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End of the World. Beginning of a new one. The Life of Amberwolf.

Haven't felt well today, very tired...lots of nightmares, little sleep even though I dozed off around 9pm or so the first time, I woke up and stayed half awake for hours, eventually dozing again just as Anna got up and started using her computer and smoking in the room just below the loft I'm in. That kinda ended any chance of really sleeping, but I tossed and turned until a bit after 8am and started checking threads and emails and such.

Went to the store with Anna a bit after that and ate some of the stuff I bought while there, napped a little here and there midday thru afternoon.

Tried to work on setting up music stuff on the desktop from Bigmoose, but I coudln't get it to work right--it'd power on then just turn off, etc., and I troubleshot it for mroe than an hour before I realized the powerstrip wasn't fully plugged into the wall. :( I must've tripped over it or something at some point, or pulled on it when moving the computer itself, etc.

Was too tired of computers at that point so I went downstairs to move the tire/tube/etc off the broken rear motor wheel to the regular bike wheel so I can reliably use CrazyBike2 for work commutes tomorrow and Friday, and at least *that* went according to plan.
I emailed Grin about buying a complete set of new spokes plus spares sometime late yesterday, so they haven't had any time to respond yet, since I had a number of questions for possible options (like if a non-radial lacing is possible, and what length spokes I'd need for that, and if double-butted spokes of a smaller gauge would help, etc).

I was wondering about different spokes and lacing patterns, too. I see a problem with how steep the spoke angle with respect to the rim could get.
Justin has a possible answer, quoted here from my CrazyBike2 thread post made last night:
(When I originally emailed Grin a couple of days ago, I asked if a 1x lace would be possible. Justin replied yesterday that it might be if the spokes are pre-bent at the approximate angle so that they enter the nipple straight enough to not stress them at the thread start point so they won't break there. He said that along with the regular $35 38-spoke set of Sapim 13-gauge spokes, he'd send me a free half-set of ones long enough to do the 1x lace on one side (presumably the drive side, in case I ever need to pedal it or drive it middrive), and if that either doesn't turn out to be possible or doesn't work like it shoud, it'd be easy to just use the other half of the regular set and radially lace both sides.)

So now I am just waiting on an invoice so I can pay and then they can make/ship them.
I have probably said this before, but it has been on my mind many times a day recently, and had nightmares about it last night, so....I have been trying to arrange to be a helper at the St Bernard rescue (and others), interacting with the dogs as much as possible--but so far I have not even been able to arrange a re-visit with them. I had thought the first meeting was very positive, and they had evne suggested that when i have my house back that I could "permanent foster" one or more of the dogs, but I am wondering if their reaction to me was really something else entirely and they just want me to go away and leave them alone. :( I really hope not, but this not knowing is extremely stressful, and makes me almost regret having ever talked to them at all, or gone to see those St Bernards.

Almost. It brought a lot of happiness that day, though, and the only three good dreams I have had since the fire were because of those dogs. But now I am having nightmares about them, where I meet them and then they are taken away and I am tied down unable to see while they are made to disappear, and I call out but no one will respond. I've had a bunch of variations on that nightmare.

Another one I have had twice is about Tiki: In the nightmare, I adopted her and brought her home (in the kennel trailer that doesnt' exist anymore, cuz what's left of Fred is buried in what's left of the kennel), and we're out playing in the yard, when someone drives a fire truck thru the fence, a bunch of people jump off the truck and tie me down, and they then take Tiki and drive off with her, while everyone in the neighborhood just stands there watching. Then they all go inside and leave me tied to the ground there, trying to call out but no one listens.

