Batteries! Two 5S or Three 3S?


100 µW
Aug 21, 2016
So I'm building an electric longboard, should I use two of these:

Or three of these:

Using 3 would give me a bigger battery life, but less of a high top speed. What will the C rating affect? What would you guys suggest?
5000mah * 37v = 185Wh

5000mah * 33.3v = 165.5Wh

10s battery will give you 10% more energy - will go faster and further

30c vs 60c means how many amps your battery can supply - 150A vs 300A and 150A on 10S is plenty of power.

Running higher voltages will draw less amps and will be more efficient, so I would say - two 5s batteries.
Njakts said:
5000mah * 37v = 185Wh

5000mah * 33.3v = 165.5Wh

10s battery will give you 10% more energy - will go faster and further

30c vs 60c means how many amps your battery can supply - 150A vs 300A and 150A on 10S is plenty of power.

Running higher voltages will draw less amps and will be more efficient, so I would say - two 5s batteries.

Ok, great! If I use the two 5s at 5000mah each, do you know roughly how long they would last on a 245kv sk3 motor? Thanks