Why battery packs?


100 W
Jul 28, 2011
I imagine that there is a huge resistance, when using a battery pack, because all of these small cells are in series or parallel. Is it impossible to take a small cell and make them 100 times bigger? I think it is crazy to have battery packs as big as 60V40Ah. Can't they just make a cell that is bigger? That would maybe increase max charge and discharge?

The max discharge time on these lifepo4 batteries really stinks :( You have to have HUGE packs, if you want to built a decent motorcycle with a 50 kW motor. I hope the scientists comes up with something to replace these damn batteries once and for all.
I have read somewhere here on the sphere, that it's harder to get good performance from large flat cells than it is from smaller ones. So when you get into huge flat shapes the c rate goes down. So there tends to be a stack of smaller flat pouches inside a large lifepo4 prismatic cell.

It's true though, for our dream ebike or emotorcycle, we'd love to have something much much smaller in size. Other chemistries, such as lipo are smaller. But as long as we are dreaming, how nice would it be if 4kw of battery fit in a shoebox? That's what we really could use. Then truly long range would fit on bikes and motorcycles easily.

But if you think about it, we sure have it good already compared to just a few years back. Lipo is sure working good for me when I need the best power in the smallest space.
Okay. Thats why..

I think batteries are history. I hope someone will invent some nano ultra X3000 hyper galactic shit, that would really make a difference :)

Yes but lipo explodes? But it think that lipos has huge advantage when it comes to discharge. 60C or something. That is crazy.
Gas explodes even better than lipo.

We should be grateful for the nice tiny little lipo backs.

I don't think we should be able to ask or expect more.

Until we find out the oil companies already have a battery that will fit in a shoebox and power a vehicle for a thousand miles.That they been hiding from us. :twisted:
This technology should get us well on our way for the next 50 years or so:


Graphene technology is the future! Graphene is just Graphite =carbon, but in a really thin sheet of just 1 atom thick!

google graphene and you will be amazed of how fast the research is developping and of what they already have achieved!
This is no sciencefiction anymore!

O and Graphene is also translucent and 200 times stronger than steel! And VERY cheap non toxic and abundant aswell.
Carbon is just one of the most abundant materials in the universe, I have no doubt that this material will revolutionize all technology and especially transport, there's no way back!! :D
Quajochem said:
O and Graphene is also translucent and 200 times stronger than steel! And VERY cheap non toxic and abundant aswell.
Carbon is just one of the most abundant materials in the universe, I have no doubt that this material will revolutionize all technology and especially transport, there's no way back!! :D

THIS IS SUCH GREAT NEWS! But we will still have that running dry of lithium problem wont we?
..... this thread :roll: where do i begin
i love and hate batteries..

id like to have cold fusion or a nuke rod in a bucket of water on the back of my bike..

A battery that could self recharge somehow would be pretty great
nechaus said:
i love and hate batteries..

id like to have cold fusion or a nuke rod in a bucket of water on the back of my bike..

A battery that could self recharge somehow would be pretty great

Nuclear battery.. No problem ;)
My personal favorite fantasy would be tapping the earths magnetic field. Get levitation first, then energy to move too. Viola, a flying saucer.
What I want to say is: Graphene is known and used for lithium based batteries for few years by now and only accomplished improvement is charge/discharge rate, I have seen this or similar article about 3 years ago, also about air zink/air metal, chalk batteries and dozen of others promising to improve almost everything 10 or more times, in Lithium or other chemistry's, we should not believe every theoretic statement we read. Practice is very different to investment money seeking theory, and graphene over few years have proven to not be able increase energy density. At least we have good C rates.
dogman said:
My personal favorite fantasy would be tapping the earths magnetic field. Get levitation first, then energy to move too. Viola, a flying saucer.

Nice ! hehe.
Quajochem said:
parabellum said:

If I were to buy batteries now, would this be the best option that everybody uses on here?
They sure look convenient :p
If you need those discharge rates you probably need Nanotech.
I personally have few for fun and quick testing. The best bang for the buck is this. http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__15521__Turnigy_5000mAh_4S1P_14_8v_20C_hardcase_pack.html
Have ~ 5 kW of those :D