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Buying forest land, implementing solar

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swbluto said:
oooo...oooo...ooooo.... can't wait until I move into the new wired-up house!!!

So many directions I want to go that I feel inhibited in doing right now. If I were to get a job right now, for example, I wouldn't likely be moving for sometime and I don't want to leave this property unattended all day in this area... probably get plundered. Then business expansion itself in almost all possible directions would be enabled by line electricity.
Russ Solomon Dies: Tower Records Founder Was 92

He was 92 and passed away at his home in Sacramento, California of an apparent heart attack, according to his son, Michael Solomon.

Ironically, he was giving his opinion of what someone was wearing that he thought was ugly, then asked (his wife) Patti to to refill his whisky,” Solomon said. When she returned, he had died.

That's not ironic at all! Attacking other people leads to a shot in adrenaline, which can cause attacks in those susceptible (Not hard to believe a 92 year old would be susceptible).

Let's see what we can find on hostility.


Hostility and the progression of carotid atherosclerosis.

In addition to the previously established risk factors (i.e., serum low-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentration, smoking, and old age), cynical distrust and anger-control significantly predicted PCA

Oh, not trusting other people and HOLDING BACK your anger is associated. Well, that does make sense doesn't it... what the subordinates do... they hold back their anger from their superiors, whereas the opposite isn't true (Especially so in the military). And leadership positions predict good health.

What John Milton long knew...

Better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven!

Not holding back my anger from the HEB chick turned her on... communicating I wasn't subordinate to her, in that I was her king. lol



Ok, so the question is, why did he get angry to begin with? Was someone else bothering him whom then was transferring it to the girl? Was "something else" bothering him?

I know that when coming back from a vacation, I'm of such peaceful mind that I just don't get angry at anything, so that has to be the ideal state of mind.
marty said:
swbluto said:
oooo...oooo...ooooo.... can't wait until I move into the new wired-up house!!!

So many directions I want to go that I feel inhibited in doing right now. If I were to get a job right now, for example, I wouldn't likely be moving for sometime and I don't want to leave this property unattended all day in this area... probably get plundered. Then business expansion itself in almost all possible directions would be enabled by line electricity.

Eventually, hoping to get it built within a month.

Waiting for my tree wedges to arrive so I can cut down some trees that need to come down now, then I'll start construction.
Cynical distrust - believing others are motivated by selfishness.

Hmmm... I wonder how they measure that, because I do believe lots of people are motivated by material wants, and I don't have a problem with that, so am I! lol. It's called trading to get what you want, and them what they want.

In more personal matters... to some extent... depends on the person and how I read them from the situation. Look of frustration = looking for a man and, in particular, his castle. Because she had the man part as far as I knew...


Don't think is really a strong measure of cynical distrust as defined on top, but... regardless...

How cynical are you?
0 Percent Cynical
You are way too optimistic to be cynical. You've got a lot of lofty goals and plenty of optimism to help you achieve them. Your friends probably get sick of your cheerfulness, but it's often your job to help them see the bright side of things.

Gee, I'm not so sure I disagree with that, lol. I think that might be partially why some people resented me, like the blue falcons I knew, they wanted my prospects to be bleaker than what I believed they would be, and so they tried... but...


swbluto said:
Lol, well, I see you don't know what the term means. I really don't want to educate you on something so abecedarian, but since you insist.

a person who cheats or tricks others by persuading them to believe something that is not true.

Which you have met the definition of. Though you rationalize you haven't AS THEY ALL DO. Oh in your case its different. How much Longer did you need to stay in the navy to get the student loan forgiven? As Homer would say "DOH!"

How did I just know you'd make yourself out a hero? Oh, right, they all do that, too.

So Milton finished his statement mentioning "You" who don't reign. Oops. I remember writing about that on the test in my Milton class. Ya gotta actuallread these things to get it.
Dauntless said:
swbluto said:
Lol, well, I see you don't know what the term means. I really don't want to educate you on something so abecedarian, but since you insist.

a person who cheats or tricks others by persuading them to believe something that is not true.

Which you have met the definition of. Though you rationalize you haven't AS THEY ALL DO. Oh in your case its different. How much Longer did you need to stay in the navy to get the student loan forgiven? As Homer would say "DOH!"

How did I just know you'd make yourself out a hero? Oh, right, they all do that, too.

So Milton finished his statement mentioning "You" who don't reign. Oops. I remember writing about that on the test in my Milton class. Ya gotta actuallread these things to get it.

Well, if you want to simplify it to straightforward labels, and remove things like ideology and rationale, I'm a "civil cheater". It doesn't mean I cheat everyone I come across, just pretty much those who deserve it (Wall street banks) AND whatever it takes to win against the competition. Everyone else is I'm pretty honest and fair with, people who don't "deserve it" and who aren't my "direct competition". This includes things like service providers, contractors, suppliers, etc., everyday people. I'm not out to rip off everyday people, they haven't done anything to deserve retaliation like the wall street banks have.

