Buying forest land, implementing solar

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Oh cool, violins. I bought one of those with intent to learn to play /this/ particular piece.


Had it for two years, never really learned how to play anything but twinkle twinkle little star on it, and I sold to some guy in Seattle over craigslist and shipped it to him.

This "learning advanced pieces without having overall skill" is very possible. I know how to play chopin's fantasie impromptu in c minor despite never moving beyond "The E Book" and it was just a matter of tons of repetition, lol.


Chopin has some great etudes.
Anyway, thought about resource sharing and mating in the wild. "kissing" is a way for animals to share food with each other, in particular mammal mothers with children, and ants with each other. If there's two things a mate would be looking for in the wild, it'd be access to food and protected shelter.

This has some pretty compelling parallels with human society. Food, housing and a strong protective figure are pretty commonly sought characteristics. I could possibly even further that with "a safe neighborhood" among other factors in the context of human society.

I though it was interesting how implying some things which weren't necessarily immediately true drastically changed behavior. And, it makes a lot of sense with this theoretical backing.

And, that would explain why that girl wanted to marry me so much. Military marriage means you got a house. (I wouldn't say that was the only reason, but it was a compelling one.)

I wasn't too keen on marriage at the time because... it just seemed like she didn't appreciate the gravity of the institution and all its implications. I had doubts she really had a solid basis for lifelong commitment.
Stevie Ryan, the girl playing Justin Bieber in this clip, committed suicide at 33? No way.

On another note... I've seen a very maudlin girl balling her eyes out walking through HEB who looks remarkably similar to her. I'm not sure what the common theme here is... maybe a remarkably white complexion?

Not enough sun = wants to off yourself?

Got the table, desk and chair. Going to get the office setup tomorrow. I'm moving immediately into the office because it is remarkably cooler during the middle of the hot day, and it's cool enough inside where a small breeze would suffice for cooling. No need for directly bringing in outside air.

Looking at my website (Got it fully setup; had to do a tech request to get a DNS zone change as well as some other config details.), wow, it looks like I was raking in the business back in 2016. It definitely doesn't seem like it's been that busy in the recent year?

Anyway, after I get the desk setup, I get to order the new keyboard. I should be able to order a
cheaper one without the armrest

And I need to call up microcenter to see about the status of my order. Didn't process correctly, yet there's an account discrepancy suggesting something happened.
swbluto said:
I've seen a very maudlin girl balling her eyes out walking through HEB who looks remarkably similar to her. I'm not sure what the common theme here is...

The common theme is YOU. Ever see 'Vertigo?' This woman is waiting, . . .
The sleep felt moribund and deep. And, boy, did that cocoa taste mighty good this morning, and now I'm feeling alive! lol.

It's interesting how the things that tend to taste exceptionally good tend to make you feel alive.

One of the highlights of my day tends to be when water tastes really good, lol.

It's interesting how I seem to really want to ecstatically pound the dance floor after drinking my cocoa, lol. (At least since a couple days ago when I first noticed the affect. Then, it manifested in the form of excessively frenetic tree log jumping, lol.)

[I think arm impact exercises, like using the axe, likely amplifies the "cocoa affect" for at least a day. I was delimbing fallen trees yesterday evening with my axe.]

And, that woman... okay, you're right, I'll admit... I thought she was a little cute, lol.

And women with nose rings, I think they tend to spreken sie dicque ( , yep). That's not to say there aren't others who do also, but there seems to be few noserings gals who don't.

Saw a 50s gal with the stud, it reminded me of someone in the past who was called a slut by her peers and her specific 'religion' was very fitting in that regard and I made a few guesses accordingly. Glanced with that sly smile, not sure if she knew I wasn't really checking her out.

I told my bootcamp mates if they wanted to find girls [female/male divisions were segregated.], check out the wiccan service. [Wiccans tend to be, compared to christians, less 'pure' which may or may not be favorable depending on what you're seeking. Lower status girls tend to be overrepresented for some reason. Depression seems to be a common emotion among their ranks, but that very well could've been that particular guy leading the service. He did all the "weird religion" services on base.]