I know where these nightmares are coming from...but I can't find a way to push them aside, and my insecurity just continues to grow every day that I get no response, or a noncommittal response at best, from the people in charge of these dogs. :cry:

I don't want to talk to *them* about the nightmares, cuz then they will probably either just think I'm crazier than I actually am and not want me anywhere around them or the dogs, or they will transfer whatever anger/guilt they feel back onto me, and again not want me around, etc. I've been just bottling the nightmares and feelings up inside cuz I know how my local friends that I coudl talk to about it would react (indifference at best) to them. But I need to talk to someone that "knows" me at least a little, about them, so I'm posting them here. At least typing them out might help a little, I hope.
I had developed a hate of dreams because for years any dream that I had was a nightmare. In the past several years, I think two or three of the dreams that I could recall weren't nightmares. All I can do is agree that they are awful.
It's been my experience that people that get into rescuing dogs as a profession frequently get sucked into a power trip kind of attitude. I've been turned down by a few of them over the years because I didn't fit their "perfect" dog owner model. Having been close friends with a few rescuers, I've seen first person how they usually develop an anti people attitude, and possibly rightfully so. They want the perfect home for their dogs and are usually illogically judgmental to a fault. In fact, just recently, an older couple that I work with was looking for a dog to rescue and four of the five rescue places flat out turned them down, all for stupid excuses. They live in the country and have a huge yard and they're big time animal lovers. Anyway, don't let that kind of thing get under your skin. Always remember, most people just suck. They don't mean to. They just don't know any better.

If I were in your position and wanted to rescue a dog, I'd just look in the free section at craigslist....or just wait for one to come tumbling into my life. They always seem to when the time is right. You can't be fixated on a certain breed though. When the time is right, you will have fuzzy bears in your life again and the process of finding them should be easy and stress free. If you want to socialize with dogs in the meantime, advertise low cost dog walking or something. People don't trust free and tend to immediately suspect general good natured behavior, like wanting to hang out with dogs for no other reason than hanging out with dogs. If you charge a small fee for your services, the people who's dogs you're helping will think you're in it at least a little bit for the money and will understand that as motivation. Our whole society is scared to death of everyone else, in particular, people that don't fit into their preconceived notions. I hope this all makes sense????

As far as your nightmares go, have you tried sleepytime extra tea? I drink it pretty regularly before bed and sleep like a rock, not remembering any dreams at all. Weed works waaay better but I understand that not everyone is into that kind of thing. ;) A couple other ideas for a solid night's sleep are no eating within three hours of bedtime, some good cardio work an hour before bedtime, a shower, and some hot tea.
Very sorry to hear about your loss.

You may remember me from an old thread I started for a cafe style motorcycle build I was planning, that you helped me out with tons. Also I am a local to phoenix as well.

Not sure if you are strictly a St. Bernard guy but I am an active member of the Arizona Beagle Rescue and we are always looking for people to spend time with the dogs. I typically go spend time with our dogs that don't have foster homes, and give them a break from the kennels. If you want to meet up some evening and spend some time with my big-ear-furry-friends and talk EV let me know! Always anxious to meet fellow enthusiasts and dog lovers. Let me know and I will PM you to figure out a time and place.

Anything else I can help out with being that I am sort of close by let me know, least I can do for the time you spent schooling me on battery tech. 101!
I've been part of the bloodhound rescue group, and can agree, it can be a collection of strange people. And yes, I fit the description. Some other groups have turned me down for adoptions, for displaying too much alpha male pack leader attitude. Uh, what that dog you can't handle needs? Once that mean ass dog submits it gets tons of love. Whatever. Lots of dogs need a home out there, and once you are settled, the ones meant for you will magically appear.

Very very rough, but you just need to hang in there best you can, till you have the house back. Try to start thinking forward much as you can. I know it's hard, Elliemay died two years ago, and I still hurt from losing her earlier than we expected.
mdd0127 said:
It's been my experience that people that get into rescuing dogs as a profession frequently get sucked into a power trip kind of attitude.
That doesnt' seem to be the case with the AZSBR people, though I have no idea about any of the others, as I havent' met those.

I can't blame any of them for wanting perfection in adopters--I did that as best I could for Nana's puppies. But sometimes, there is no perfect home for a dog, and you can't keep them yourself for the rest of their lives for whatever reason, so accepting someone that you know will love them and do the best they can for them is the best you can do.

If I were in your position and wanted to rescue a dog, I'd just look in the free section at craigslist....or just wait for one to come tumbling into my life.
That's how I got all four of the ones I just lost: Fred and Loki and Nana (and thus Hachi). Bonnie was the last one I'd actually gone out looking for, from AZHS after i'd lost Lady (who herself came from the county pound).