"Persuading them to believe something that is not true" is the necessary part to the "scam artist" definition, which I do not fit. I'm not lying to my direct competition or the wall street banks, I'm just not playing "fairly", and I'm /especially/ not lying to everyday people. These people who claim I'm lying because I ended up being lazy... does not make me a liar, it makes me lazy. There's a difference.

The IRS? No, not out to cheat them. Paying them back in installments is not "cheating them", you silly person. It's just a way to minimize financial strain in the face of uncertainty as to HOW MUCH the house is REALLY GOING TO COST, and I won't know for like another month or two. Plus it'd be good to have several grand available for buying income-producing assets.



And I absolutely promise it won't strain my budget. I'm not in california paying $2000/month on the rent/mortgage, I'm paying exactly $10/month in taxes.

And I motivated my neighbors to be entrepreneurial minded, looks like I'm having a good influence on the neighborhood.
This county is kind of cool. They consider you "rich" if you have money to pay the tow guy, lol. I can tell they've had problems with that because of them acting pleasantly surprised when the card ran thru successfully. And my real old neighbors seem to think like that, too, lol.

It sure does it make it easier feeling "rich" in this area if that's where the bar is set, lol.
The social studies teacher called her show political satire or "exaggeration."

Exactly what I was calling it, offensive humor. She gets her jollies off offending other people.

In other contexts, one might call her an asshole.

I guess it's true... I only date assholes... where have I heard that before? lol.
This is particularly true, one study found, of serial entrepreneurs, those bootstrapping men and women who we celebrate for persevering in the face of multiple failures. The more times you step up to bat, of course, the greater the likelihood that you'll hit a home run. But most of us aren't wired that way. We strike out, so we decide that maybe baseball isn't for us after all. It's a reasonable, rational response: we learn from our dismal performance, and are no longer as optimistic about our baseball abilities.

Or you strike out, and realize you have no other choice but to keep playing ball, so you're upto bat again!
swbluto said:
Dauntless said:
How did I just know you'd make yourself out a hero? Oh, right, they all do that, too.

Well, if you want to simplify it to straightforward labels, and remove things like ideology and rationale, I'm a "civil cheater". It doesn't mean I cheat everyone I come across, just pretty much those who deserve it (Wall street banks)

Exactly. They ALL do that. It's called 'Rationalization.' Works every time. It's why we have so many prisons.
Dauntless said:
swbluto said:
Dauntless said:
How did I just know you'd make yourself out a hero? Oh, right, they all do that, too.

Well, if you want to simplify it to straightforward labels, and remove things like ideology and rationale, I'm a "civil cheater". It doesn't mean I cheat everyone I come across, just pretty much those who deserve it (Wall street banks)

Exactly. They ALL do that. It's called 'Rationalization.' Works every time. It's why we have so many prisons.

There's a reason why I used the word civil. :roll:

And, if you couldn't tell already... I study laws and read case studies specifically for that reason. To keep it civil, lol.

Btw, that was actually done back in my early 20s, I haven't been hatching plans of that nature ever since, really.

As I've already said, sub-25 males tend to be law breakers (Or law stretchers...). Those who escape their 20s without visiting the slammer are either smart or lucky, usually smart.

Had a private investigator on my ass once, that was getting a little sketchy.
Had a dream, one person in our party turned to me and started pressing hard on my left ball. And then he kept pressing on, and kept pressing even harder, so I started pushing the guy away and then I started punching him, but he wouldn't let up. Wasn't painful in the dream, just a really uncomfortable pressure feeling.

Then I woke up.Turns out my left hand was brushing up against my ball,but lightly and not really noticeable, lol. That dream was an asshole, lol.
For this area, I think I would build a small 3 bd 1 ba home, and I'd make the shower/bath a separate room within the bathroom. (So that others could use the toilet while others might be showering)

Seems like it'd be fitting for the average buyer in this area, a lower-income mexican family with 2 children.
Saw this one video, I'm not sure the context, but I'd surmise a wealthy older dude who captured a young hottie, because the way she was acting was A LOT LIKE how the hottie HEB chick was acting. Highly encouraging to /f/ the hell out of her (through their enticing vocalizations), which coming from a hottie, is pretty arousing.

I didn't realize it for a while, until I unmuted the sound and I was like "Yep, this is the HEB chick!", lol.

Those hotties want guys with resources. She had the impression I owned a house.
swbluto said:
Had a dream. . .Turns out my left hand was brushing up against my ball,but lightly and not really noticeable, lol. That dream was an asshole, lol.