All the black guys felt jipped, all the white guys were like "hell yeah!". Lol, jeez, the black guys should've checked out the gospel service, lol. (It wasn't offered, lol)

And the cocoa's frenetic energy has dissipated, time to work, lol.

Okay, set it up. Not really comfortable in this 82F 80% humidity weather. I think the shed has a real advantage when the humidity is low, but not otherwise. I think the shed will need some front door ventilation in humid weather, so I will have to implement a bug screen to test that out. I don't know how much the non-tilting chair contributed to the uncomfortable environment. It might just be the psychological affect of it being a shed that's impacting comfort.

So, at this point, I don't think the shed would be a good command and control center / office. I'm uncertain if it can be sufficiently improved if it's ultimately the psychological affect (Suspect maybe it' the stuffiness in the humid weather). But, at least I can deploy the equipment there.

On the plus side, seems to handle rain with ease. No leaking in the light rain despite lack of caulking and many non-implemented screw holes. So, at least good for storage and expansion of the new equipment. The new equipment is not really the nexus of creativity, it's the laptop, I was just hoping to get a proper ergonomic working environment going so I could "get down to business", lol. I think I feel too comfortable in my RV to really get busy, lol. (Well, I'm waiting for my keyboard before i start much typing.)

And fry's electronics will price match Amazon. When I really want electronic equipment quickly (Like this keyboard), that might be a good route. Fry's has an extensive collection of keyboards, so they're likely to have something useful I could get /today/. But, I already submitted by amazon order and I doubt they have the qisan brown mx keyboard.

so you have uppity millennial women who want careers, puppies, cocoa, and lots of cats. they want to party. they want to screw everything in a five mile radius. they want to drink.

Am I an uppity millennial woman at heart? :shock:

I'd be all for cats if I wasn't severely allergic to them, lol. (I hate them for more than that. They tend to think mighty high of themselves and they don't forgive and forget, readily hold grudges for life. And they don't really play as readily and energetically as dogs do, lol.)

Okay, set up the bug screen on the deck in front of the shed. Need to taped it to the door's border to help "seal it" against flying insect entry and I'll try out ventilating it through the front door.'

Update: Implemented the bug net in front of the door, taped the boundary, door is wide open, put the fan in and turned it on. Yep, this is awesome, lol. Way more comfortable than the RV in the midday and probably early morning too. This should work well for my office, at least during the summer. Now the RV is hot as hell without boxfan ventilation, so I'm thinking I'll probably need to get another boxfan. (Can't let the equipment inside overheat)

Now I'm thinking I could use a wifi camera. Or I could get into the habit of locking the RV.

As of now, without the fence, I'm vulnerable to intrusion but that doesn't seem to be an issue here. And, I'm planning on getting the RV moved onto the driveway in 2 days, because my laptop power supply is at the PO and they're closed today, so I won't be able to continue work until tomorrow morning.

And a mosquito just got in...

This might not be defensible.

I think I could use a riveter to join the net to the top of the door border. Tape doesn't seem to be holding

My staple gun doesn't work on the thin sheet metal, I tried, lol.

And pretty darn cool, I can walk in circles in the shed as of now, lol. So if it's raining, I'm not limited to standing during my rest breaks.

Got the water bottle moved to the shed, hoping for cooler water.
Update: another mosquito got inside and was difficult to locate and kill. The brown colored walls definitely don't help. (White is ideal). So, the flying insect prevention technique needs to be m.ore effective before use. It's ideal for use because it is definitely cooler.

Was getting the rain funnel setup for the IBC and I quickly realized that 8 foot t posts wasn't going to work with my 12x24 tarp, lol, just weebit too large. So I'm going to be looking for 12x12 or similar tonight. Anyway, the IBC tank is in place in the backyard so that's definitely a positive.

And, man, I'm feeling so sleepy now. I wonder if that's warmth does.. it makes you sleepy...

Sure enough. Oh, well, that's definitely bad for business. I need to get this mosquito prevention technique perfected fast.