You can't be fixated on a certain breed though.
I'm not; it's just that there are some of them that I have become a bit attached to in my short time with them, and I want to see them again, at the very least. And I want to give them a home, too, but I knwo that's not possible yet.

I've been looking at *all* of the large/giant dogs that need homes but that can wait until I have a place to be with them, yet that I can still go visit as often as physically possible until then.

The problem I have right now is that I am not doing well without a dog of my own to take care of, that needs *me* to be there for them. I don't really have much of a reason to get up and do anything (yes, my mind knows there are lots of reasons...but my heart does not care about any of them). So, I need to find one I can be there for. When I had been there with the SBs, and had spoken with AZSBR, it had seemed like I had found that solution...but being unable to get a useful response from them since then is depressing.

I want what is best for the dog(s)...but I don't think I can heal without one.

I know what I need to do (wait it out)...I just don't think it is what I *can* do. Some things are getting worse, and I know that I would be better off with a big fuzzy companion to see every day, and knwo that they need me as much as I need them.

I am presently looking around for apartments and guest houses where I could have such a dog, so that I can have a place to actually be with them, and could then adopt one instead of having to arrange visits, which seems to be an unlikely-to-work-out scenario given the present lack of responses. There are a few that would be fine in such a place, since I could walk them outside in the very early morning and then later at night, during the hot part of the summer, and then pretty much anytime once fall hits, and then the first part of winter, until my house is rebuilt and I can move back in by end of year, hopefully.

If you want to socialize with dogs in the meantime, advertise low cost dog walking or something. People don't trust free and tend to immediately suspect general good natured behavior, like wanting to hang out with dogs for no other reason than hanging out with dogs. If you charge a small fee for your services, the people who's dogs you're helping will think you're in it at least a little bit for the money and will understand that as motivation. Our whole society is scared to death of everyone else, in particular, people that don't fit into their preconceived notions. I hope this all makes sense????
It does make sense, but it is not something that I can deal with, not now. The best compromise I can come up with is to visit rescue events and animal shelters, but those are both very stressful for me, and sometimes make things worse than they were before I went, especially when I meet a dog I could bond with if I stayed even an hour.

As far as your nightmares go, have you tried sleepytime extra tea?
Yes. it helps me get relaxed but that is all. So far I have not found anythign that will do any more than get me *to* sleep--after that, the nightmares take over. Lucid dreaming doesn't work properly, either--I get started where I want to, but after that it mutates and becomes something horrible, and then I can't even get to bring that same dream or situation up again, becuase I am so afraid of the resulting nightmare from it, or so horrified by the images, that it is ruined, and makes me more stressed out than just letting whatever comes up happen--at least that way I get to *start* sleep instead of just laying there imagining all of the horror and none of the happy.

Unless i were to take things that just actually force me to remain unconcious and dreamless for the night, I'm not sure there *is* a solution. I can't take anythign that would keep me asleep and still allow dreaming, because i will end up locked in the nightmares unable to wake up, and that would be far worse than not getting to stay asleep because of them--I would wake at the end so stressed out that I would be unable to function. I've already been there before, while my mom was really sick and after she died.

I wish I could find an easy answer....but there aren't any.

The only one that I am almost absolutely certain would help is actually having a big fuzzy dog of my own here with me right now. That would present problems of it's own, but I would just have to see what they are and deal with them as they happen.

bhileman said:
If you want to meet up some evening and spend some time with my big-ear-furry-friends and talk EV let me know! Always anxious to meet fellow enthusiasts and dog lovers. Let me know and I will PM you to figure out a time and place.
PM'd; I'd love to try this, even though I don't think it is my ultimate solution, and I don't know if it will help as much as it hurts but it is worth trying.

dogman said:
Lots of dogs need a home out there, and once you are settled, the ones meant for you will magically appear.

Very very rough, but you just need to hang in there best you can, till you have the house back. Try to start thinking forward much as you can.
I dont' think I can. Things are getting worse again, not better. Maybe they will reach a low point and get better again, but I am not going to be able to continue working at all if they get much worse than this, or even fi they just stay the same. "thinking forward" is a great phrase, and sounds great, but it doesn't help my feelings or anything else inside my head and heart. I'm already "thinking forward" about lots of things, including dogs, but it isn't helping the main problem at all.

