Deal or no Deal... UPDATE I'VE BEEN CALLED !!!


100 GW
Apr 8, 2007
Quebec, Canada East
Hello guys,

Like you know me, with my special ideas and concept, i finally decided to apply to the TV show deal or no deal (here it's "Le Banquier")

By the way, i'm proud to present you the video of my audition! :mrgreen:
(sorry, it's french, but you should understand what i mean)

You will see me as Doc for the first time... :oops:

please let me know your opinion, or any comment! ...also on the youtube page!

I'm sorry that I cannot speak French. :oops:

However, I can say with complete confidence that your video skills are almost as good as your engineering skills! :D

Also, your "screen presence" is well suited for television; but if you are accepted, they will tell you to show more teeth. :mrgreen:

Bon Chance!

P.S. Your sis is beautiful. 8)
Good work Doc, was nice to "meet" you :D
Hope it works out well for you!
Awesome, you even had a microphone hooked to a mutli-line meter to measure your voice output. I wonder if anyone noticed :mrgreen: that in the background.

Nice doughnut in the snow with the e-bike, great sounds FX, LOL.

What size sub-woofer speaker was near the end? !!!

Thanks for mentioning us in the credits 8)

[I linked up the youtube video to your post, hope you don't mind]
Appelez vite un docteur! That was so cool! :lol: My high school French is 20+ years rusty, but I think I got the gist. Nice work & good luck!
Looks good. Now if I could understand what the hell I was hearing... :p
Great video. I got everything you said, except for the parts where you spoke in French. You might want to take a moment to check out that short! You just took out your flux capacitor! :shock:

I'm just visiting anyway... in the future, everything runs on Dust! HA HA HA HA HA! Electricity! HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!

***** POOF! *****

Doctorbass said:
Hello guys,
Like you know me, with my special ideas and concept, i finally decided to apply to the TV show deal or no deal (here it's "Le Banquier")

Salut Doc! Super. Je te souhaite de remporter ca!
Connais-tu la Zenn? L'autre jour j'ai assisté a une presentation par les ingenieurs de St-Jerome lors d'une rencontre de l'OIQ. J'ai embarqué dedans et c'est pas mal bien. Ca va etre ta concurrence!
Connais-tu aussi la APTERA? Pas mal hot :twisted:
Si tu as besoin d'un gars pour faire du design et des calculs par elements finis, lache-moi un ouak! Moi aussi je projete de faire une voiture electrique. Je connais aussi la mecanique, j'ai deja rebati une MGB au Texas.

J'ai converti un scooter avec un ami:
Bracket de moteur en fibre de carbone, batteries SLA 60Ah (temporaires), immatriculé au Quebec!

Va voir mon site: c'est mon bateau et je pense l'equiper de LiFePo4 (12V) pour les lumieres et la radio...
Looked good.
But you should do a copy with subtitles or re-dub the audio in english for us barbarians to the south.

And I must agree with Tyler... Your sister is a 'babe' .

Hope you have Good luck on getting on the show and winning the prize
Doctorbass said:
Hello guys,
Like you know me, with my special ideas and concept, i finally decided to apply to the TV show deal or no deal (here it's "Le Banquier")

Salut Doc! Super. Je te souhaite de remporter ca!
Connais-tu la Zenn? L'autre jour j'ai assisté a une presentation par les ingenieurs de St-Jerome lors d'une rencontre de l'OIQ. J'ai embarqué dedans et c'est pas mal bien. Ca va etre ta concurrence!
Connais-tu aussi la APTERA? Pas mal hot :twisted:
Si tu as besoin d'un gars pour faire du design et des calculs par elements finis, lache-moi un ouak! Moi aussi je projete de faire une voiture electrique. Je connais aussi la mecanique, j'ai deja rebati une MGB au Texas.

J'ai converti un scooter avec un ami:
Bracket de moteur en fibre de carbone, batteries SLA 60Ah (temporaires), immatriculé au Quebec!

Va voir mon site: c'est mon bateau et je pense l'equiper de LiFePo4 (12V) pour les lumieres et la radio...

Thanks Olivier!

Your boat is awsome! thanks fo rthe offer about desing!.. i will note that.
I heard "Doc" in there and that was about it. ha ha. Is there a Canadian version of Deal or No Deal, or are you applying for the American version? If you are applying for the American version, you should re-do the video in English, might increase your chances a bit. Good video though.
And, that was your sister??? :shock: What the hell happened to you? j/k man. :lol: Good luck with getting on the show. If you make it, remember to play the statistics and don't get too greedy. I was just thinking about trying for one of those shows myself.
Thanks All for your great coment and encouragment!

I got now more than 800 view on youtube.. around 150 more each days!.. I really hope my the video will get popular and that i will go to the deal or not deal show ("Le Banquier" french version) By this way, maybe i will maybe influence people about global warning and the benefit of having an electric car. and how it is important to me to realyze that dream.

I really feel that the song at the end of the vid match with the idea! (ELECTRIC DREAM) and the Dream of building my own Electric car! :D

The more you share that vid with your friends or family, the more the "message" will be listened thanks!

C'est un Super Video - bonne chance Doc!

Some of you guys might have missed that Doc won (or was it 2nd place?) a Provincial contest for loudest sound system? What's the deal with that! C'est Au Bout!

Check out (Randy Holmquist) who is a great supplier of EV equipment.

I'm sure you guys know about (the old link is for a searchable database on different vehicles.
IIRC Doc Brown from that movie had the loudest sound system in his province also... well until Marty fried it :D
You gotta throw in some "NO DEAL!" out bursts in there. Show them that you can be really excited on stage. It seems like that is what the show focuses on, all the excitement of the person slamming down the cover and yelling no deal. At least with the American version.

I have an audition next tuesday!! I have been choosed like the 160 other participant over the 14500 demands and video they received!!!

Nad they told me that they want to see me with my ebike and with my rocket scientist cloths!.. THEY WANT A SHOW !! I'LL GIVE THEM :twisted:

I'll keep you updated about that!
Doctorbass said:

Way to go Doc - that' sensational! Bonne chance!