I thought I was sleepy all the time because of depression or not getting enough sleep, lol. Nope, it's just too freaking warm in the RV, lol.
Gosh dang it, I was waiting for that 15% tractor supply discount and got one today for "All current and former military. Stores close at 6 p.m."; I was reading the email at 6:35 p.m., lol. Not exactly sure how they'd verify former military; military IDs are relinquished after exiting service with exception of retirees.

I need to get t-posts for my fence, you see.
swbluto said:
Stevie Ryan, the girl playing Justin Bieber in this clip, committed suicide at 33? No way.

On another note... I've seen a very maudlin girl balling her eyes out walking through HEB who looks remarkably similar to her. I'm not sure what the common theme here is... maybe a remarkably white complexion?

Not enough sun = wants to off yourself?


I like how he starts to recite "Bieber. Money. Women" at :36 and the guys face changes from some happiness to (disgust?) and he has to force a smile after looking at the camera, lol. What was he thinking... "Something I don't have, this sucks"... or... "That sounds like BS, I disagree."... lol

After thinking through various door schemes for preventing mosquito entry, it seems like the easiest solution would be to cut holes in the sides of the shed to let air in, and then put the fan infront of the holes. Then I'd tape screen material on the holes... I just have to find my screen material (It's in the van somewhere I think.).

It does increase the security risks a tiny bit in that it gives someone the idea to use an angle grinder and/or plasma torch on the shed, lol, but I think the weakest link is the lock on the front, so I'm not really concerned about that. The best bet is a secure fence.

For weather protecting the holes, I'm thinking I should.... create a wood cover that would be screwed into the sheet metal.
Ever since that one fatigue/under-the-weather taco episode, I've stopped buying tacos. Although not the intention, should boost weekly profits, lol.ion

I still don't know what might've caused it. I tried asking about the ingredients in their sauces and shredded chicken, but they don't understand my english. I then use my best Spanish ("Que esta los ingredientes en el pollo roja?") and she still doesn't understand, lol. Well... she might understand... could be clueless like the majority of other restaurant workers out there...

See... I've never had a reaction like that from eating bananas or coconut. I can eat many many bananas, and will never get a reaction like that. Ict wouldn't immediately say I haven't had reactions from peanut butter, but I believe those episodes were from a lack of carb/fruit consumption, not strictly the peanut butter bentlycause I eat peanut butter along with my bananas with absolutely no problems, lol.

I've been getting peanut butter instead of coconut recently, because peanut butter seems to pare better with bananas than coconut. Coconut seems to pare best with cocoa among the foods in my not very diverse pantry, lol.

A good clue that peanut butter ain't all that bad is this cockroach that likes nibbling on my spoon when I'm not looking, lol. Yeah, I threw that spoon away, lol.

Anyway, interesting insights into dancing. Apparently a useful display of fighting 'ability' or some such during peacetime, which would be useful for mate selection in choosing the most capable protectors.

And, well... I think that sounds pretty plausible. Because one does demonstrate physical traits like agility, swiftness, reaction times and probably more important concepts like confidence. Fighting ability is not all about physical ability to beat the opponent into submission, but winning a fight by preventing it with an overpowering threat display, half of which is comprised by confidence/lack-of-fear. Probably 90%.

Update: Which leads to an interesting insight. Could be right, could be wrong but that gaze into a woman's eyes that arouse is the same kind of stare used to intimidate your enemies. Another possible 'showing off your threat display'? Maybe, maybe not.
Anyway, I'm mentioning dancing because it's how my parents met (They like to joke "a bar", but I know my mother and I'm no fool). And, the first original reason I mentioned it is because I noticed a strong urge to dance when things were falling into place, bubbling with optimism and I was feeling good, lol.

In other news, I don't have access to my gmail and google won't let me recover my password, lol. Why is this important? Because I need to let google know to point to my HTTP: address; HTTPS is producing an error from google. ("Malicious attacker alert")

Weird, it just worked this time.

Update: Or maybe I wanted to dance because these females were compelling me to dance. Apparetly that's why females dance first (I britain anyway?), to encourage the males to dance.


