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End of the World. Beginning of a new one. The Life of Amberwolf.

mdd0127 said:
Also, if you can, try to round up all of the pieces for your keyboard and get them on top where they're accessible.
It's over here at Bill's; it just doesnt' have the bottom cover screwed on (the screws are lost after the fire). I didn't want to leave it there because of the looter that evening.

I'm sure that as long as the bigger chips are functional that I can get it working good as new again.
It is almost certainly just traces on the multilayer boards that are corroded, either shorted by the corrosion or vias corroded out and not making connection between layers anymore. But without a complete schematic and PCB layout, I don't see a way to be sure of fixing it short of cleanign every affected via and reflowing it perhaps with a wire thru it, and tracing out where it was *supposed* to have connected and runnign a wire from that via to the other end of the traces that were doing it before. It might even require having a good board to compare for continuity, or a lot of lucky guesses, short of that. The time needed for all that is the main reason I have not yet done it myself, aside from not being able to see well enough up close anymore to do much work like that at a time, even with magnifiers.

There are also some damaged wires in the cable harness but that's a really easy fix.

Could (probably) have bad caps in the power supply, but as you say that's easy to fix with parts from other things. Got lots of that. :lol:

I know a guy with a studio in his rv so maybe we can quit working while we still have enough energy and you can let some music out. It heals the soul if anything does!
I'm going to see about fixing the guitar today. And I fixed the speaker on the little keyboard but the sounds are so bad that I cant' really use it for whta I want it for, since it has no MIDI. But I have a reverb unit that should be in the stuff out there that might help me make the sounds usable. I just ahve to wire up cables and setup my speakers, etc etc.

I had a very-well-used EPS16+ that I stored at another friend's house a very long time ago but I doubt he still has it these days; I'd forgotten about it until now. But it would read and load a fair number of the things off my ASR88's disks, I think, even though it doesnt' have an 88 key keyboard or weighted or anythign, or as much memory, and it has an issue where it jsut crashes in the middle of doing stuff sometimes. (common on that model I guess). But I hven't been able to reach him so far since the fire, so I am counting that one lost, too.
Not to boast but I'm a trace repair guru. And while I might not be able to see things that are far away, I can still see things up close really well. I'm sure we can get the ASR running again even if it ends up looking like a mad scientist built it. It's only a double sided board right?
Don't worry about the welding. If you run the grinder and clamp things together/hold them, I can stick weld paperclips together. :wink:

Gotta go though. I have a lot of work to do!
I understand the sorting thing. I built a shed last year and tore down the old one and put all the stuff from the old shed into the garage for the winter and I am sorting that mess now. Then it all goes into my new shed.
Keep up the good work.
amberwolf said:
It probably is PTSD, but it's not just "Post"--the trauma continues, each week there is a new one to pile onto the old ones. If it had happened all at once maybe I would be more able to get over it.

From first hand experience I can tell you that "the trauma continues" is part of the insidious nature of PTSD. Once someone takes the "punch" you did the deep and long lasting bruising is there and it is easily irritated. So other things that you could have overcome much more easily are harder to take. Most people can't understand it unless they have gone through it. Something like empathy vs sympathy one can be recognized while the other is heart-felt.

I don't intend to let it happen to me.
Sometimes it happens anyway no matter how hard we try.
It won't help all the dogs out there that still need me, even though we haven't yet met and don't even know each other exists yet.

And they do need you!
You don't know how much I wish I could. I am guessing that you havent' read the thread updates either; not surprising since they're mostly ultra-long rambles like this one probably will be, too.

True, I have been very busy lately. Something that will slow down when my job ends May 21st. Unemployed again......
But that will give me more time for my half completed projects.

I have put a LOT of thought into how to get fuzzy puppy kids back into my life, because I've already gone four times longer without one than I have in my whole life, and it is not helping me. I've seen a few that if they werent' already with someone else I'd love to have. But they have homes already, and dont' need me. I've gone to adoption events and shelters whenever I could, and seen a few that if I had my home back I'd've taken with me RIGHT THEN. But I can't, yet.

Understood. But I am stilling pulling for the ASAP part even if it takes a few more weeks.

As for the "professional help"........If I really need it, I have the number and address of the place my workplace pays for a handful of sessions for. But since after taht it'd be on my own dime, and I'm sure it would take a lot more than a few sessions to talk all this out, I'd much rather do it with friends that already know me at least a little than start from scratch with a stranger that doesnt' actually care and will only see me a few times before I can't go anymore.

Always good to have friends but they are not trained to see what your are going through. And you might be surprised just how much a professional cares. A good one anyway. If you can see a psychologist / psychiatrist now payed for by your work I say go for it now. Waiting will just prolong the trauma. Even if it is just a few sessions they can be helpful. I didn't have that available to me and I wish I did. Go at least once and ask how the kind of trama affects a mans state of mind and then see what the pro says. It's just talking. It can only help.
I forgot to post a note and pics of some stuff I am glad I ran across in the garbage dumpster the other day. A couple of my wolf mugs, only ones I can find now,

and a drawing by my aunt Jean (I think; might've been my uncle Joe; I can't remember right now) from a couple years after I was born. Then there was a print of a painting that I've had as long as I can remember, I think at one point my mom had told me it's from almost when I was a baby? Not sure anymore. Both used to have plastic-like frames, someone said maybe bakelite, but no part of the frames was found, just the artwork. But I had these displayed on the top of the shelves in my old bedroom; it doesn't make sense why they would have been in the trash (but then, neither does any of the other stuff I found in there).
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Anyway, there's also a drawing of a wolf that Kirin of OHBB did and sent me I think it was last year. I had not gotten around to framing it, which is the only reason it wasn't destroyed, as I would have had it on the wall in my burned up bedroom if it had been framed. (also probably the other ones above would, too, because I probably would have put them all up at once, along with some other stuff, some of which I've found and some I haven't).