Talking about it sometimes helps a little, but it's pretty hard to do, since I really need to talk about it when it is happening, those times that I can talk at all, and I would need to talk to someone that already understands what has happened so far, and knows what's going on, and that it actually matters to. That's almost always impossible. Talking about it afterward sometimes helps take the "edge" off the memory of the hurting, and the aftermath, but it doesn't help me get past the hurt while it's hurting. Most poeple seem to feel that I should just "deal with it" and go on, and that I just have to live with it. Maybe I do--but I can't. Not yet.

The past few days have not been very good ones; I had to leave work at least a couple hours early again on Friday. I suppressed as much as I could as long as I could, but eventually it just overflowed and I had to sit in back and cry it out, and after what I guess was more than half an hour I still couldn't go out there. I kept waiting it out and trying, eventually after what might have been an hour I managed to get up and walk back out on the sales floor, but almost immediately something else (dunno what) triggered more tears and I tried suppressing them, a customer saw me and went the other way instead of coming to ask the question I could see they wanted to ask. I went to the manager on duty and let him know I wasn't going to be able to stay and work any longer, and he ok'd me going home.

I went back to the break room and sat and cried more, until probably another half hour later I managed to reach a point I could at least see where I was going and got the bike up and out the front of the store, and started home. I had to stop and wait a bunch of times cuz I couldn't see, or cuz I coudln't think and didn't know where I was. Eventually I got home and went up to my loft room and basically just hid there trying to get past everything I was feeling and thinking and remembering. I must've remembered to turn off the bike, or else Bill or Anna did, cuz the batteries werent' dead the next morning when i went out to see about it and recharge it. But I woke up still wearing my uniform and my helmet was still on the handlebars with my glasses in it--I guess I never even put them on for my ride home.

Saturday morning was supposed to be me meeting up with someone to go to my house and do more cleanup, and I was planning on moving a tree so they won't have to cut it down, but he never called or otherwise tried to contact me (until much later after it was way too late, and I got an email that he'd overslept). So that blew that whole plan. Later that afternoon/eve I was supposed to meet up with another couple of friends, but I got no call from them either, and eventually got an email that they were just too worn out to do it.

At least they all did actually tell me they coudln't make it, but it would have been a whole lot more helpful if they'd done it early enough for me to be able to do something else, instead of just sitting around waiting for them, getting more depressed every minute about all the things that are not going well.

After all that I then started working on the computer Bigmoose had sent, to clone my salvaged main drive out of my burned up tower to another drive from Bill. But that didnt' really work out very well the first couple of tries, because the Acronis software Bigmoose had on the machine refused to recognize the destination drive correctly no matter what I did, and the several free cloning programs I tried failed in various ways, usually copying ok but leaving the drive either unbootable even with a repair, or with no recognizable partitions. Eventually I found my old CompUSA techshop stuff for flashdrive use that included Ghost, and that copied it right over--but that was a whole day later, after i'd already had to let the thing run overnight for one of the other copiers, and trying several options the next morning (Sunday).

Then i had to go to work, and after I got back I reinstalled windows from a CD Bill had, because all of mine are still over at my house (at least, I think they are; I'm not sure if they still exist). It was the same version but was an OEM instead of a retail like I'd used on my original install, so it wouldn't take my key, and I was not in any mood to deal with MS's activation phone thing that I know won't work automatically and is going to require lots of hoops with someone on the phone who I will end up yelling at because they wont' be patient with me (and it will probably cost money cuz XP isn't supported anymore). So I spent a long time (hours) finding a process to at least let me log into windows so I could even see if it was worth saving the installation, or if reinstalling form scratch would be better.

It did work, and it had preserved most of my settings and customizations (which had taken years of work to get right). So at least I probably don't have more than a few weeks or months worth of work to get Windows back to where I need it to be for my purposes. But since it will still reset and need activation after 30 days, either I have to find a way to reset the product key to the one I actually have for my copy of WindowsXP, or else I have to find my original cd and reinstall *again* and hope it works then. Otherwise, I have to go thru the reset-to-30-days procedure every 30 days, which while annoying is at least not complicated or destructive.