This appears to be the closest recipe to the shredded chicken they use, and something called "Pollo mechado" tells me I'm on the right page.

This recipe uses extra virgin olive oil.

They might have used unvirgin olive oil at the store. Olive that had been heated once, than twice when they cooked the chicken. Reheated oils are bad, so this seems a possible reason why.

Granted, I don't know about the affect of the corn tortilla, rice, beans, but I traditionally haven't had problems because of carbs alone. The processed carbs in the corn tortilla, however, /might/ be responsible... just that I've never had a problem before.

Other possibility appears to be the green sauce. Maybe too much salt. They might add olive oil to that too, but many have said no. However, I get the feeling they tell me what I want to hear when they don't really know, lol. Apparently a morning lady makes it, so I don't think people /really/ know the entire list of ingredients. I do know that oil is traditionally added to commercial salsa verdes.
swbluto said:
A good clue that peanut butter ain't all that bad is this cockroach that likes nibbling on my spoon when I'm not looking, lol. Yeah, I threw that spoon away, lol.

What? Is he paying RENT? Most of us would have thrown the COCKROACH out.

swbluto said:
(They like to joke "a bar", but I know my mother and I'm no fool).

Mead Hall? Whiskey Tavern? Was it a (Gasp) SPEAKEASY? Apple cider spiked with the demon RUM?

You awaken the imagination to such possibilities, yet truth is sometimes stranger than fiction. WHAT WAS THIS PLACE!?!?!?

I'm looking at land in California right now. There are multiple reasons why I wouldn't want to move to California, but assuming I had the financial werewithal to jump all the legal hurdles and tap/electric fees, a property with the best climate wouldn't be too bad of an idea. I'm seeing 1 acre lancaster properties for 10k, and it looks like a desert, so I'm betting it gets hot during the summer. My aunt used to live near Lancaster, at VAFB, so I know the area. Mobiles are pretty common there. There's coastal properties near Eureka for 10k, being an hour inland, the summers might be hot enough to make it worth it. So the California ticket starts at about 10k. I wouldn't be able to just pull up in my RV there, lol, but this is assuming I've accumulated the lifesavings where getting everything in place isn't difficult.

I have about 3.5 years before I'm 'free' to move (almost) anywhere in the USA. Can't say I really have a burning desire for anywhere in particular, other than someplace not snowy, lol.

[Well, if I had significant savings, say at least 150k, I'd prefer a cute, small boutique coastal town, lol.]

Anyway, not seeing much indications of rainfall at the places I'm looking at, so I'm not sure where rain-water crops are feasible in California?

I should just follow the precipitation charts.


Looks like there's pockets of rain over there.

And avoiding snow. (Looks like the 30s band would be where I'd start looking. This would include places like portland and seattle, two places I'm aware of that don't get much snow.)


I see my extended family are overwhelmingly represented in these no-snow rainy areas. My extended family seems to be wise, lol. [I'm sure they just like that part of Western washington just north of Portland largely because it's green over there in contrast to eastern washington.]

I do like this property, a year round pool is possible to have. 72f average soil temperature so the pool isn't getting too cold during the winter.

Well, this sounds like things are getting dicey. The comments be pessimistic and a servicemember stationed in SK predicting his own impending death. I knew when they quadrupled nuke school pipeline enrollment about 2.5 years ago, with the training taking 2 years to complete, it seemed to me the generals were preparing for a war sometime after 2 years in the future. Perhaps they had other reasons, but it was a notable escalation. Anyway, I ended up getting myself kicked out because I didn't want to risk my life with a lowly skillset and they would've kept me a year beyond normal because of the 6 year contract nukes signed. It's interesting seeing the dominos falling into place now and seeing how my predictions seem to be coming true. Perhaps that's why I was treated so generously by the captain, he recognized I belonged to their ranks.

As to my own business planning in light of this possible scenario...

