VID PID on Magic / Smart pie programming cable Golden Motor


1 µW
Jun 24, 2010

I'm now to the forum here, well for posting that is....Read some interesting things here but could not find the info I was searching for so time for some posting.

I've build a solarboat to compete in the frisian solar challenge, and built a bicycle with 36V 250w motor.

Now i got me a Magic pie or smartpie motor to build in a small moped.

I got it set up for my 48V battery, but got intrigued by the way the controller can be programmed.

Looking for info on the net, it looks like the golden motor programming cable could talk serial, but it use HID device. I have been messing around with usb-serial controllers a lot, and these always change (virtual) port numbers when inserted in an other usb socket.

GM made an interface using soma small MCU that presents it self as HID, so no more changing ports, very clever. I’m curious how this works.

There seem to be a PI-200I , PI-200E and PI-300I, I guess the electronics are all the same, but the connectors just are different.

Can anyone take a look at their device management (control panel / hardware) an see what PID and VID the cable has?
I might want to try and build a homebrew cable……

One can see this in properties, details and pick hardware ID from the pull down menu.

Kind regards,


(moderator edit: I merged your duplicate threads into the first one. Please do not create more than one thread for the same question. Be patient and wait for someone to answer your original question. )
Sorry for the double post, I did not realise I posted this double.

Maybe an accident refreshing the page of, something happened when I browsed through the web-browsers history.

Thank you for merging the posts, I edited this last one because there is no need for twice the same message. It usually annoys peole when it looks like people are inpatient.

About my question,
I was thinking about using a MPC2200 chip to replace the programming lead, it converts USB to serial and VID and PID can be set.
So if the configuration software talks to the VID and PID of the intreface cable, this 3 USD could be the heart of your homebrew cable.

Maybe other options can be considered, I hope to get some communications going here.

Kind regards,