Since I haven't gotten Thud's guitar yet, and I *really* wanted to play something that doesnt' sound like a little kid's toy (the Yamaha) and makes a sound I can hear music in, then today I went to Guitar Center and picked up the pins, nut blank and saddle, and strings for my sister's old guitar body.


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unfortunatley i didn't notice that the one tuning key's gear is broken until after i got home, but maybe i can make it work anyway. Or maybe they sell just one gear. I don't want to replace evyerhign just for that.

It was more than I wanted to spend but each thing was cheap enough; if I had time to search thru the stuff at my house I am sure I have things there I could have made eveyrthing but the strings from--I just don't have that time right now, as it would take days, and then making them would have taken more days, probably a couple of weeks, since my hands often hurt too much to do more than a little of that kind of fine work each day. A couple of hours of it and they hurt right into the next day.

Since the only saddle they had was too skinny and not deep enough for the slot in this guitar, I took a twig found in Bill's yard (from a pine tree overhanging it from the neighbor's) and whittled and filed it to make a spacer underneath the saddle so it's depth would be enough to keep the strings off the sounding board and frets, and then a couple of spacers to keep it from wiggling around thickness-wise. I may not have the height correct yet, but I glued it in anyway because i'm impatient. :oops:




I couldn't really hold the little nut blank well enough to file it, and my vise is somewhere in the stuff at my house, so I decided to just glue it on the neck/fret border slot and clamp it down, and then I'll file it in-situ.
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Thankfully I found a website
that has quite a bit of info about building a guitar, and it tells and shows me enough to be able to do this, as it is somethign I've never had to do before (just restring and retune, mostly).

The glue (gorilla glue, cuz Bill already had it, and it will expand to fill any gaps I left when shaping stuff) is still setting now, and should be completely ready by tomorrow morning or so. Which is fine, cuz my hands have pretty well had it for today with just makign the little wood spacers on the saddle.

Sometime between breakfast and going out for the guitar parts, after workign on Bill's computer for a problem that turned out to be basically a bad cable connection or two, I decided it was time to finally tackle prying the other two harddisks out of the gobbet of goo that was my computer. I salvaged the main harddisks out of it the first day or two here, I think, but lots of stuff including the primary full-resolution versions of all the things cleared off of the camera cards each time I used them, only exists on the small 80gb drive that was still stuck in the computer case.

I took a bunch of pics of the computer as it was when I started today, and then of the removal of the drives, and then after wiping them down to get the ash and dirt and stuff off. I have a feeling that the dust buildup on them may have insulated them from some of the heat of the fire, preventing them from being rendered unusable.

As I was heading over to the computer case (left outside becuase of the smoke smell) after putting my tools and stuff back on the trike, I realized I'd left my helmet on the trike yesterday when I got home after the debacle with Tannon, and stuck it on Phideaux so she could protect it from me leaving it outside again. Too valuable to do that with. Then I forgot I'd done that and turned aorund to see it like in the pic attached somewhere below, and laughed, so I took a pic. Bill had also seen it like this and laughed; I heard him while I was prying the harddisks out of the comptuer case.

Bill gave me an old external Western Digital drive to use for it's case to try to read these with, and I opened it up

and plugge din the 80gb I most wanted to rescue, and afte rit powered itself up and down a couple of times, it stayed running, and then was detected by Bigmoose's laptop via USB just fine. I was able to copy off a whole lot of stuff like those original images, etc., onto an external laptop drive Bigmoose had also sent me to use for backup. There's also a bunch of stuff on teh drive that's duplicated elsewhere or that I don't care about, so I didn't copy that over, as the drive appears to still work ok so if I decide I want it later I can probably get it off.

I found the original videos of Nana's puppies, including the first ones after they were born (I didn't manage to actually video the births themselves, just their first sucklings after coming out, for a few of them), an incredibly cute one of Hachi as a teeny armful-sized fluffy puppy responding to her name in that super-excited way she always had, her trying to eat the sprinkler water,
her trying to rescue her toys from the aftermath of the hailstorm, etc, and even one of Bonnie, Loki, and Fred from before I got Nana. Haven't gone thru all of what was saved yet so there are probably lots more memories in there. I cried a lot, but it was mostly happy crying.

I found a converter online and put a few of the vids on my phone; the audio is corrupted on some but not others in the phone versions; need to figure that out and then convert all the others to keep on there, in case others I meet ever want to see them. (or in case I suddenly have to "inflict" them on people. ;) )

Very glad I was able to save all that stuff. I would have been even sadder if it had been lost (but I had been assuming it was lost already, and so was super happy that it wasn't).