Yeah, I'll really have to think about that, lol. Not sure if my current line of business is what you'd call "War proof", lol. I'm not exactly sure what a modern wartime economy would look like... if it's anything like Desert Storm, it'd be business as normal. But I'm not sure if this would be another Desert Storm. I doubt they were quadrupling nuke pipeline enrollment for desert storm, no aircraft carrier groups were really at risk of getting sunk.

And if they're anticipating a number of aircraft carrier groups getting sunk... well.... that might just suggest planning for a world war.

I thought it was funny how this girl was getting reprimanded for hiding something in her shoe sole, and the chief petty officer circled her finger around and told us to "Clean it out". I thought it was a little unusual she was telling us to clean everything at that particular moment considering we had cleaned everything earlier, but I figured it was "punishing the group for the mistake of an individual" a pretty common theme in the military, but apparently my barely speaking peurto rican friend knew what she meant better than I did and he's the one who found it and told if I had warned him, he wouldn't have reported it. Yeah, if I had known what the frock she really meant by "clean it out", perhaps I would have, lol. Anyway, I didn't really care, I didn't really want to be in the general service anyway. A waste of my time, and 5 years of misery and substantial risk to achieve my goal; with my current route, I'm achieving it in 2 years and it's much better being the captain of your ship than a servant in someone else's.

To quote John Milton (Paradise Lost)

Here at least
we shall be free; the Almighty hath not built
Here for his envy, will not drive us hence:
Here we may reign secure, and in my choice
to reign is worth ambition though in Hell:
Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven.

(And, I think this place during the summer could be accurately called hell, lol. And I have been calling this place "freedom county" and rejoicing at the freedom I have here. These parallels seem oddly almost identical. Then again not really. Well, unless you call my parents kicking me out equivalent to God kicking out the angel lucifer, lol. Note, I didn't really get kicked out, just that they were pushing me out when I had barely enough funds to cover moving expenses, and had I 6 more months, I would've had enough funds to build a house or some such. But, oh well, it's coming, just a little later than otherwise. And my parents accusation I was taking up their foodbill.... which looking back... was probably easily very true, lol.)

And, I just found the baby scorpion living in my PC crawling along the ceiling. I killed him with my toiler paper roll, my favorite murder weapon, lol.
Okay, the ventilation holes and screen has been implemented. The angle grinder with the cutoff wheel cut through the sheet metal like it was butter. Just need to wait until I feel like I'm getting forced out of the RV (Pretty cool today, so maybe not today, lol.), then make the move and clear the shed of mosquitos. Appears there's one.

I need to implement a rain guard. Still open to better/easier ideas.

Found a used gravel bag, certainly an easier idea to implement. Definitely looks ghetto. At least it doesn't look ghetto from the inside, lol. If I had really wanted to do a good looking job, I should have made a square form, mark it with sharpie, and then carefully cut along the lines. I promise when I do my pool, it will be done to the highest level of carefulness.Same with the house. This is just one of those things i wanted to quickly implement so I could use the shed as soon as possible. And it's look like it's going to rain soon, so the rainguard was desired soon.

One of the first orders of business is a soldering job I need to do. Doing it on the table in the shed would be a lot better than on my bed, lol.
Dauntless said:
swbluto said:
A good clue that peanut butter ain't all that bad is this cockroach that likes nibbling on my spoon when I'm not looking, lol. Yeah, I threw that spoon away, lol.

What? Is he paying RENT? Most of us would have thrown the COCKROACH out.

Yeah, if I could catch him! I'm a bit squeamish about crushing him with the palm of my hand and he's gone by the time I find a proper tool, lol.

swbluto said:
(They like to joke "a bar", but I know my mother and I'm no fool).

Mead Hall? Whiskey Tavern? Was it a (Gasp) SPEAKEASY? Apple cider spiked with the demon RUM?

You awaken the imagination to such possibilities, yet truth is sometimes stranger than fiction. WHAT WAS THIS PLACE!?!?!?


Lol, I have no idea, but she liked to call it a "dance place with a side bar", so I'm thinking maybe a nightclub. Perhaps the term didn't exist back in the early 80s, lol. I believe she went with her sisters and a close nursing friend.

