China runaround


1 kW
Aug 17, 2010
I placed an order with bmsbattery online and I cant understand how these Chinese companies are staying in business. They have told me that my order will ship today twice already and it still hasnt left. I cant even begin to explain how frustrated I am! How hard is it to put a BMS, charger and a few anderson connectors in a box and ship it??? Does anyone on here know of a reliable Chinese supplier? Evassemble is even worse! I really need that BMS so I can charge my pack thats just sitting here collecting dust. I just placed an order with Maxwell back east and its already shipped. Why cant the overseas companies do the same? If anyone knows of good place to buy cells, chargers and BMS's could they pm me the info. Good luck getting these people to refund my money.
The vast majority of China based suppliers stock absolutely nothing. You should never expect a small business based in China to ship anything within a week, unless they specifically say its available, on hand, and ready to ship immediately. Most stuff takes 2-8 weeks to ship. BMSbattery is generally one of the slower options, it took 9 weeks for them to ship a 'In Stock' hub motor. It clearly was not in stock.

This is simply the price you pay to get stuff cheap. If Cell_man stocks a kit, it should ship fairly quickly from what I hear.
Also, people have repeatedly posted about such problems (and worse) with both BMSbattery and EVAssemble here on ES, so it is difficult to feel any sympathy for anyone still willing to order from either one of them. ;)

As for good places to get stuff, there's also plenty of info already on the forum in various threads about good vendors and such, as well as people's personal build threads. You might want to take a gander around such threads for info before ordering from anywhere, in future.
I am absolutely aware of the lousy service from evassemble but I have never heard anything bad about bmsbattery. I even had people recommend their bms to me.
The products BMSbattery offers are fairly good, but they tend to ship very slowly. Never expect anything for at LEAST 2 weeks. And then its probably going to be 2 weeks to show up to your door.
Lets be honest here. All this electronic stuff should be made in America. We wouldnt be having these problems if we didnt give away our manufacturing.

ps i have had numerous issues with evassemble. They are poorly run.
Well, some of us have short lists of dealers we recomend. But if price is the only criteria for your choice, expect it to get to you some day, or some month.
There must be pricing accessible for every economical layer. Any person can choose what to sacrifice, will it be time, money, quality, little hand work, nerves or something else. It is the only way to populate this electric (and any other) theme. A lot of US quality products are living and dieing inside US borders because or uncompetitive pricing in eyes of worlds population. Anyway it is also cool to have a choice to purchase quality products.
Sorry, it is kind of getting off topic.
Go to the online support and ask them to check the tracking number.

Yeah they are pretty slow shipping but if you've choosen DHL then once it leaves china it takes 3 day to arrive in the UK probably quicker to the USA.
Other issuses Ive had with BMS is when you've place an order and the stuff doesn't work with each other ie, a 48v 10ah 10amp discharge current and a 500w motor, that order will be stuck on "handling" until you investigate it with the online support then they will tell you "500w motor not work with 10 amp discharge" and to choose 30 - 60 amp .. also watch out for shrink wrap batteries they dont come with a charger.

On the whole ive had a goodish experience with BMSBattery. Just a few pitfulls to watch out for and of course the delivery can take a while. But the savings are great (in the uk).

I got the lady on online support to check my cart as I was placing the order ...

A lot of stuff I've had shipped from china never tracked. Or just started to track about the day it hits my door. It's very often not a runaround, but just how it is. Sometimes stuff just isn't going to leave china at all for awhile, for ahem, various reasons. Other times the vendor needs to buy it after you send money. Just part of the deal when you get a great price straight from china.

All I really meant was, If fast shipping IS what you really need, the short list of vendors in the US and Canada is folks who typically do that.
For some reason my post was deleted... hmmmm.. very unusual.

I mentioned the currency manipulation in China, and how the American politicians and World trade Organization (WTO) do nothing to stop it. China literally cheats the system and gets away with it. So were all forced to buy from them.
Jason27 said:
For some reason my post was deleted... hmmmm.. very unusual.
It's not in the activity logs, so it is more likely that it never posted at all. :(
The vast majority of China based suppliers stock absolutely nothing. You should never expect a small business based in China to ship anything within a week, unless they specifically say its available, on hand, and ready to ship immediately. Most stuff takes 2-8 weeks to ship. BMSbattery is generally one of the slower options, it took 9 weeks for them to ship a 'In Stock' hub motor. It clearly was not in stock.

This is simply the price you pay to get stuff cheap. If Cell_man stocks a kit, it should ship fairly quickly from what I hear.
We keep stock which we have marked online that we will ship them max in 3 days. We keep larger stock this year.
We also update many thing this year to avoid misunderstanding or inconvenience of customers.

Below is internal of EVA Battery pack. A QA sample should arrive to neptronix.
I waited about a month for my equipment to arrive from BMSbattery. Overall I ask myself "if i am paying hundreds of dollars less than any local supplier then what are they doing different". The answer is customer service and stock levels. I am delighted with the kit I got at the price I got. If you want faster service pay more money for better service next time!!
EV Assemble Michael you need a new picture.. Dude, you look high. :shock:
Good morning.
Thanks for your precious advice.
The major improvement is speed and service.
Keep stock for most of items and provide more information in online page and via email so customer can get items fast as they suppose.
1)For stock items that's quite clear that it only need to wait 1-3days to issue out a shipment. Then goods should arrive in 3-6days to your door.
2)We have 12V 24V 36V 48V 60V 72V LiFePo4 chargers in stock. But still there are some special setting charger for customers: that takes about 14 days. Then goods should arrive in 3-6days to your door.
3)For battery pack: they are new made by stock material and we cycle them few time and measure everything before shipping. That takes 7-10days around.
4)For Kelly controller and Thundersky, that takes about 4-7days. Then goods should arrive in 3-6days to your door.