Dream interpretation on that one is easy. Remember 'The Empire Strikes Back?' Luke Skywalker fight the phantom Darth Vader in the cave, only to have it revealed. . . . Oh, that's a spoiler though. The 'The Prisoner': The character is never revealed to be John Drake, but that's obvious even though we know him as Number 6. He at last approaches the mysterious Number 1, pulls away the mask, only to reveal the maniacal face of. . . .

Oh wait, getting back to more mundane matters. "One in my party. . . ." You're all alone out there, only one in your party it could be. Squeezing on your own, you feel emasculated, knowing full well who's doing it. Waking up with your own hand caught in the act: You WANTED your secret revealed, the truth told. And you swing in that direction, too.

Oh my GAWD!
swbluto said:
There's a reason why I used the word civil. :roll:

And, if you couldn't tell already... I study laws and read case studies specifically for that reason. To keep it civil, lol.

Exactly. Considering yourself the urbane (If unwashed) culprit, you consider yourself entitled to be deposed in the manner of the most proper handling of such a genteel rogue. Treating you as a common criminal; Hogwash, eh?

Oh, but allow me to introduce myself. My card, sir:

Rogue Scholar, Raconteur, Byronic Hero for Hire.

So in your pursuit of the arts arcana of law in hopes of finding the technicality that would allow you to mist gentlemanly breakage of the most heinious of laws while politely not spitting on the sidewalk on Sunday, may I remind you that in this case you forgot to read the small print? (Lacking in civility one is when one neclects the small print)

This is the small print for the state of California. You'll find so many states have applicable small print, in their own way:

(Hut hua hmmmm)
"The rule of the common law, that penal statutes are to be strictly construed, has no application to this Code. All its provisions are to be construed according to the fair import of their terms, with a view to effect its objects and to promote justice."

Fair import refers to the fact that you'll not be allowed to victimize other despite you obvious charming (If unwashed) grace.

Now, do turn yourself I to the proper authorities at this time. There's a good fellow.

swbluto said:
As I've already said, sub-25 males tend to be law breakers (Or law stretchers...). Those who escape their 20s without visiting the slammer are either smart or lucky, usually smart.

Had a private investigator on my ass once, that was getting a little sketchy.

You left out 'Normal, typical,' SOMETHING to refer to the fact that no, MOST in their 20's are NEVER arrested. Landed a few rapscallions as yourself behind bars when in my 20's, never made such a soujourn myself.

Good Day, Sir.

Dauntless said:
swbluto said:
There's a reason why I used the word civil. :roll:

And, if you couldn't tell already... I study laws and read case studies specifically for that reason. To keep it civil, lol.

Exactly. Considering yourself the urbane (If unwashed) culprit, you consider yourself entitled to be deposed in the manner of the most proper handling of such a genteel rogue. Treating you as a common criminal; Hogwash, eh?

Hogwash, such is not the case my good sir. There are certain kinds of confinement referred to a way similar to that of an ivory tower, an allusion to something "white" and high class. Just like you have the blue collar prisons, you have the white kind. :D

And the gravity of my early 20s mischievousness certainly doesn't rank high enough to justify those kinds anyhow, so you're really looking at it the wrong way. It's entirely civil, rest assured.

Lawsuit territory, why do you think I occasionally have sudden surges of fear of these guys at my front step being process servers? lol.
Dog entered the perimeter, rummaging thru the trash heap. Caught him red handed, told him to get, he stood his ground and kept barking at me, and he continued just standing there so I let out a shotgun round into the air. That's when he started pooping and pissing his pants as he was walking around, lol. I was slowly following him soon after he meandered around after I started backing out, and eventually he figured out to leave where he came from, the front door.

What the hell, my dog? You let this intruder in? Jeez.

Judging from the full mammary glands on this dog, I'd presume this was a recent mother dog. I'd guess might be looking for food, probably for the puppies.
Watching this interview-the-guests show on the grocery store TV while waiting for my food, and the girl was like:

"I like that passionate spontaneous just-get-right-to-it kind"

And then girls in the audience agreed in a "yes, that's hot" kind of way (The sounds they made, like "hooo, hot mama"). And then I suddenly realized that's what the HEB chick situation was, I just didn't really know it at the time, lol.

She was mentioning this because her "boyfriend" wasn't like that AT ALL. Not the pinning the girl against a wall and forcibly planting a hot kiss on those plump rosy lips kind of guy, lol.

The HEB chick too thought that was hot and exactly the kind she liked, lol.
swbluto said:
Dog entered the perimeter, rummaging thru the trash heap. Caught him red handed. . . so I let out a shotgun round into the air. . .he started pooping and pissing his pants. . . I started backing out. . ..Judging from the full mammary glands on this dog, I'd presume this was a recent mother dog. I'd guess might be looking for food, probably for the puppies.

