VOMO 20mph Electric Scooter *Indiegogo

Yeah, it's much lighter than the Eco Reco M3. I notice it only goes about 15-16mph but other then that it's pretty nice. I'm not sure if it's capped or what.. I'm still testing that out. It should go 20mph.

We'll worth what I paid for but it would be awesome to have a scooter which goes about 20-25mph. I do have to kick going uphill but on flat ground it's great.
good to know the scooter is awesome!
so it looks like the only place to order now is through alibaba?

there's no Buy button on vomo's website. :(
hoping there's a retailer on the east coast or something on amazon.com
There have been talk that this was all a scam and that only 35 of the 800+ people backing it on Indiegogo ever received a product. Does anyone know about any of this?