A123 20AHr Pouch Cell Battery Build & Info Thread

Not yet. I've got 3 12S packs to build. I bought two of the original OSN kits and then bought one of the new kits.
8) be good to see them paced against each other.
Yeh maybe good for the mid power jobs.
I fancy the upright clamp OSN kit for my next bike build.
They havnt got back yet, have you got a better email contact, please Ambroseliao.
Keep my expensive 200A+ build for a new 20kW buggy project.

Who are selling the dodgy cells zip?
Thanks for the contact link.
I was told by Nancy that they do test before building a pack let me search. Magecycle maybe this can help nancy@osnpower.cn
[12/18/2012 12:07:53 AM] sellbatt: these cells can be easily replaced because of the connection way we use. We mactch all the cells before assembly, including voltage,capacity etc.And the test of the battery pack shows about 19.3-19.5AH for the whole pack
[12/17/2012 9:57:15 PM] sellbatt: Sorry, the quotation is NOT quoted on the grade A cells, they are from USA, but there are some small holes one of the tabs.
[12/17/2012 9:58:08 PM] sellbatt: The price of grade A cells with full tabs is US$32-35pc, we do not have much in stock
They say the cells are checked before they buy.
I'm looking for a good suppiler and triied to open a thread for comments but put the price sheet up first and got moved to the used section so wouldn't get much feed back there.
I also what to hear what's up with those Victpower packs people brought ect.
Victpower was saleing those packs with the long strings of cyclinder cells that dru everybody to learn on E.S. about battery repair.
Looking for a JohnCR and maybe some NMC.
Thanks Ambro & zip for the correct link.
I was contacted before you guys posted.
Hallo OSN and Nancy thank you and welcome.
megacycle said:
Thanks Ambro & zip for the correct link.
I was contacted before you guys posted.
Hallo OSN and Nancy thank you and welcome.

Hi everybody,
Nancy here!
Very nice to know all of you.
Any interest of our A123 20ah cells and assembly new kit, pls feel free contact me. :D
I like to find cells at a good price and not have open the pack up foe repair so where is the balance between cheap 14.50us victpower short tabs ect. and the 70.00 us state side cells ?
texaspyro said:
I have tried moly electrodes. You use them on the copper.

The problem with doing Al to copper is the Al melts and forms a nugget that bonds well to the Cu, but the Al becomes very brittle/porous and breaks free. You wind up with an Al pimple stuck to the copper and a divot in the Al.

Texaspyro is experienced with CD spot welding. These facts give me the creeps as to using this technique on the a123 cells. I'll go for the plan all along - nyloc bolts and a well designed pcb ;)
Hi April welcome, sorry i got you confused with Nancy.
megacycle said:
Hi April welcome, sorry i got you confused with Nancy.

Hi Megacycle,
Sorry for that I make you confused.
Nancy is April and April is Nancy, we are the same one. :D
Now i'm really :? :lol:
So it seems Victpower no longer have short tab cells in stock and are selling a full tab for $20.....that seems a little too good to be true , but has anybody had any experience with this latest offer from victpower. They sent me a picture of a cell covered with the all the barcodes etc and Made In USA.......where did those blank cell pictures come from that osn is distributing? Anybody?
i ordered on dec-12, had to wait till dec-25 as they were out of stock, and arrived at customs in austria yesterday. had to send them paypal receipt, as there was no real customs declaration attached. it should arrive today/tomorrow @home. i will tell you what those look like - i hope i won't receive any total garbage :(
edit: just realized, i'm DD status now. I just can't remember why i like this letter combination that much *ggg*
Well, back to the drawing board with my battery pack build. I have not finalized my build since I am still waiting on some wires and connectors. I also planned to replace the masonite sides with polyethylene pieces. However, I couldn't resist testing out the pack so I took it out for another test ride today on my e-bike.

I was intentionally not pedaling to test the capacity of the pack. I only rode about 5.6 miles since it was cold and windy. During one stretch, I rode up a moderate incline for a few minutes at about 6 mph to keep down the wind chill. I was drawing between 20 to 30 amps at that time. When I got home and opened the bike bag that holds the battery pack, I could smell some burnt plastic type of odor.

A close look at the battery pack revealed that I had melted the electrical tape on the positive and negative terminals of the wires to the controller. In the photo, I have already replaced the old tubing with new pieces but left the melted tubing near their original places. The electrical tape fused to the vinyl tubing I used to separate the tabs and left an impression of the bolt head in the vinyl. Fortunately, it did not melt through the vinyl tubing.

The nut and bolt of the negative terminal were discolored from the heat and the masonite actually started to char.

I will be adding an angle bracket to the sides to move the end terminals away from the tabs. I will probably use a thicker piece of aluminum to help as a heat sink since there is no air flow in the pack. So the lesson learned here is that there are thermal issues to be aware of with the build even at less than 30 amp loads and 10 awg wires.

On a positive note, the A123 cells with the short tabs are doing well. I rode 13.8 miles and used up 11.5ah over hilly terrain with no pedaling and averaging 9 mph. I started with a pack voltage of 41.2v and still have 39.4v left. The cells are also in balance after being discharged even though the starting bulk charge left the cells with as much as 0.13v deviation.
That's weird for 20-30A draw to get that happen.
How was the controller connected to the pack?.
Just realised how that's connected, your end tabs are clamped to your masonite end plates :shock: :shock: .
Good way to smoke your pack.
Said it a few times building packs with flammable kit, risky bizz, bolting current carrying bits to flammables double that risk.

Finally got my CAV3 in the mail today :D this thing is huge. All so got 36v/400w bulbs, 2 of those.

Check out my 900W flashlight :twisted: :twisted:


After about one minute i stop the test because the wooden suffice the bulbs was mounted on started to smoke :shock:
got to figure out how to mount those safely, any ideas ?

There is a huge spark when i connect the 4mm bullet connectors, how do I get rid of it ?

i received my 42 cells today. packaging was quite nice. nothing to complain about.
cells don't look that nice. like being ripped out of something with pure power. at least the tabs look like that. some cells also have this funny 900mah sticker - which i don't believe.
i started measuring them. only the first cells, because if got to leave now. all of them have 3.295v. that's fine.
but now for the bad: internal resistance at that voltage measure with my icharger 206b was between 21 and 44 mOhm. that seems WAY to much - isn't? that should be below 5 mOhm afaik. can anyone confirm?
i will post pictures and detailed discharge charts asap.