Pressure fit Solderless battery holder set up possible?


10 mW
Nov 12, 2020
would this be smart considering i took precaution to double triple check that that batteries were in the right orientation?

lets say this. i 3d print battery holders almost the same as standard holders now just with extra length along the batteries of course for better grip and maybe a tad thicker considering theyll be holding the entire battery together. then get a sheet of that pre cut battery nickel like the ones where it was the series connections and parallel connections already made in that grid shape.( you know which ones i mean) and make another 3d printed part that holds the nickel strip part inside of it and can be pressed down onto the battery as a whole once it has been laid out correctly. likely with proper indents so the nickel can fit into the grooves like veins and not be prone to slide out. lets say i even made a locking mechanism for the batteries and nickel strip connections for every parallel group to add extra rigidity and even added some barrel bolts in-between parts of the packs to keep everything compressed.

also the whole thing would also be pressure fit. so tight tolerances( not too tight though. perfect amount)
also would fit together like a sandwich on both sides if that makes sense. both sides can be made to connect to eachother so one can not move without the other.

would that be a good design? id say why not? besides the downfall of putting the whole thing on at once and if you miss placed your batteries you could short the whole pack lol. besides that would it be good? assuming everything was rigid enough.

bad idea or good idea? thank you
Use Sketchup or other 3D modeling soft to illustrate your idea

Personally I have little idea of what you mean from that text
Sounds like you're talking about a Vruzend, NESE, etc type system. There's been a fair number of solderless systems over the years, and many many posts and threads about them, if you poke around the forums. That will show you what's already been done, what works, what doesn't, and most importantly, why.