I always thought it was unusual how I always thought Sedalia, MO was a small town all its own, but it's really one of the 60 mile satellite towns of Kansas City, just like how my place is a 50ish mile suburb of Houston. I didn't really realize this until I was an adult and had developed an understanding of towns. For example, Fort Collins. Not really a distinct town and economy, but rather a satellite town of Denver with a fairly specialized economy mainly in the medical field. It's not like you move there and you're making big bucks, lol. Those big bucks are going mostly to the people who've been in the medical field for a few years and transferred there.

This curiousity came from the fact the median income of fort collins was really high and the unemployment rate was really low, two metrics of interest during the great recession. What those two metrics didn't tell you was the "median income of open positions with little specialized certified skills necessary"; A job newbie could be lead to the wrong idea, like this one girl I found online with her blog post. ("The only jobs they had there (for someone like me) were like theater cashier, minimum wage! How BOGUS!", lol)

They talk about this keto diet, the idea of subsisting off of fat.

I tried that diet once, subsisting off of peanut butter... didn't work /AT ALL/. Languishing, get carotid pains and the such... not a good sign.

I don't know if it was the peanut butter or just nuts in general.

Suspicion is either the body doesn't effectively subsist off of fat /or/ it doesn't affectively subsist off of phytate-rich fats(nuts) without sufficient vitamin C and D intake.

I haven't tried subsisting off of cheese, butter or ... etc.... so I can't be for certain, but I suspect that fat susbsistence isn't a great idea. The inuit subsisted off of mainly healthy omega-3 protein and fat, and they had exceptionally high cardiac problems. Of course, that could be traced to the lack of fiber intake and subsequent vitamin K deficiecy... And also possibly vitamin C deficiency.... I know they were getting sufficient vitamin D through the fish.

Looks like they were short of vitamin A,C and K. Likely got enough D, E and B vitamins.

Anyway, I'm not sold on fat subsistence, but my testing is incomplete in this regard. 80g carbs and /lots/ of fat might be attainable. It does seem with the high nut/seed content of wild fruits, that protein/fat intake were likely high in our foraging ancestors. I do like paring bananas with nuts; without this paring, it does seem that bananans causes light acid reflux, which seems cured by apple cider vinegar, suggesting bacterial involvement. So paring (healthy) fats with carbs seems likely important, which is how the very nutty/seedy wild fruits seem to be from the very start.

I'm paying more attention to acid reflux. Seems that high carb intake in the absence of 'good fats' seems to cause it. Acid reflux almost seems like a proxy for bacteria. If this were true, then there should be an association between acid reflux and CVD. Is there?

That means, that GERD is twice more frequent in patients with CHD than in general population.

So high banana intake without sufficient "good" fat intake seems very much ill-advised. Same goes for processed carbs and other "non-antibiotic carbs".

The tacos at the mexican grocery store definitely seem to kick up acid reflux. For whatever reason, their food seems associated with bacteria. Maybe it's been standing out too long and they don't have adequate food handling controls? This might explain the likely cardiac event that one night, though I also suspect reheated oils.

Update: Found they used "generic cooking oil" in their cooking. This likely indicates canola oil, which is a known cardiotoxin. Don't know if they use it in the greensauce or the shredded chicken, but I think it's likely.

I can't really be too certain what causes issues, though. Eating a watermelon slice and about 6 ounces of organic grass-fed cow cheese when I was feeling hungry while at HEB yesterday was causing some kind of issue like a feeling of being unwell. I then got pretty sleepy. It faded away after 10-20 minutes. I do know I was feeling pretty clear of mind upto that point, when I hadn't eat much bananas in the hours leading to it.
I know that a girl mentioned that the girls like being bedded on their own bed, and I'm watching this video and the vast majority of these beds definitely seem to be "her bed"(Pink sheets, definitely not boy themed sheets.). I find that a little curious; do they really decide "Hey, let's do it on my bed"... or is the guy chasing her at her house? My guess is the latter. Guys are willing to go where they have to, girls seem less ambitious in this regard.
Keto diet. That's supposed to be steroidal, literally. Not "Like." As always there's cheaper ways that these ads.