He has puppies? Never seen the boy dogs do that. But I see your military training served you well. Next stop, Syria.

So you would say that this youth full transgression served him a trip to a white dogpound, or blue collar?

swbluto said:
Lawsuit territory, why do you think I occasionally have sudden surges of fear of these guys at my front step being process servers? lol.

Guilty conscience?
Dauntless said:
He has puppies? Never seen the boy dogs do that. But I see your military training served you well. Next stop, Syria.

I didn't have the inference until later in the post, okay. You caught me in the act of later-making-an-inference.

Since we he was trespassing and being a petty thief of my garbage, I think that'd be a blue collar dogpound.

I'd be hardpressed to imagine a dog having the abstract thinking to qualify for a white collar dogpound, lol.

swbluto said:
Guilty conscience?

More like 'plans getting derailed' fears. And, with cops, you just never know... they might be there to arrest you.
swbluto said:
Watching this interview-the-guests show on the grocery store TV while waiting for my food, and the girl was like:

"I like that passionate spontaneous just-get-right-to-it kind"

And then girls in the audience agreed in a "yes, that's hot" kind of way (The sounds they made, like "hooo, hot mama"). And then I suddenly realized that's what the HEB chick situation was, I just didn't really know it at the time, lol.

She was mentioning this because her "boyfriend" wasn't like that AT ALL. Not the pinning the girl against a wall and forcibly planting a hot kiss on those plump rosy lips kind of guy, lol.

The HEB chick too thought that was hot and exactly the kind she liked, lol.
You must be one horny SOB.
Why don't you just go and do it and See what happens!

Yeah, see what happens! Like 9 months later... lol.

My experience is that girls want to become your live-in girlfriend and yeah, don't have the digs for that /just yet/. It's a work in progress.

Okay, thinking real hard about getting a lumber company to take out all the pines for me, and maybe even getting paid for it.

I'm finding it's a pain in the ass trying to get these huge thick trees down myself with my puny electric chainsaw, lol.

So looks like I'd be looking at calling sawmill companies, I know one right around the corner.

I think that's how a lot of these 100 acre prairie farms around here came about... sawmill companies just stripped the trees out of there.


This "plunge cut" they're showing on youtube, the chain on my chainsaw just skips off the bar, no matter the orientation. Not really sure what my chainsaw is missing that's required, not enough power... lack of auto-tension....?

These videos also show their chainsaw cutting thru the tree like butter, mine doesn't do that, lol, it's kind of a struggle, but I suspect it's partially a "power struggle" because the generator starts bogging down when the chainsaw does some high material removal, and the chainsaw slows down significantly.

I might need to replace the chain.
swbluto said:
Yeah, see what happens! Like 9 months later... lol.

My experience is that girls want to become your live-in girlfriend and yeah, don't have the digs for that /just yet/. It's a work in progress.

Okay, thinking real hard about getting a lumber company to take out all the pines for me, and maybe even getting paid for it.

I'm finding it's a pain in the ass trying to get these huge thick trees down myself with my puny electric chainsaw, lol.

So looks like I'd be looking at calling sawmill companies, I know one right around the corner.

I think that's how a lot of these 100 acre prairie farms around here came about... sawmill companies just stripped the trees out of there.


This "plunge cut" they're showing on youtube, the chain on my chainsaw just skips off the bar, no matter the orientation. Not really sure what my chainsaw is missing that's required, not enough power... lack of auto-tension....?
Yeah, call them so they could make the lumber you're gonna need :lol:

DAND214 said:
swbluto said:
Yeah, see what happens! Like 9 months later... lol.

My experience is that girls want to become your live-in girlfriend and yeah, don't have the digs for that /just yet/. It's a work in progress.

Okay, thinking real hard about getting a lumber company to take out all the pines for me, and maybe even getting paid for it.

I'm finding it's a pain in the ass trying to get these huge thick trees down myself with my puny electric chainsaw, lol.

So looks like I'd be looking at calling sawmill companies, I know one right around the corner.

I think that's how a lot of these 100 acre prairie farms around here came about... sawmill companies just stripped the trees out of there.


This "plunge cut" they're showing on youtube, the chain on my chainsaw just skips off the bar, no matter the orientation. Not really sure what my chainsaw is missing that's required, not enough power... lack of auto-tension....?
Yeah, call them so they could make the lumber you're gonna need :lol:


Now that's an idea, lol. If they happen to have some 2x4s that have finished drying...

Or... wait...

The ones at home depot are kiln-fired, aren't they?

That's how they dry them nowadays. Maybe the sawmill company could make me lumber from the trees... I get half, they get the other half, lol.
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