Having crimped A LOT of JSTs they aren't too bad after you do a few, easier than other connectors. I've both used a voltage divider and sent 5v to the throttle and drop it down to the 3.3v range and just run the throttles at 3.3v which is the better solution as all of these hall sensors are fine at 3.3v.
It seems even the cheapest VESCs come with pretty modern and powerful FETs which is another reason I like them. Most VESCs are rated for continuous phase amps in the name and often give a peak phase amps number in the listing as well. Now that is all down to cooling but many are using MPCBs with these big FETs mounted to them and then the MPCB mounted to an aluminum case so heatsinking is efficient and low Rds of these FETs means just a lot less heat to start with. The trick with the cheap VESCs is finding ones that are built well, I've had to tweak some of the cheap ones here and there due to build quality issues. Like the MKESC 84200HP I just put on a bike I had to grind the MPCB flat so it would make good contact with the case, honeslty can't recommned that model, they are selling a totally unfinished product and even though the designer is transparent about it, that doens't change the fact it's unfinished. It seems like it takes them a couple of versions to fix all the issues but many of these manufactuers are getting better at it now. There are also some middle range options that are not made by cheap as possible Chinese companies but also aren't super pricey like the premium options. If you don't want the faff those may be a good choice.