I've been napping unintentionally here and there, too, but I am a lot less tired than I was yesterday, and though I still am not sleeping even as well as I did before all this happened (whcih wasn't great) I am doing better. I hope to get more sleep tonight than last, and perhaps during this week off i will get enough to make a big difference in how I feel before I go back to normal work at my home store next Sunday.

At least I am also feeling a sense of accomplishment: today I have helped fix Bill's computer, yesterday I helped him finish part of his trailer project, last night I fixed the speaker on the little Yamaha keyboard and played a bit of "music" with it, and today I have half-finished making the guitar usable again. And about a week ago I installed the tube, tire, and liner on the motor wheel from Kingfish (whcih though it still needs torque arms/etc made before I can use it was still an accomplishment). Oh, also, yesterday I got the laptop from Bigmoose setup and customized enough to be able to use it (though it still has a long way to go to make it like I really need it to be, that's going to take months or longer).

I haven't actualy accomplished anything I set out to do (outside of work at the remodels) in so long, the past month basically, that it feels like a huge triumph.

I need to try to do more of those "little things" that are still big enough to feel completeness about.


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It's awesome that you were able to save those drives. I wish I had the presence of mind to leave my dremel and vice down there with you, so you'd at least have something to cut, drill, and grind with. I think I have a cordless one somewhere still and if I find it, I'll save it for you. The battery died but it runs great from a 9v watt wart or bench supply. It's good to see you accomplishing some little things.

I have a helper coming over tomorrow to help me go through my crap so that should speed things up big time. I still don't see myself making it back down there before you have to go back to work though, which is a bummer. Who knows though?

Anyway, get some rest this week and try to take it easy!

Here are some inspiring videos to see how much fun a person can have with "toys"!

I have lots of stuff to cut, grind, etc with, inclujding files and vises, etc, and a dremel, it's just all at my house at not here at Bill's, and I had zero desire to go to my house today. I wanted to stay away from it and do something unrelated, to try to keep from getting stressed out again. Everytime I am there the urge to DO SOMETHING about all the things I need to do there is overwhelming, and then not doing that leaves me ultra stressed after I leave, and unable to sleep because I keep thinking about it all. If I am not there, it is easier to deal with the problem, because it is not right in front of me. :?

Even if you'd left your tools with me, they'd still be over at my house....

But Bill has tools, including files and stuff. He might even have a vise, but it was easier to just glue it on the guitar to do the work than find out.

Regarding the sounds on the Yamaha...it's not so much that they are "toy" sounds, it is that they are completely totally NOT the sounds I need to make the music that is in my head. I am not a musician. I am a sound sculptor, would be the best description I can give. I take the sounds that are in my head and find them in the things around me, and if they dont' exist then if the tools I have allow me to create those sounds I do so. if not, I can't make the music that's in my head at all, and it's just frustrating rather than cathartic.

I don't play notes; I don't even play music. I make sounds that flll the space that's in my head that matches them. If the sounds arent' right, they don't fit, and can't do what I need them to.

So...sometimes even the best equipment or instruments couldn't satisfy me because they don't make the sound I hear, and sometimes i can't invent the sound either. So that piece of music never gets created.

Does that make any sense?
Makes perfect sense. I think that I'm the same way in some aspects. I hear whole songs in my head, with all of the parts, and when I spend too much, basically any, time looking for the "right" sounds or trying to make the individual parts, I usually lose the whole thing or it turns into something completely different. The only things that I've recorded have been really simple and not turned out as good as I wanted or sound really cool but are basically impossible to reproduce because they're just recordings of improvised ramblings.

I can't remember if you ever heard this one but it's the only song that I've recorded so far that actually could be a song.
There's no multi tracking or overdubbing involved. I missed the timing with the first guitar loop and I forgot to reset the looper channel volumes between recording attempts so the chorus is quiet but that's probably a good thing. :wink: It's live, two track stereo with no mixdown, conceived and recorded in one night when my electronic equipment was all still relatively new to me. I played all of the parts into my looper as the song progresses. It's like playing a guitar, singing, and tap dancing all at once but I think the recording gets the idea across and it's great for laughs if nothing else.


Here are the lyrics:
We are going to kill you because we want your oil
We run across your desserts and the fields in which you toil
And turn red with blood every square inch of your soil
Because we need black gold to make our system boil

Three fifty V8 in my sport ute
Yeah that's right it's a real brute
It's real big because I am too
From eating all this cheap fast food

Now way I'll change, I'll consume till I die
From a heart attack caused by french fries
To the pain in the world I'll turn a blind eye
No thought for starving babies or dead soldiers mothers' cries

Let's run our country on banker fat
Everyone knows it's where the calories are at
Just whop em in the head with a baseball bat
And toss them in the fat rendering vat

And that's that.

Here's one of my friends in his debut performance. He's kind of the opposite. He hears the melodies in his head and just gets them out with whatever sounds he has available to him, which happens to be a monster bass!

got caled in to work today from 8a-3p; actually worked till 340p but took almost hour lunch insted of half like normal cuz i was so tired i neded to reast before going back. was actually called in for today by text msg yesterdeay but for some reason my tracfone didn't get any of the incoming calls, voxmials, or texts from yesterday until i unplugged it from the computer this morning between 4a-5a when i was going downstairs to make tea. wierd.

anyway, it was an ok day. nothing stressful.

got home and unclamped the nut on teh guitar to see that it had dried correctly, and i marked and filed basic grooves in it, nothing else, just ot get it strung and checked out.

on tightening the g-string, it snapped rigth at the key post. :( i tried a couple of waysof overlapping/etc with the remainder but none worked past halfway-tuned. once it was close to the note it either snapeda gain or slipped out of the overlap/knot/etc.

eventually i had to swap the g and b strings between their respective tuning pegs, as that allowed the g string to be able to go into the post hole and be tuned. i just have to remmeber they're stwapped when tuning, or it screws up a lot of owrk.