Back to the dancing and these woman and all. Since when do women want their own bed? I've known them to want to see where you'll take them, get some idea where this could be going. So when you're in your early 20's, still in college, you got your own house; basically it's not so important how otherwise poor you are. Do you need me to explain futher?

Lol, well, I wasn't really referring to the longterm relationship/wifey kind, lol. But, in that regard, "Where you're going" (To quote selena gomez "I'm hypnotized by your destiny"), I don't doubt is important. And this is where ambition/confidence/ongoing-successes comes into play. [heterosexual longterm relationship] Girls like hearing how you're moving on up, lol, and latching on for the ride. Yes, I did need to prequalify that. Because not every girl is heterosexual and not every heterosexual girl is in or seeking a relationship, but it does seem to be a majority.

My cousin already told me this. "See, she likes where he's going. That's how woman work, yep yep.", lol (Awfully paraphrased, my cousin doesn't sound like that, lol.)
Anyway, I'm not actively seeking anything right now. My travel restrictions tend to cause me to miss the time of day when the desirable girls are out, like that one particular day with that one particular person [I'm not suggesting she's "The only one in this entire town", but yes, one of the few]. So, yes, that's on the backburner for now and in the meantime, I'm just learning and creating insights. I know I may come up with all these theories in regard to control/dominance and all that, but I recognize it's not so much that. It's some other ineffable quality, perhaps described as a mirror of yourself. Or something else. Hard to fully comprehend all at once, but easy to intuitively understand it as you experience it. And application of theory seems somewhat useless, lol. It is still interesting nonetheless, lol.

These thoughts only came to the forefront of my mind because of her. Or that particular conversation. One of the two.
Okay, got the soldering equipment located to the shed and WOW, this is definitely awesome. So easy doing that soldering repair, lol. I don't really think many people need a reminder on how awesome "Garages are", lol, but when you've been without one and you're doing the tasks inside a super crowded RV... You REALLY appreciate it! lol

Anyway, I can't really tell, but it seems like my heart is failing. Don't really have any conclusive evidence in that regard, but I think the cardiac episode following the taco eating was likely more indicative of my current state than how bad the tacos were. I only say that because I woke up, then I felt super tired within a couple seconds of waking up, so I went back to sleep... woke up again, the pulse was super weak (Couldn't feel my right carotid) and I was wigging out of it. Some kind of dull sensation started spreading down my left ulnar path (pinky, fourth finger) which got me a little excited, so I started picking up the pace thinking I needed to get the blood flowing, lol. And I ate some carbs because the honey tasted good.

I ran out of fats since yesterday, so that might be helping my bloodsugar crash. The apple cider vinegar might have been inhibiting starch absoprtion of my bananas... might be better to pare my bananas with cocoa, like the kuna.

Saw that hot/cold water machine for $150. Thought it'd be kind of nice to make hot cocoa on tap, lol. And, I can't emphasize how much I appreciate cold water here. Nothing like quenching your thirsty overheating body with warm water that's been roasting in the solar cooker known as the RV, lol. Didn't find power figures on the machine, so I couldn't estimate how viable it'd be with a solar setup. I'm thinking about getting a 250 watt panel, but I've yet to fully estimate the entire system costs.
Dauntless said:
So when you're in your early 20's, still in college, you got your own house; basically it's not so important how otherwise poor you are. Do you need me to explain futher?


Gee, I'm thinking "What a remarkably successful millennial we're talking about here", lol, but then I think maybe we're not talking about millenials. The 90s economy was so last century, lol.

I think everyone loved the 90s, especially in hindsight. I think about my favorite year ever and it was 1999. Top of the elementary school pecking order (Not just for being in 6th grade, but being a big influencer, which I only recognized at the end when the crowd at the end somehow knew my name, lol. I let the other guy win because he had a bloody eye; otherwise, I would've fought him like the tiger I was and I'm sure I would've emerged victorious in the end.), learned how to program which felt like forbidden knowledge, and the summer of RPG by squaresoft was happening then, which produced FF8, Parasite Eve and Threads of Fate. My gaming friend in nuke school played ToF and we reminisced about the good old days. It was very odd finding someone who had played that game; the first and only person I've met that has.

