Batteryhookup 100A BMS + Bluetooth


100 mW
Jul 15, 2016
Hatfield, pa
I've got the generic 100A BMS that BH sells. I thought I'd start a thread to focus some general knowledge about these units in one place, since BH doesn't offer support or manuals.

I've got mine connected to a 14s battery and it's is working fine.

For the Bluetooth module, I downloaded the app BH recommends here:

I also paid the $8 to get access to the config settings. I can read the config from the BMS, but I cannot change any of the settings. I get "Error BMS connection failed. Please try to read\write again".

Had anyone had success updating the config?

I've tried many other apps and some can read config, but none of them will successfully upload a new config.
Okay, I've got some more info on this BMS. For starters, I almost lost my entire pack due to this BMS! It got cold here and the bike and battery were left out in the garage with about 50v on the 14s battery. After a couple weeks I checked the voltage and the pack had discharged down to 15 volts! :oop: With some very slow, low-amp charging, I think I've recovered the pack. Fingers crossed. The lvc was tripped, but that didn't stop the drain....

So, back to the BMS. If left alone it has a small amount of battery drain. If I unplug the balance wires, the voltage of the pack doesn't lose any voltage. I left it for 16 days, with the balance wires disconnected and the voltage stayed the same. Plug the balance wires back in and I lose something like half a volt a day. So that sucks.

Now, the Bluetooth module sucks. It connects to my android and iphone phones fine, but most apps have a problem connecting and reading the BMS. The Jaibaida Elephant app is the one that works the most consistently:

With the iphone, I downloaded a paid app, but it still wouldn't connect. I contacted the developer and was instructed to create a log file and send it to him. He said the BMS dongle had some sort of password protect and that is why most apps won't connect. So this month i ordered another bluetooth dongle straight from Jaibaida (JBD BMS). I plugged this dongle in and BOOM all the apps can now read the BMS and all functions can be edited. So, DON"T buy the dongle that Batteryhookup sells. Buy one from JBD:

Being able to edit the config allows me to enable the switch function which is turned off by default. So, I'll now be able to have an external switch to turn the bike on and off.
I had used a good app for Android that showed cell level balancing. I can't find the app that shows all the little cells and their balance. I go to the Google play app store. And just get their new app that will not show sell level. Yes the one with the little blue elephant xoiaoxiang app
Does anyone have the Bluetooth BMS set up with the little elephant that also shows so balance and balancing.
Thank you.
The app I linked used to show all the individual cells, but its been updating its versions very often lately and seemingly reducing functions with each update. I stopped allowing it to update, so my version is older. So I guess that app is useless now unless you can find an old APK...
Is it possible to buy a couple BMS 10S extension cables (male female ends - 4, 6 or 8 inch length)?

Assume most all BMS' in Lithium ebike batteries have the same closer pin spacing than do JST HX extension cables with wider pin spacing than most all BMS'. Talked to a DALY Sales/Tech Rep a couple weeks ago. He knew what I was talking about but drew a blank. Its as if such a critter doesn't exist which is hard to believe.

Appreciate any suggestions on a possible source (link/email/phone) for buying two BMS extension cables (male female ends - .4", 6" or 8" length) with narrower pin spacing than JST-HX extension cables. Even a 2 inch length is aok for my particular application.
I had used a good app for Android that showed cell level balancing. I can't find the app that shows all the little cells and their balance

I've been using the Overkill Solar app from the play store. It connects, reads, writes, and has individual cell voltages, and everything else you could want...