E-bike controller with an open/documented protocol?

Oct 4, 2017
Hey guys,

I am looking for an e-bike controller that has an open protocol - either UART or Can Bus.
I want to interface into the controller and be able to read info such as - speed, battery level and send commands such as "turn light on" or "turn light off", using something like an Arduino or a Raspberry Pi.

I know the S12S, S06S have their protocol cracked on GitHub (thanks to this forum, I found it) and there is the open firmware project. These are strong options.

However, I would be more than happy to find one that I can fully interface with by default - with documentation from the manufacturer. Any advise guys?

Treat this bike as a "greenfield" bike. The battery I will use, the motor I will use etc. will be determined by the controller I use. The ability to interface with it is more important to me than anything.

Thanks in advance!
First I'll refer you to your previous thread about this:

then this thread:
which has links to some threads that might be useful, and some discussion.