1 MW
Drat ... I have worthless ComCast(aka Xfinity) internet service and it just went down for the 3rd time in the last hour. They say they might have it fixed in 3 or 4 hours. Happens at least once a month. Smoke signals would be more reliable.
Moving on ... It is hard to get a good screen grab of that board but: <insert file here>
There seems to be more bits missing than installed. I think I see a switch, potentiometer, a couple of small resistors, a diode (maybe two) and a capacitor. I am guessing that big white blob to the right of the switch is a relay (hard to tell). The three legged device on the right is is a TRIAC. The small bits form a low voltage supply that feeds to gate of the Triac and thus control the power allowed to flow through the Triac to the primary coil. You will note it has a big heat sink as well.
This link might prove helpful, Triac Tutorial: http://www.radio-electronics.com/info/data/semicond/triac/what-is-a-triac-basics-tutorial.php
By the way: I like this spot welder because of its size but note what he uses to keep the contacts closed
Moving on ... It is hard to get a good screen grab of that board but: <insert file here>
There seems to be more bits missing than installed. I think I see a switch, potentiometer, a couple of small resistors, a diode (maybe two) and a capacitor. I am guessing that big white blob to the right of the switch is a relay (hard to tell). The three legged device on the right is is a TRIAC. The small bits form a low voltage supply that feeds to gate of the Triac and thus control the power allowed to flow through the Triac to the primary coil. You will note it has a big heat sink as well.
This link might prove helpful, Triac Tutorial: http://www.radio-electronics.com/info/data/semicond/triac/what-is-a-triac-basics-tutorial.php
By the way: I like this spot welder because of its size but note what he uses to keep the contacts closed