Anyway, so now I have a computer to start working on music with, although there are still a number of t hings I have to do before I can begin actually doiong that. Once I can do that, maybe it will also help relieve some of my stress.

Not nearly as much as a dog would, but it has to be better than nothing.
Amber, do everything you can to focus on work and to get through the day in a productive (for your employer) manner.

I am reading your narratives, and am trying to encourage you the best that I know how to do about staying at work, and getting through full days at work...

You cannot afford to loose that job!

I know you have the strength to pull this off!

Edit... Amber, I can only share a little story... I was in my mid 40's with a 8 year old and an 10 year old daughter. I was hit with cardiac problems sort of "out of the blue..." I was "dead on the table" and had to have an "intervention..." That "intervention" really unglued me. After it was over, I didn't know if I was a "walking time bomb" or "fixed..." I was young with two small daughters to take care of and a wife. I was shaken to my core.

A fine young doctor reached out to help me. I told her how unfair it was for this to strike me, and what did I do wrong, what did I miss, how did this happen... At the time I wondered if I could survive a week, yet alone work again. She told me that "the past doesn't matter." I doesn't matter if I missed something, did something stupid, exposed myself to something stupid, or if it was "just genetics." She made it clear to me that "it is what it is." What was important she said, was how I go forward. She recommended to me that I begin to focus on the future, and take the negative thoughts of the past "captive" and stop dwelling on them.

Now 14 years later I have gotten to be with my oldest daughter as she was married, and share college graduation with my youngest! Little by little I took her advice, and took the "bad thoughts" captive, and dwelt on "good thoughts" and plans for the future. For me it was my daughters and my wife, for you it may be the new house enabling you to rescue some new four legged friends. For me it wasn't like a light switch flipping, but like a lamp that started as a flicker, but got stronger and brighter with each day.

I know change is extremely difficult for you, so was "being dead on the table" for me... in both cases, "it is what it is..."

My edit here is long winded, and I apologize for that, and hope that it may help some. It took me time to understand the wisdom of her words, and wanted to share them with you. With all due respect, and hoping in some way it may lighten your load and brighten your path towards your future...
Im almost positive i could sort your XP issues out...if you dont mind using less than
'legal' methods?

bigmoose said:
You cannot afford to loose that job!
I know you have the strength to pull this off!
I agree work is key. Sitting around thinking about things will only make things worse. You work at a place with people that have pets. Someone may have a place to rent that may let you have a pet. If you are not at work full time you maybe missing a chance to find a place. Like what was said earlier start a dog walking service and post on boards when your not working your normal job. You can be around dogs all the time and get paid.

Best of luck
antidepressants are very useful too. this is why they were invented and why so many people use them.

think of the hundreds and hundreds of people who just lost their homes and animals in colorado. not just small fires, hundreds and hundreds of houses burned to the ground and nothing but ashes.

so get a scrip for some antidepressants to help you cope so the difficulties can be kept in a scale that you can manage.
all of you talking about "must keep job" and "must keep thoughts at bay" have no frocking clue what you're talking about.

try reading what I already said.
drugs are not the answer.

i can heal but it will take time and will take people, friends that understand and aren't trying to push me around and do things the way THEY think it should all be done, companionship, working thru it a little at a time.

the more people talk about "must do this" and "Must do that" just adds to my stress because then i have nightmares about that, too, in addition to all the ones I already have.
i'm already doing absolutely teh most i can just making it thru each day now.

pushing harder is just going to break me not fix me

everytime i push it i just end up unable to sleep at all until after days i am so exhausted i sleep anywya, trapped in the nightmares, unable even to wake up from them, and more stressed after i do wake, more tired.

i end upw alking around with the nightmares playing in my head even while awake.

the more i worry about keeping a job the harder it is to do the job and the more i freak people out while iam at the job and the less i am able to do the job, the more angry i get at people when they come up to me and the mroe i have to run away from everything so i don't lash out at people.
i can't even explain myself to any of them either cuz they are nto there for me, i am there for htem, so the best i can do is to stay off the sales floor when i cannot be normal and helpful. if i am in such a state that i can't get back to that then i have to leave.

once i am away from people needing things from me then the stress goes down and eventually after a few hours or a day i cna handle it again for a ltitle whle.

