Push trailer, how to?


1 µW
Jan 29, 2022
There is a great number of thefts of E-bikes
I had an idea, but I am not a technician at all.
What about a push trailer? I was thinking of buying a e.scooter and put it on a wheel-less bike-trailer.
This is just to try it out. To see if it works.
I would like the motor to be connected to the pedals, in order to be EU street legal.
What I cannot understand is-- How are the pedals being able to tell what speed is necessary?
On an ordinary E-bike I guess there must be a system for that although I cannot understand how.
The motor should only work when needed?
Anyway with a push bike trailer it can be disconnected from bike and one can take into shop to use it as
a shopping-cart
If you search, there are older threads on push trailers on this forum.

The short answer for how it works, is you would take a kit to add a motor to a bike, and put the pedal controls and the display on the bike, then extend the wires long enough to reach the battery and motor on the trailer.

As for theft, good locks help some. But in the USA I found the best approach was doing my errands as early in the morning as possible. Tweakers are up all night looking for drugs, and tend to be asleep in the early morning. This is of course not so easy for those who work all morning.

And if the bike is nice enough, they will steal just the bike anyway. Sometimes cheap and ugly can help.