Sabvoton with qs273 50h


10 mW
May 4, 2019

Little problem, my controller Sabvoton 72150 unlocked probably doesn't like the new motor qs273 50h. The old configuration was the same Sabvoton and QS205 V3 without any problems many years. Now in test drive with new motor vibration and jerking started after 100 meters drive when tried to accelerate and also when using variable ebrake (second throttle) , so I did again the hall test of the controller, which I managed to pass with difficulty finally. During the test, the engine did not want to rotate slowly, only a small hissing noise was heard from the motor or a strong jerk a few times and the test was stopped. In the end, however, it went through successfully and the bike worked for one ride, even then I noticed jerking once when I started from a stop, the rest of the trip went well. Today, when I wanted to go for a drive, it didn't work again, same problem. I started shaking the wires and did a hall test couple of times and try to turn the throttle rear wheel on the air to see if it still jerks and suddenly it started working smoothly like it should and worked well during the short test.

Earlier I measured the motor hall sensors using multimeter with the connector disconnected from the controller and they seem to be working correctly (Grin Tech hall sensor test pdf)

I also measured from the controller hall connector:

between - and + almost 5v
between - and 1/3 almost 5v
between - and 2/3 about 3v
between - and 3/3 about 3v.

If the hall connectors of the controller and the motor are connected to each other, the voltage values are the same in normal working or malfunction situation.
Controller is 6 years old and always working perfect with qs205 and now this new motor qs273 50h is brand new.

Summary is that everything works perfectly until suddenly jerking and vibration starts and driving is impossible, at some point after on/off, shaking wires, hall test or connectors unplug it start working like nothing problem never been until everything starts again. I did a hall test out of curiosity for old QS205 and it went acceptable on the first try like always.

I havent measured the phase wires in case something could be found there.

So, does anybody have idea what to do?
Have you raised the current for the hall test for the bigger motor?
When I did the first hall test with the QS260 motor in my scooter, the controller did also not turn the motor. With raised current everything worked as it should.
Have you raised the current for the hall test for the bigger motor?
When I did the first hall test with the QS260 motor in my scooter, the controller did also not turn the motor. With raised current everything worked as it should.
Yes, I raised the current many times, biggest was about 45A. Finally test was passed ok about 15-20A. At this moment bike is working normal but you never know how long. Maybe there is touch disorder in somewhere or controller is little bit damaged.