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We do not pass through the same door twice Or return to the door through which we did not pass
-T S Eliot

Surprisingly insightful from you, but a bit unfair. When he brings up self restraint he could be talking of not laughing in her face, or other nonviolent things.

But I just happened to have accidentally stumbled onto some T.S. Eliot, leaving me so inspired as to say:

Bluto has heard the witches sing. Oh why can he not hope they might sing to him?

But where is the wisdom you have lost in the knowledge she is a witch? Where is the knowledge you have lost in your information of witches? Between her claim to be a witch and her actions, between your thought to see her and your making the trip, falls the shadow. You gonna just leave it lay there?

Hell is oneself, Hell is alone. Hell is at home with you, isn't it? (T. didn't actually say all this, but he'd approve.)

You are the music while the music lasts.
-T S Eliot

And the rest of you wish only to laugh at him as he lingers in the chambers of his imaging the sea of love. Of witch girls wreathed in Halloween colors. His anxiety is the handmaiden to his search for a solution in reality. It is when the human voices awaken him that he shall drown. Can any of you bear much of his reality if he makes it so?

And yes I can speak for T.S. Eliot, because unlike probably all of you who read this, I have READ Eliot and of course demonstrate great understanding. None of you know Eliot to successfully disagree.

There will be time, there will be time To prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet.
-T S Eliot
Oh my gosh, just got back last night and crashed. Had the most wonderful time!

Just kidding, I didn't go. I tried finding a buddy to go to state fair with, but they're all getting laid by a bunch of out of state renaissance fair whores using their place to sleep for the night, so they didn't want to go.

I also reasoned, if she's living in another city now, she's not really a part of the "eligible dating pool", so no lost cause if she's moved. And if she's still living here, I'll have a chance to see her again locally sometime in the future. Mainly, I want to know what kind of girl I should watch out for in terms of personality characteristics. The only thing I can surmise online is "A girl who's hot as hell", but want criteria with a bit more precision and accuracy.

And the self-restraint was in reference to not falling for her "love trap". I figured out, it's the act of sex with a hottie such as her that makes men fall immeasurably and irrevocably in love (The sexual bond), which she exploits via betrayal to induce death. It's interesting to think she could just let guys fall for her, and have a normal relationship and possibly marriage like a normal girl, but she's decided to go the complete opposite, murder. The trick I'm surmising, is finding a girl who hasn't fell for the dark side.

Yeah, it's possible, her father would've came over and lit my house on fire while I was gone or something, lol. Apparently happened to another neighbor, had his trailer lit on fire by an enemy. The father lives here, in Houston, so doesn't have to travel from Dallas.



Found a movie whose title describes my situation!

I Almost Married a Serial Killer

Gotta investigate the histories of those readily identifiable psychopaths a bit more carefully, next time. Murder, murder for power, likes scaring, lover killer kind of themes, heartbreaker themes, likes using skull and knife emojis, black obsessed, vampires/witch themes, things like that. Maybe even "skanky hoe", "restless gypsy" and "itinerant vagabond" themes too. I'd even say unicorn/mermaid themes, but I think just about every girl is using those.


It's interesting thinking we're both psychopaths, except... she's the one with the body count, I don't. And I don't even really know if I'd consider myself an actual psychopath, maybe a really mild one at most. In some ways, I'm more effective as one then she is, in terms of deceit/manipulation.

Succumb to your fascination with a new way to earn, manage, or spend your money. Perhaps a fantastic new app makes a once-cumbersome financial management task a breeze to complete. Or, you discover a fascinating niche store that caters to your unique interests and needs. Likewise, dont be surprised if you receive an unexpected cash windfall or surprise gift. Your thirst for fiscal excitement is matched by the ability of the cosmos to deliver it as the Moon dynamically squares innovative Uranus in your 2nd House of Self-Worth. Plant the seeds of faith and see what grows


Highly relevant. I'm hoping this foretells good things like I've been hoping.

And isn't this strange, she's been declaring facebook hearts for my person. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I get the sense she REALLY does not understand how I feel about her.

I think she mistook my intention behind intending to meet her. To learn more about the person I should be avoiding!

I think it's elucidating when I find myself laughing so hard when reading "I promise I won't kill anyone"... haha... I'm joking I think. But I still find myself laughing for some reason... (Probably because of the way I feel, not necessarily what I actually intend.)

Dauntless said:
'So I Married an Axe Murderer'


A San Francisco poet who fears commitment suspects his girlfriend may have a knack for killing off her significant others.

Hell frocking yeah. Once I figured out I had myocarditis, I knew that was the "witch disease" from christopher case's death, then looked for foreshadowing before the myocarditis... and it was right there... witch hashtag used on her threatening posts (Death threats, essentially.)... then I started probing and she basically admitted it's true, she's a deadly witch. And then I started reintepreting all her "off-color comments" as not-actually-sarcasm (things like hiding bodies, etc.) and it suddenly made a lot more sense, and became a lot more morbid than it seemed at first.
Dauntless said:
Or you could have behaved like a normal person and took HER to the State Fair. Or would normal really be a possibility?

Why would I take the person who's ACTUALLY tried to kill me twice, to the fair?

She's tried twice, it's only fair I get to try once in return. Just that... dag nabbit... I don't tend to fail, so that might not be a good idea.

Think maybe if I shot at their legs, the most I'd get is aggravated assault? Probably be equivalent to the kind of damage I've received, hurts, possibly life threatening.
swbluto said:
Dauntless said:
Or you could have behaved like a normal person and took HER to the State Fair. Or would normal really be a possibility?

Why would I take the person who's ACTUALLY tried to kill me twice, to the fair?

Ummm, because you know that's not actually true and you're trying to get to being normal?
I entertain the idea those actions "might be normal reactions" (Homicide attempts), but with a history of dead boyfriends, I don't treat them so generously.

This is in... summary... the hot-as-hell homicidal psychopathic girl's trap. Lust, heartbreak and death are their game.

I mentioned to her the heb chick being strange, and she quipped a movie, "I'm unusual and strange". It's funny that she mentions that, because I'm mentioning that precisely because it's a problem, a deadly problem.


That they may keep thee from the strange woman,
From the alien woman that maketh smooth her words.

I would've been more careful of the HEB chick knowing what I do now.
This thread outlived it's purpose and turned into something that's not beneficial for you or anyone else long ago and i'm gonna be the bad guy here and fit it with concrete shoes and let it sleep with the fishes.

..and i don't want to see more of this either.

I understand you are going through a lot of pain and you've contributed a lot to the sphere in the past but this forum is not here for you to vent your feelings about harming other people; it's a disservice to anyone who subscribed to this thread long ago for those of us in charge to allow this to continue.

Please seek help and find yourself a healthy outlet for working with these thoughts. You deserve to be a healthy and happy person. I wish you the best on your journey to find peace in this life but a hard line is now drawn.
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