nah, it was cheap enough.) Maybe later this week. But there's the pic of the motor, I'm guessing once I can be sure it's tight it might not have a problem anymore.

There's the pic of the motor. That's an unusual looking attachment, eh? Just as well the motor is leaving, but I can sell it if it works right.

I had one of those (dunno if it made it into a shed after the fire, maybe I still have it), and IIRC it was just dead SLA batteries, but I think there was something wrong with the potted brushed controller too.

The motor's not much to work with; I burned out a similar one in one of my first ebike experiments before I had much clue to what I was doing. :lol:

If you don't need it to run very long at a time, you can actually pour significant power thru it, as long as you either force-cool it, or otherwise let it cool down before doing it again. If it's geared down enough, it can do a fair bit of work, maybe 4-5 times what it's rated for easy, but only for seconds at a time.

Do it for a minute or two and it's probably toast. :oops:

EDIT: Sorry, mine wasn't the Pocket Mod, it was whatever this started life as:
But I would guess they use the same guts on a different frame/body; what I can see of the parts look the same.

Once I googled the pics of a PM, I rememberd seeing one at goodwill for something like $100 (I don't know if it worked, the batteries were dead), which I'm sure it wasn't worth. It's definitely bigger than the one I had (it looked like a miniature pink Vespa, sort of).
Had no idea these things went so cheap. Could get 4 or an electric skateboard and people say it's doing almost 30mph

If ur going to mod you can get a 16hp motor and esc from hobby king. $600 for them, 600 more for batteries, throw it in a frame and sell it for 2000 and the market is empty