Another issue reared it's ugly head after nearly getting it tuened by ear, mostly--the plastic bridge where the string pegs mount is pulling away from teh guiatar body. i am sure i can fix that but it's also cracking in a numbe rof places, which i might nto be able to fx. eniether would bve an issue except it detunes the guiatar with almost no playing on it. :(

after fixing that i plyaed with the guitar for a while, maye an hour or more, utnil i foujnd myself dozing repleatedly and guitar falling off my lap. makes quite a boom hitting the carpeted floor, if you're in a quiet room and dozing off. :roll:

but at least i can sort of play music now. can't use the frets yet cuz i have no tnotched the nut deeply, just enough to hold the strings. gotta go down quite a lot so the strings don't detune so badly while fretting them. rightn ow it's unplayably bad detuning. once the s5rings sit down over frets much closer than now, then it shoudl play without major detuning.

doesn't have a truss rod/nut i can use to adjust the heights/curve of the neick.

since i can't tune by eear i used aptuner, free program i've used for years for such things, to use the ibm laptop's mic to display how closeeach string is to tuned.

been doing that dozing thing typing thi sup too, probably taken half an hour or more cuz of that.


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amberwolf said:
on tightening the g-string, it snapped rigth at the key post. :( i tried a couple of waysof overlapping/etc with the remainder but none worked past halfway-tuned. once it was close to the note it either snapeda gain or slipped out of the overlap/knot/etc.......

Pine is too soft to take the pressure. I made a bridge saddle out of beef bone once. I stopped at the butcher section of my local Ralphs market one day and asked if they had any big bones that I could have. They said yes and charged me $1.00 for a big enough beef bone to cut down for a bridge saddle. It took some careful sawing and it stunk link burning hair when I was cutting it down, but it made a perfect saddle for my 1972 Epiphone dreadnought. I even used a high E string to fine tune the bridge saddle by not rounding it. I kept the top of the saddle square an put a number 1 E string between the saddle and the string (all six of them) and moving it forward or backward until I got a perfect tune. I then marked with a pencil on either side of the little piece of E-string so I knew where to file the bone away so to give the guitar prefect pitch. I didn't need to move it much, but it made a real difference. I haven't found a web site to show the technique, but this one gives pertinent info.

e-beach said:
amberwolf said:
on tightening the g-string, it snapped rigth at the key post. :( i tried a couple of waysof overlapping/etc with the remainder but none worked past halfway-tuned. once it was close to the note it either snapeda gain or slipped out of the overlap/knot/etc.......

Pine is too soft to take the pressure. I made a bridge saddle out of beef bone once.
:? urr....I'm confused.

The saddle is a pre-made one. The problem was with the string itself, snapping at the key post--the part where it's wrapping around thru the hole in the peg as it's turned to tension the string for tuning. I hadn't even reached anywhere near the tension needed for that string (was still at least several notes too low) when it snapped. I didn't see any sharp or rough spots on the key/peg/post, so I'm assuming a defect in the string.

Right now it doesn't matter since I worked around it by swapping which key is used to tuen that string and the next hgiher one; is awkward to remember while tuning but it works fine.

The only pine is spacers to secure the saddle in place laterally, and under the saddle, as a thin spacer to make it stick up high enough to not rub strings on the frets (though I made it too thick and need to take it all apart and thin it out, a tough job at this point).

I did consider making my own saddle and nut out of butcher's bone, but right now I don't have enough patience or physical capability to deal with all of the process.

I even used a high E string to fine tune the bridge saddle by not rounding it. I kept the top of the saddle square an put a number 1 E string between the saddle and the string (all six of them) and moving it forward or backward until I got a perfect tune. I then marked with a pencil on either side of the little piece of E-string so I knew where to file the bone away so to give the guitar prefect pitch. I didn't need to move it much, but it made a real difference. I haven't found a web site to show the technique, but this one gives pertinent info.

That will probalby be helpful even though I have a pre-made one, because I stil lhave to finish the nut; presently it is all "temporary" until I could learn enough about this part of luthiering by doing it to see what I needed to do to finish it. (seeing the pages I've foudn on the subjects shows me *what* is needed, but it doesnt' really explain enough of *why*, but I pretty quickly figured a lot of that out after stringing, tuning, and attempting to play it like it is. :lol: )

Oh, and this page on that site:
could be very useful someday....

If nothing else, I've learned a couple of new skills (even if I'm crappy at them right now), and have kept my mind off of things I need to stop thinking about, for a few hours here and there.

I haven't been back to the house since the incident on Saturday morning. I was going to go back yesterday after work, but decided I couldn't deal with it, and the middle of my back/shoulders and my arms/wrists still hurt too much from the overexertion. Today I feel better, but am not sure if I will go back or not. Mark left a voxmail so I have to call him back today to see what's happening and what we can do and when.

