Wiring up the Trojans


100 W
Sep 3, 2008
Hey all, I made a video showing some unique wire that I used to make interconnect cables for the Trojan batteries i just installed in my ZAP. The terminal spacings are different from the old batteries, so I needed to fabricate some new longer cables. What's so special is that I used #1AWG wire, but it is a high flex type. It takes no effort at all to bend the wire, and it feels almost like a limp rubber hose. It has very compliant insulation and the conductor strands are thinner than a strand of hair. There are well over 1000 strands making up the conductor bundle......
I used a heavy crimp tool (huge!) to squeeze on the lugs, then soldered the crimp (with very heavy duty soldering iron since the wire is so thick) to keep moisture out, followed by a small covering of heat shrink.

Wow, it takes a nerd to get all excited over a wire heheheh

Puppyjump said:
I used a heavy crimp tool (huge!) to squeeze on the lugs, then soldered the crimp (with very heavy duty soldering iron since the wire is so thick) to keep moisture out, followed by a small covering of heat shrink.
FWIW, the hydraulic crimpers are on the shelf in the HF stores.
Sale price is usually ~50

Check welding supply stores for cable... usually very flexible and heavy duty. Tractor supply may also have it if you are in a jam and willing to pay a premium.
Careful with HF crimpers--at least one of them doesn't correctly label the dies, so they're all the wrong sizes for the wire/connectors they're actually for. (there are at least a couple threads on DIYEC forums about this problem, and on the EVDL)
Roy Von Rogers said:
Where did you get the cable from, and what was the cost.

Well, the cable I'm using is leftover scraps some guy gave me. I don't know how much it costs or where to get it new. But it looks like welding cable is a very similar wire. The wire I used is mfg'd by Cooner Wire Co
def215 said:
nice car. you arent in the US are you? ive never seen it here ever in my life. do you think power wire for car audio systems would work? its similar to what you were describing in the video. like this.

I think those wires in the photo look just fine.
High power audio cable is fine to use for wiring up motors/batteries/controllers etc. Just so long as you use a size with CSA (crosss sectional area) sufficient to carry the required current.
The tin plated copper wire is great to use where oxidation/corrosion may be a problem so it is especially useful for electric boat applications.
Roy Von Rogers said:
So how are you doing with the new batteries, was kind of looking forward to your report.

Right now the Trojans are working fine. I've got about 300 miles on them. At first the new Trojans died at about 8 miles per charge, but now I can get about 20 miles per charge and they seem to be getting a little more balanced too. I have not had to add water yet.

I don't know why my original sealed Discover batteries only lasted 4500 miles...the car was at the dealer for a year before I bought it so maybe in that time they abused the batteries by draining to much or by not keeping them charged. Or maybe Discover batteries suck. I'm hoping to get more than 10K miles out of the Trojans. Some people say I might get 20K.
Well I'm waiting for delivery on my PK, it was suppose to be delivered last week, but the transport guy caught the flu and I'm waiting for info to get a new delivery date. It will be interesting to get my hands on the vehicle. I purchased a new type Battery Minder that has 8 amp output and also has a desulphator, so I can balance each battery and test to see what kind of shape they will be in. Its a 2008 and I'm hoping the dealer kept it on charge, but will see whenever I get my delivery.

Btw I gave up on the Yahoo group, that forum confuses the heck out of me, but has some good info in the file section.