For 2), some customers may not provide very clear info for their special need of charger, in this condition we will discuss with them via email to clear it out and then start the 14days' process. Please comprehend this point.

Have nice Sunday.
I have to give props to both those who have ordered things knowing and accepting the extra wait time for the cheaper price, and for EVA for taking their lumps and trying to do better.

I'm waiting myself for a motor from Golden Motor, and the new power supply that I just received yesterday had no real tracking information for me (got it off Ebay from a seller that had a pretty good record, but still had some complaints in the feedback about slow shipping and such) but I still got it in a reasonable time.

I have no idea what stage the shipping is for the Golden Motor Trike Motor, but I should have it in the next week if it's on time, and I expect it should be, but not having a tracking number that I can look-up when I am spoiled by UPS and others that do is mildly annoying.

I think what is frustrating is not knowing if it's already shipped! :p

I have to remind myself that it's often in the mail or otherwise legitimately delayed, and 99% of the time, I have been pleasantly surprised when it shows up at my door.

I do understand the frustration, but I have to agree, you do get what you pay for, and I imagine many of the smaller companies are really struggling, and even though they might not have things in stock or get things to you as soon as you would like, that we are all human, and as long as we recognize they have things going on too that we don't know about, maybe we won't be as frustrated waiting for things to arrive.

I have to admit, am the WORST at waiting though, he he :twisted:.

I have to get some tracking info with in a day or two or I am writing emails/calling numbers and then I feel like a real ass when it shows up at my door well with-in the allotted time. :oops: :roll: :wink:

I have had to go the full gamut with Paypal too however, never did I have such a problem as when I was getting DeWalt 36V batteries for my dad on Ebay.

He got so frustrated after TWO sellers in the US (probably just people who bought low and sold high, not people who specialized in the products at all) Took nearly 2 months to clear up. One guy was just a flake (never heard from him and had to get money back with Paypal), the second one was totally innocent, but the US Post office lost the package for the better part of 3-4 weeks.

That he got his next and final battery at a "Batteries Plus" paying full price ($169 when the average Ebay price was about $100 - $120) so he didn't have to deal with the hassle.

So, I understand where you're coming from, but give it some time, most of the time it will work out. :)
I've bough loads of stuff from these Chinese suppliers and this is what I found:
As long as everything goes well, it's a good way to get stuff, but you have to be patient. The suppliers are not crooks, just business people that are not as well organised as the type of businesses that we're used to dealing with.
When buying whole kits, they have to get the wheel built which takes some time, so expect 4-6 weeks delivery time.
Stuff from BMSbattery sometimes comes within a week if they have it in stock - motors, bms, etc
The tracking numbers from BMSbattery work, but you have to enter the letters in lower case, not upper case like the one they send you (or is it the other way round - can't remember now!)
EVassemble also takes about about 4weeks to ship single items. They told me they give a discount if they don't ship within one month. Ask them about it before ordering.
In my last shipment from EVassemble, the motors were damaged in transit. To me, the packaging wasn't sufficient to prevent this. I'm dealing with EVassemble at the moment and I'll see how it turns out. So far, it's been a lot of hassle and EVassemble have not yet said that they'll replace the motors after nearly a week. I'll keep you informed of the outcome via a new post.
Buy from American and Canadian companies. Pay a little more.

If you're European, buy from Europeans.

It's not difficult, and they have great products.

So you pay a little more. But it comes back to you.

The money you spend in America is in America after you spend it. The money you sent overseas might never come back, and could eventually affect your job.

You guys have talked to the owners of Amped Bikes, and Support them and they support you. Plus, if Jason, for example, at has extra money in his pocket from profit, he might just spend it at the new restaurant near his home, and that new restaurant owner might then spend it at YOUR place of employment. That's how the economy works.

The reason China has risen economically recently (enough to build a stealth bomber, a new aircraft carrier, and apparently empty cities) is because we keep giving them our money.

And, yes, a lot of the time it's giving. You spend twenty bucks on a crappy plastic widget, and then it breaks. You've given them your money.

That's not to disparage the Chinese people. They are fine. People are people. But their government still touts communism as a virtue (although it's no at all in practice) and is not concerned with having balanced trade.

So, give the Chinese people a friendly wave, but you don't have to give them your money.
Where do you think Jason gets his stuff from? For your graph to work, you need to buy something really made in your region. You are not supporting your economy buy purchasing Chinese product from US based seller, you just put extra cash in sellers pocket (you do not know how he will spend it). Instead you could spend it in new opened restaurant and that would be kind of supporting local economy. :D I do not think that Chinese care much if you buy direct or feed 10 intermediaries. :wink:
parabellum said:
Where do you think Jason gets his stuff from? For your graph to work, you need to buy something really made in your region. You are not supporting your economy buy purchasing Chinese product from US based seller, you just put extra cash in sellers pocket (you do not know how he will spend it). Instead you could spend it in new opened restaurant and that would be kind of supporting local economy. :D I do not think that Chinese care much if you buy direct or feed 10 intermediaries. :wink:

Keep in mind, when E-BikeKit, Amped and buy directly from China, they're buying in quantity -- for much less than you as an individual consumer. So less money (per unit) is going overseas. These "local distributors" take a percentage of the margin the Chinese manufacturers would normally make and create profit, hire employees, buy tools and purchase equipment locally. The salaries they pay get spent in their communities and go to local businesses.

Yes, the Chinese are benefiting from selling to these distributors, but they're not keeping all the profit. Think about all the "trickle-down" benefits that are created by choosing a distributor in the U.S. or CA. Not to mention, you get English speaking representatives, better product support, faster shippping and less problems.

The benefits seem obvious...