I just wish I could keep better control of my temper now; I'm having a lot more trouble with that than I have since I was a teenager, and realized I had a problem, and worked all my life to fix it. Now it seems to be nearly unfixed. :(

Oh, well--I guess this is how one rebuilds a life after something like this. One little piece at a time....
amberwolf said:
e-beach said:
Pine is too soft to take the pressure. I made a bridge saddle out of beef bone once.
amberwolf said:
:? urr....I'm confused. [quote/]

happens to me all the time... :oops: :oops: :oops:

The only pine is spacers to secure the saddle in place laterally, and under the saddle, as a thin spacer to make it stick up high enough to not rub strings on the frets (though I made it too thick and need to take it all apart and thin it out, a tough job at this point).

The problem with pine is that it will compress over time and maybe expand and contract as the humidity rises and falls in the room the guitar is in. If it was heart wood from the center of an old pine tree that would work. Oak, ash and maple would be better. If you ever see someone getting a new hardwood floor installed you might want to ask if they have any scraps you can have.

If the bridge is too high you can always sand the underside if it is not glued down, it might time to invest in a set of small files and file the bridge down or start your journey into advanced luthierism and learn how to steam it out.
I just wish I could keep better control of my temper now; I'm having a lot more trouble with that than I have since I was a teenager, and realized I had a problem, and worked all my life to fix it. Now it seems to be nearly unfixed. :(

It is part of PTSD. I had it myself so I know how you feel. It doesn't feel good but you will get through it. I will take time...your last quote is "spot-on"

I guess this is how one rebuilds a life after something like this. One little piece at a time....
e-beach said:
Oak, ash and maple would be better. If you ever see someone getting a new hardwood floor installed you might want to ask if they have any scraps you can have.
If you want some wood AW I have maple walnut cherry scraps and I can cut them down and send it in the mail.
emiyata said:
If you want some wood AW I have maple walnut cherry scraps and I can cut them down and send it in the mail.
No need for this project; it's just a quickfix for a beater guitar that doesn't have to last long. I think I did it more for the catharsis and learning than anything else, and to be able to play music at least a little bit with sounds I really love. (acoustic guitar and grand piano are my two favorite instruments ever...and I can't get a piano up the stairs, so....)

e-beach said:
The problem with pine is that it will compress over time and maybe expand and contract as the humidity rises and falls in the room the guitar is in. If it was heart wood from the center of an old pine tree that would work. Oak, ash and maple would be better. If you ever see someone getting a new hardwood floor installed you might want to ask if they have any scraps you can have.
I have various types of hardwood even including ironwood, redwood, maple, etc., in little stuff that is being tossed from smoke and fire damage, so I guess I can save a few scraps of those things. I just have to find them in the garbage pile, which is pretty huge.

If the bridge is too high you can always sand the underside if it is not glued down, it might time to invest in a set of small files and file the bridge down or start your journey into advanced luthierism and learn how to steam it out.
I already am using Bill's set of small files; it's what I used to shape the bits so far (and I have my own at my house scattered somewhere in the toolbins in the sheds). Bridge saddle and stuff is glued in with gorilla glue right now, but that's easy to scrape out, no matter how tough they purport it to be. ;)

Bridge itself needs to be re-glued-down, as the strings are pulling it off teh face. Actually bridge needs replacing, but not worth it for this project. Maybe someday--for now I'm not even regluing the bridge unless it breaks off. :lol:
Might you try Nylon strings for now ? Less tension and a more mellow sound. Somewhere I have a complete Guitar construction and repair book I bought, when we were building Fiddles and Banjos. Once you get settled down, I could send it, IF I can find it. It's a nice hard cover book.

Started to build the Guitar, then moved to Fl., so, threw away the form with sides still tack glued inside the form.
Not much happened yesterday. Went with Bill to see about new eyeglasses, as mine are probably a decade-old prescription, and don't do much for me anymroe except on the road to let me read signs and stuff. And they're scratched up pretty badly, beyond help fo the scratch fillers i've tried. I have to take them off to read stuff close up much of the time, and it's hard to see on the road at night with oncoming traffic because of the lensflares/glare caused by the scratches. But when we got there the optometrist was not in so we had to setup a new appointment for midday today instead.

Existing donations will be buying these glasses, so I thank you all for that--I've put them off for a really long time because I needed to use the money for dog stuff and rent/utilities instead (none of which are expenses I have for now :| ), usually. Metal frames large enough to give me useful-area lenses are about $40, exam about $50, and basic lenses from $60-90 depending on whether i get regular plastic or the polycarbonate. So about $150-$200. They mentioned a coupon for $20 off the frames, and I could opt to use my existing frames (originally from Bill's older glasses, since we happened to have almost exactly the same shape lenses) but with my luck they'd break soon after getting the new lenses, since I've been wearing them a while and my skin/sweat corrodes metals and eats up plastics. So I'd rather just get the new frames and have my old ones as a spare set for whatever purpose they could serve.

Woke up around 430am and was so tired i pulled up the pillows to keep light out when dawn happens a little while later, and slept fitfully some more till around 7am, when I gave up trying and jsut got up. Tried to play guitar but it had lost it's tuning on the upper strings and the lowest string, and retunign those detuned the middle strings. Retuning those then pulled the G-string back out of it's tuning key post/peg, stripping off the outer coily layer. I havent' seen that sort of prboelm beffore so i am thinking that particular string might be from a bad batch, given that before this it also snapped for no determinabel reason as soon as it bent around the edge of the hole int eh tuning key post/peg while tensioning it.

