So I look around da web and all these Elon supporters are saying "Look at the miracles he's accomplished so far," though nothing else, really. Those who doubt give plausible reasons, which outrage those who wish to fly on faith.
I'll just remind those who are counting this as already done and on budget, the Tesla was neither. Also, he's not saying he's going to build this HIMSELF, he's saying he's going to doodle on napkins in fancy restaurants and hope the busboys are in fact good college students of physics, engineering, etc., so they can get together and compare his notes they've collected to use them for class projects that will move this right along.
The Hyperloop itself is facetious. This whole approach he's taking to betting it'll be built is beyond ridiculous. Alfred Beach was a far greater genius at this than Elon has proven to be so far.
Oh well. Time for another song.