sometimes it only take s a very short time to get the anxiety or panic or anger gone, someitmes it is ssadness and that tkaes a very long time to get away from. there are no thougths at all it's just feelings and there's no working past it just letting it go thru me and over me and around me until it is gone.
thinking of all the hundreds and thousands of peoplena dand anmials dying in fires just makes things much mucnmh muich much worse and not better, so thanks for that image. now i have more things to have nightmares from
i nthiknk people overestimate my strentgh becxuase i had strength to be there for my dogs,.

i have no reason to be there for anythign with out them. i dont' need to be there for me. i'm just me and i'll jus texist as long as i exist.

i once had a lot of reasons to be around but there are not enoguh of them when all of this si going on and people just keep pushing at me to do stuff.

i don't need to be pushed around until i fall over i hneed to be helped up after i fall down on my own which already happens too much.
but antidepressants are the answer. it will help you cope better, just like everybody else who use them when they are in the same state as you. you can function more normally and sleep regularly as well as reduce the hostility that you have to everyone else who tries to help you.

you seem to think you are the only person with problems but it is just the normal human condition. i have lost a lot more animals, that i loved every bit as much as you liked your dogs. your dogs did not suffer when they died, they were unconscious from the CO. so they never suffered at all. my cats suffered when they were run over by cars or eaten by coyotes.

by making yourself so miserable you reduce the chances you will be able to have a stable home in the future to provide for other dogs. if you used the antidepressants to stabilize your moods then you have a better chance of making it all work out for you.
dosnt'e matter if it's normal or not, it doesn't mater right now what others have felt or are going to feel, the only thing i can deal with right now is myself and that only just barely, and often not even that.

dogs would be my antidepressants if i could be with them.

i've never been without a dog this long in my whole life, and i don't know how much longer i cna maange cuz things are not getting better anymore.

i have had multiple people now say that they would be happey to have me over to see their dogs ro to work with a rescue or whatever, or that i could adopt one and then come be with it anytime i wanted, but then none of them get back to me or follow thru with it, and those are not things i can do by msyelf i have to work with them on that and wait for them while all i can do is wonder what i did wrong to make them go away and stop talking to me for days or weeks or maybe foreever.

so the only plan i can think of to do this now is to do it all on my own and stop bothering other people and find myself a place to stay for now that will let me have big dogs, and then find a non energetic one that can live in a tiny place and just go for walks.

tehn i can hope that it helps me find enough purpose to keep gonig and working and helps me deal with how i feel and change that.

but i'm beyond tired of dealing with people that won't bother getting back with me when i most need their help, even though i want so badly to help the dogs they have.

i realize lots of people are really busy; i've been that way and put people off for months or even longer, including at least a couple of people here on es, and i'm sorry for that. but i am in a state right now that without their help i can't continue, and i can't keep holding because i get worse not jjust stay the same, and i need to get better.

i know most poeple have their own daily lives to think of. and that most of them even if they care about others they still have stuff theuy have to do and usually that leaves them with no time to help others.

but i can't keep waiting and waiitng and waiting anymore.
We may have be getting a bit hasty and greedy in our attempts at persuading you to take actions that we think would result in improved health and happiness... Theres no denying that less stress is the better stress. And aside from drugs, there are great ways to improve health and happiness, they just take a little more focus, time, and determination, but in the end can treat the actual problems better than anything, like daily exercise. And we could talk about exercise and other things in immense detail if we wanted to turn this thread into a personal health and happiness thread.

Well im pretty sure when dogs fall under your care in the future they will be happier and healthier than if they were under the care of 99% of other potential owners in the U.S.

EDIT: Since dogs=hapiness, can local people on the forum please ask around and get this man a dog...
Walmart got pills for $4

Bristol-Myers Squibb got free pills for low income people.

BMS = Bristol Myers Squibb or Battery Management System

Other drug companies might have similar programs?

Healthy food and sleep are real important. Drink water!
It makes sense, socializing is a fundamental requirement of the health of the human mind. A dog will fill that and be the best companion anyone could want... Anyone willing to send their dog for an extended sleepover?

X2 on the drinking water. People who dedicate their lives to this subject recommend minimum ~8 glasses a day