Anyway, I could see that it wasnt' going to stay in the post/peg without help so I shaved a little splinter off that twig and after feeding the string back thru the hole and around the peg and back thru the hole, I forced the splinter thru the hole to pin the string in it. First few tries didn't work, eventually i got a splinter of whatever qualities were needed to make ti work, after almsot an hour of messing around with it.

I was afraid it would rpobably come out again, so i retuned all the toher strings around that one to make it playable; they're all around 30% flat according to the tuner but since thehy're all off the same it doesn't matter to my ear. I played around with making sounds and music of a sort till Bill asked if I wanted to go to breakfast; we went and just got back from that and am now waiting to head out to the optometrist, and still trying to catch up on PMs and emails and whatnot.

I am hoping to get hold of a friend that still has my old M-Audio USB audio/midi interface box, so that I can make up some cables fro the surviving mics to it and then record what I am playing iwth the guitar. I tried the laptop's built-in mic but without the AGC on it doesn't pick up any of the quiet bits without distorting the normal-level bits, and with AGC on it sounds horrible cuz the volume level keeps changing with every note I play. I could "fix" that after recording within Cakewalk's SONAR using various plugins/effects or manual volume envelope manipulation but it would be a PITA and take hours for every minute of recording (done this before for someone); not worth the time.

I did consider (but not yet try) using some little headphones Bigmoose sent on the mic plug, and putting one inside the guitar body and one under the strings on the soundboard, and seeing if the laptop will work with dynamic mic types (whcih is what typical headphoens act as when used in reverse as mics). Alternately I was gonna try a little celphone mic/headset piece (which I think also came from Bigmoose) like that, which wpould rpobably work better cuz it's electret/condenser type, but the plug is 2.5mm and the jack on teh laptop is 3.5mm, and all my adapters to fix that are at my house somewhere.

Anyway, I can imagine songs even just using the open-tuning no fretwork, both by just playing the existing notes in diffferent ways, and overdubbing other notes after retuning the guitar to make the notes I'd need between them and replaying the parts that way. I'm not sure how good it would sound given my physical limitations in playing but it's worth a shot.

Thud's guitar is supposed to be here tomorrow, so most likely i'll have 1.25 functional guitars at that point, and be more able to make "music" then. At taht point I just need a good way to record, ideally with the M-Audio box and "studio" mics i already have.

Bigmoose's desktop comptuer box lists as about to ship according to UPS--it says 42lbs so I am guessing it's full of other goodies? :lol:
That is the weight for two boxes. The desktop shipped in one box at like 35 lbs IIRC. The other box is 7 lbs and has your favorite trackball in it, some backup mouse/mice, the computer power cord, and a few other things. I f i n a l l y got it to UPS! Hope it helps you out. :)
Quick update for my end. My computer finally died all the way today. It looks like the video card is fails which is integral to the motherboard doesn't work at all even with an external monitor. I'm still going to try reflashing the BIOS and some other little things but I think its dead. I've almost got all of my tools sorted out but it's going to take a day or two at least to load this dang trailer. Then I have to go to at least do a swap meet and get rid of some of it somehow. Hoping to be able to head back down sometime early next week. Posting by dictating to my new smartphone so please forgive any weird words.
Eyeglasses appointment went as expected, bifocals are due in this time next week. :shock: :|

This week since I think I need to be really "taking a vacation" from things, I an staying away from the house so far, despite so much needing to be done there. I guess i realized that unless weather gets stormy/rainy, or some other disaster befalls it, it will all mostly still be there next week. Stress and anxiety and anger and sadness is all just too much when I go there alone, and so far haven't had responses from people that can really help with anything while I'm there.

(One offered whatever help he can give, but cant' really do any of the things I need done; and he's the one that decided to not forward any of my requests for help to the mailing list he controls, so i think I'd rather not bother with his help anyway. Bill offered but really the only thing he could safely help me with is driving the truck to move stuff ot recyclers, and I am not really in condition to load it all up by myself quickly. So we'd have to rent the Uhaul for at least a couple of days, probably several, leaving it locked in the yard each day when I got too tired to do more, until it was all loaded up, then take it around to the recycler(s). That would probably end up costing more for truck rental than I would get back out of it, and probably wear me out to the point I'd have to have another week off to recover from it (and I don't think i could reasonably ask for that).

I don't think it's right to ask Bill or anyone else to just be there to follow me around to stay close to me for company while I sort thru stuff all the hot days long, and that's the only other thing I could really do much of myself right now. I doubt I could be there alone to do it, not now.

So...instead I am making this week a "vacation" and am trying to meet up with various friends I have not seen in a long time. Most havent' responded back, though one meetup is setup for Saturday and another is pending verification for that day. Another pair have responded twice but havne't followed up since midday yesterday; they're busy people so not all that surprising.

But I do need to go by the house and find some of my music equipment stuff, to bring to Bill's. I expect the digging thru stuff would take an hour or so, more time than I think I can manage alone there, but more time than is reasonable to ask Bill or others to stay there with me in the heat and stuff. So it'll just have to wait until I can deal with being alone there again.

