Which controller should I buy?

Nov 23, 2020
I want these features

1_48-72 volt 40-50 amper (1kw-3kw)
3_sinüs controller
4_torque simulation throttle (I want not speed simulation)
5_Responsive and fast throttle with minimal lag
6_full power quick start (hardstarts)
7_regeneration charging and e-break

What brand and model controller should I use for these features?

Does the Sabvoton SVMC7245 provide these features? (I do not know it is hardstarts, tork similation,repronsive,quikly)
mehmetoz1980 said:
What specific features do you need to be able to program, and what specific ranges of options do you need those features to support?

Many controllers are "programmable" via their displays in some way (such as changing wheel size and other minor settings), but may not support user-changing of most other things. Some are very programmable, but may be quite complex / difficult to setup initially because you *have* to set all of them up for your specific motor/battery/etc and your specific usage scenario. And there are plenty of in-betweens.

4_torque simulation throttle (I want not speed simulation)
Do you want "torque simulation" or do you want actual torque control?

Torque simulation usually changes the current limit for each assist level, rather than the speed limit.

Torque control is done typically with FOC controllers and any other controllers that actually sense phase current (vs typical controllers that only sense battery current) by using the throttle to control the phase current to the motor itself, and can be much smoother and easier to control than the other methods, depending on how each controller implements it.

Torque control can be done just by controlling the battery current, indirectly controlling phase currents, but it is not as direct and may not be as smooth as the other.

7_regeneration charging and e-break
Do you want variable regen, or do you only need it to be on/off? Variable regen is "free" with FOC controllers, in that it's just as easy to implement as a throttle, as far as controller design goes (but it doesn't mean the controller always supports it...it just doesnt' really have a reason not to).

Variable is easier on your system mechanically but is a bit more complex to control. Some systems use a separate variable input for ebrake vs throttle (so you can use your brake lever to control all braking just like normal), some just use the same one but the ebrake switch triggers the throttle to become a variable braking control (this is much less natural to operate).

On/off regen is harder on your system mechanically, but is simpler to control; there's only a simple switch engaged by your brakes or brake lever.

must have extensive programming

I guess preferably actual torque control would be better.

But I don't know this subject very well.
I am using golden motor magic pie 5.
The internal original controller is broken. it was torque control (but i not it is know tork similation or actual tork control)

I loved the original controller ,it is sinüs,very hardstarts,tork throotle,very repronsive. But it was limited, not enough
45km/h speed limited,it is 1000 watt,it is 48 volt

new controller It should be as if my original control's bounds were removed

must be at least 60km/h

I don't know much about Regen.the original controller also had this, i like it
mehmetoz1980 said:
Can anyone please suggest a controller?
FYI: Golden Motor Canada still has most of the original controllers listed

Also there have been several examples of replacing the GM Controller with an external Grin Phase Runner Controller.
thanks, but the original controller is limited to 1000 watts. also 45km/h

Grin Phase Runner Controller is expensive And I don't know if it satisfies my requests, someone should explain
Also, I don't like the socket structure and its small size, it didn't seem safe to me.
mehmetoz1980 said:
thanks, but the original controller is limited to 1000 watts. also 45km/h

Grin Phase Runner Controller is expensive And I don't know if it satisfies my requests, someone should explain
Also, I don't like the socket structure and its small size, it didn't seem safe to me.

Perhaps you can update your original post to include your budget and the things you don't want/like so all of the info is in one place.

Looks like you want cheap and big, with some sort of connector preferences yet to be described.
Of course, the budget is important, but if a controller with the features I want is not cheap, then I have to buy it, even if it is expensive.

it is expensive or cheap
Is there a controller that meets all these features I want?

Does the Grin Phase Runner Controller meet all these features?(although I don't like the socket structure and it's expensive)

I also need more information about the Sabvoton SVMC7245 controller, it seems to meet most needs.
Although it is said on the forum that 0-20km acceleration is slow for sabvoton, there is a hard start option in the software videos.
this is confusing ,0-20km acceleration is necessary, indispensable for me

mehmetoz1980 said:
I want these features

1_48-72 volt 40-50 amper (1kw-3kw)
3_sinüs controller
4_torque simulation throttle (I want not speed simulation)
5_Responsive and fast throttle with minimal lag
6_full power quick start (hardstarts)
7_regeneration charging and e-break

What brand and model controller should I use for these features?

Does the Sabvoton SVMC7245 provide these features? (I do not know it is hardstarts, tork similation,repronsive,quikly)
An option would be to get a generic/dumb sine wave controller that support regen, and a Cycle Analyst in front of it to do the rest to meet the above requirements. Are you currently running 72V? My guess is at 72V, even with only 50A, you'll be looking more for a slow start feature to make the bike rideable, but that's where the Cycle Analyst can help. "Hard start" is really normal mode.
Thanks for your reply E-HP

I will research and evaluate the cycle analyst

my magic pie 5 is very hard start, (internal controller with 1000 watts)As soon as I touched the gas, 1000 watts would load.
Front wheel was rising from the ground with sudden gas.
maybe 1500-1800 watts hard start can be used.

3000-4000 watts yes hard start can not be used