Also the peak of the dotcom boom, though I didn't entirely recognize it at the time, but no doubt it affected the zeitgeist of the era, which no doubt emanated in the creative output and emotions therein (Games) of the adults who worked then. A carefree reassurance that everything was fine.
Not a millennial, if I was the house would have been too expensive to pull this off. And my property tax would be higher. Pushed into what proved a lifesaver, I couldn't afford an apartment around here, but I can't fix this nice, either.

So I'm typing this with my thumbs since the millennial I was waiting for stood me up. Not what you're thinking, she grew up several years a few houses down, I mentored her husband when he had some trouble growing up and they wound up married, he's not off til 9 so rather than head into the traffic to the next county where their cheaper house is she was gonna hang out with me, but her job kept her. They paid 2-3 times for theirs but I'd get 3-4 times for mine today. Oh, in the better economy of the 90's the houses were much cheaper.

But in the case of the no show, if the waitresses don't know why I happen to be with her get a bit tense. Some of them have their minds on the house, the Mustang I bought new without giving up my diesel pickup, what we used to call a middle class life just seems so out of reach to these women who start working and paying on or before their 18th birthday. And who can manage maybe 4-5 classes a year and need a pretty good GPA to get into CalState for the last 2 years at under $20k. Oh, the boys have the same problem. Some of these people live 6-8 to an apartment because its so expensive. She and her husband are among the lucky, enough employment among them to make the house payment with a room rented, but it means she stays about a years worth of classes from her degree and she can't quit working.

Even when I was in college having the house was an attention getter. I had my degree and house by 99 but I was still in classes.

My coming of age fighting wouldn't be until the 7th grade.

So, you got that Charlie Sheen 'Tiger Blood,' eh? I'm gonna post this I can get off the phone and go to the home computer. Prior to that the other kids were uneasy about me because of who my older brother was. The stalwart Catholic School families had kids in his class and kids in mine that were just waiting for me to turn out to be the same bully his was, or even just as my sisters were. My family was kind of high risk. Luckily for them I hadn't wanted to be. The class bully was careful around me, the others just plain acted in self preservation. Until 7th grade.

It starts with a new kid in school who didn't know my family, I was the oldest there when he started. Something about that rotten peach in the back of my head that made me forget all my Shaolin training or whatever it was that had kept me from having killed him before this. He was still being loudmouthed as I was grabbing him, pretty sure of himself I wouldn't do anything to him. But having grown up fighting with my 7 years older brother made me develop this skill level, so loudmouth found his arm twisted behind his back and his front bouncing on and off the lunch table, as he screamed "Mommy" and stuff. And everyone around was yelling 'Kill him, kill him,' as he'd made himself quite unpopular already. So when the nuns pried him free, he got his old confidence back and started yelling "I hate you I hate you." Which is probably what gave the nuns the bright idea to make us sit together. And got me doing that finger 'Come here' thing, to his growing consternation. And once we were sitting together I asked him "Why did you say all about you hate me? You injure my feelings, you know." And other start in about 'Just beat him up real good.' I mean he was REAL unpopular.

And even after witnessing that, the class bully had a bad day and came after me in a short time. Decking him the first time didn't seem to impress him, but getting pinned the second and bounced around like the other guy, he would tell me he was realizing this wasn't his day. But given a choice he said he'd have chosen the beating over having everyone once again yelling 'Kill him, kill him.' You KNOW how much they're going to enjoy seeing the class bully get it. But this one I let up, I wasn't one of the bullied. He said that whole experience was the main thing that ended his bullying days. When someone insisted on fighting with me, I was real good at making it hurt without a real injury. Grab his hand, bend his fingers back, he isn't wanting to punch you with that hand anymore. I wasn't interested in the pecking order, I was only interested in getting those fools to leave me alone. And I did.
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