(there would be other people there during the day--the cleanup/repair crew, for instance, but they are all busy with that work and not out there with me; and having them all there is actually *more* stressful when I am otherwise alone than to be completely alone, even though that doesnt' make any sense).
Thud's guitar arrived today, still almost in tune! :) Thank you, and also thank you for the pics and spare strings!

I noodled around on it a little bit; it sounds way better than the one I have been pretend-luthiering on. :lol:

I'm not sure how well I can get across how much being able to play on this means; it's not a bit frustrating like the one I was trying to fix, it just WORKS and makes musical sounds. :oops: It's like it just makes the whole world vanish except for the music.

I think i have a mic solution with the clip-on headphones from bigmoose, just gotta fit some foam on them to keep them from buzzing against the body ofthe guitar when vibrating. Am still downloading the SONAR trial version so I can record the tracks and eidt them the way I am used to already, assuming Cqakewalk didn't change SONAR that much from v6 or so (the last version ic ould really use easily; I had 7 and maybe 8 at some point, nto sure what I have now after the fire--i contacted them to see about replacement medai for my old stuff but haven't heard back after their first reply early this month that they'd see what they could do).
I went to upload my noodling around from last night (I fell asleep trying to convert it to MP3 for upload), and found this announcement on my "band" page at Soundclick:
soundclick.com said:
1 song is in the charts today.
112312-2f experimental unedited
# 409 in World (highest position was 237)
# 90 in subgenre World General (highest position was 54)
I dunno that I'd've ever thought it was worth listening to really, since it's so repetititititititve and basically unedited, but I guess somebody must like it a little, even though the ending is cut off by Soundclick's uploader. :shock: :oops:
it's here if you're curious:

Apparently other completely experimental and unedited stuff also made it up the charts fairly far. Confusing....

Last night's noodling is here:
but it's almost ten minutes long, so Soundclick's uploader may have cut it off. It's still converting just at the moment so I haven't listened to it's version.

I fiorgot to put the pics of the guitar tiself up, so here they are:
View attachment 9

and here is how I finally settled on puttng the earphones as mics:

A friend of my little sister dropped off a MIDI-capable keyboard yesterday while I was out with Bill. it's a lot bigger than I expected, so it is not going up the stairs to the loft room anytime soon (although it is considerably smaller and lighter than the ASR88 I still intend to fix):

Built in sounds are a bit better than the little Yamaha, though not quite enough for most of what I need to do with it--but what matters is that it has MIDI output, so I can control the computer's sounds or my other surviving soundboxes with it (which are still at the house so I'll have to move them here now).

Unfortunatley it has no sustain or other pedal input--the one it has in the picture is a volume control. If that also generates MIDI controller data, then I can force that to become Sustain control via plugins in SONAR. I'll find out eventually.

Found another plush puppy at Goodwill to "adopt" until I get real ones:

Also found a usable replacment for my melted monitor for $20 while there. Samsung SM943-8x non-widescreen. There were two identical ones of a slightly different older model that was a lot closer to what I had before, but both of them had backlights that were intermittent.

It should do the higher resolutions I need and almost be readable like my old one was, once it's on the desktop that will hopefully go that high (the laptop only does up to 1024x768 I guess). If I have to and the desktop supports it I suppose I can use dual monitors with the old Viewsonic as secondary for extra windows, but for some reason it's pretty hard to keep track of stuff on two monitors vs one.

(I did that for a long while with certain things on my old computer, but it was difficult to get things to show up on the right monitor when they opened, so I'd be constnatly dragging stuff back to the correct monitor from wherever it happened to (seemingly randomly) appear. )

The SONAR demo version is what is on screen--I really really don't like the graphic-heavy new version but at least it is close enough to what I am used to for me to figure out how it works and get something done in it. :| Hopefully I can eventually get my old version up and running from the existing installation on the salvaged harddisk, or if I'm really lucky, find the install media amongst my unburned stuff from the old bedroom.
Optimistic stuff:

Bill and I got CrazyBike2 and some parts/tools over to his place where I'm staying, so I can work on it as I have time.

I also brought over my speakers and some cables and my TG33 sound module, and set it up on the MIDI-capable organ brought over by my little sister's friend. Even though the organ does not have a velocity-sensitive keyboard (meaning it doesn't give different volume levels depending on how hard you press the keys, it only does the loudest level), it was still a wonderful feeling to be able to PLAY MUSIC AGAIN with sounds I am familiar with, on a keyboard. (I also really love playing with the guitar, but I have yet to get my hands to work well enough to learn enough of playing one to make music anythign like I can on a keybaord). I probably used up two or three hours or more just sitting there playing with different sounds.

Now I will need to setup the desktop (once it arrives) down there so that I can play with music on it, rather than up here in my loft room. I consideered a wireless keyboard or really long USB cables, and a really long monitor extension cable, and moving that stuff back up to the loft room when not making music but it's just not going to be reasonable to do it that way. So until I can get and setup a second desktop for loft-room use, I will have to use the X31 laptop for that. Probably that will be fine, depending on how long everything takes to happen and how much I actually play music anyway.

If I find a dog and can arrange foster care for her, then much of my non-working time will be spent wherever she is or travelling to/from, so I won't have a lot of free time to be doing that stuff anyway. I have already found a few dozen I would love to help, including several St Bernards
callie AZ214.15158966-1-pn.jpg

tiny AZ214.15721587-1-pn.jpg

minnie AZ214.24678081-1-pn.jpg

sweet pea AZ214.26034801-1-pn.jpg

and this one that nearly made me cry, because she reminds me so much of Nana at first glance in this pic:
dolly AZ470.24722779-1-pn.jpg

and a Great Pyrenees,
View attachment 5

(actually also this pair:
but they're in California, dunno how I'd get them here)
tia & tamera CA224.24900794-1-pn.jpg

a wolf-dog that's being called a Siberian Husky ;)
tiki AZ470.24722316-1-pn.jpg
She reminds me so much of Lady that I contacted them already about her; haven't heard back yet (they only do email).

a Bernese Mountan Dog
heidi AZ312.22924029-1-pn.jpg

a Great Dane
View attachment 10

and an Akita.
View attachment 11

Haven't met any of them yet, but I would like to. There's even a St Bernard, Sunny that I'd love to help, that's only about 100 miles from Dogman in Las Cruces, but she looks so cute I think she should be able to find a home there.
sunny NM47.26162712-3-pn.jpg

Pessimistic stuff:

Cleanup is kinda on hold. Due to people either not showing up or showing up and then abandoning me there right when I needed them most, bringing me back to an emotional state from right after the fire, I can't be there by myself, and everyone else has stuff to do and can't just stand around to be there with me while I sort stuff and clean up. (and it's gotten pretty hot so I can't expect them to melt in the heat anyway).

Plus I am back to my irregular-hours work schedule, where I don't usually know more than a week or so in advance what it will be, and it isn't the same each week or even each day, some days I open and some I close, making it difficult to schedule with others for being at my place working on stuff.

Dunno if/when any of that will all change, so for now it all just sits there and I have to hope for good weather so it doesn't get ruined any worse than what it's already been thru.
is your landlord there at the house working on it all day or does he have regular job and can only work on it on weekends and evenings? you mentioned his boys were helping him.

i wondered if you ever saw an insurance adjuster at the house after the fire and if he had insurance on the house. i figured that was why he had to work on it himself if there is no money from insurance to rebuild the house.

they seem to be inexperienced at demolition so i expect it will be hard for him to manage it. i have had to tear out a lotta sheet rock and had two house fires in my rental houses i had to deal with myself so i can feel for the problems this must cause for him, besides the loss of income to pay the mortgage and real estate taxes.

you should figure out how to be over there and do what you can even if you are not happy with the way they are moving your stuff around. maybe you can get a bucket and make some hot soapy water and use a big brush and start cleaning the soot off of the things you wanna keep and put them out to dry since it is so dry there.

once they are cleaned off and can air out then the smells may diminish. i cannot stand the smell of burned stuff myself. just bad memories associated with it so if you can start cleaning now then maybe when you move in the smells will be mostly gone.

but just being there and working on your stuff will give you a chance to help your landlord when he and his kids need help too. that may go a long way towards mitigating his feelings about being in this situation. also you will feel like you are getting stuff done. if there is a shed with nothing in it then you could put the cleaned and dry stuff in there so there would be a shed with just clean stuff in it. eventually you will recognize the futility of trying to hang on to everything and just put the things in the dumpster you don't wanna hassle with anymore or you finally recognize you don't want anything around with that smell on it. do it while the dumpster is still there so it doesn't cost more to dump it.

scrap metal is hardly worth the money for gas to take it to the shredder unless you have 800-1000lbs so just let one of your neighbors there who do scrap haul it away for you. they may even give you a few bucks, but i see nothing wrong with letting them keep whatever they can get for it. it is a hard dirty job and there is no money in it to begin with.

once you can knock some of these obstacles down it may make you more enthusiastic about working to get a home back. wishing you luck, at least the weather is not constant rain like it is here in the winter. but i still cannot believe grass does not grow there, your place is like a desert. i have mint growing two feet deep in my yard, and trees growing up through the piles of lawnmowers and bike frames. but i have my cats buried in the back yard just like you. and the neighbor's cat too.
dnmun said:
is your landlord there at the house working on it all day or does he have regular job and can only work on it on weekends and evenings? you mentioned his boys were helping him.
Not just his "boys", his family *is* the contractors--it's their business. They are there whenever they are not already working on previously scheduled jobs, AFAICT.

i wondered if you ever saw an insurance adjuster at the house after the fire and if he had insurance on the house. i figured that was why he had to work on it himself if there is no money from insurance to rebuild the house.
I guess either I forgot to post it (pretty sure I did, but I've been pretty stressed out and talked to a lot of people, so maybe I said it to them and didn't post it here?), or you missed the parts in previous posts where I said they *are* the contractors, and that they do these sorts of remodels as a normal part of their contracting business.

you should figure out how to be over there and do what you can even if you are not happy with the way they are moving your stuff around.
I definitely see you are not reading the posts I've made about my emotional states, among other things. :roll: I talked about exactly this even just in my last post.

scrap metal is hardly worth the money for gas to take it to the shredder unless you have 800-1000lbs so just let one of your neighbors there who do scrap haul it away for you. they may even give you a few bucks, but i see nothing wrong with letting them keep whatever they can get for it. it is a hard dirty job and there is no money in it to begin with.
Yeah, definitely not reading my posts. :(