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Hyena's e-bike builds (now with HD video)

Hyena said:
I've been taking some materials down to build up some jumps and berms and with some vague encouragement the kids lept into action. I went for a walk through the following day with my little fella and this small army of 8-14 year old track gnomes were busy with rakes and shovels doing all the hard work. It was like age of empires or one of those type games - I right clicked on my workers and set out their task then they autonomously got the job done while I was off doing something else :lol:
Hyena said:
No sign of my gopro yet, hopefully any day now......Still, that's $36/year I'll save in running my bike - meaning it costs a total of $31/ year to run,..And technically it costs nothing because of the solar panels...
it costs me about that for 1 or 2 days in petrol in our 2009 hyundai sonata car
i like your youtube videos Hyena..


i was considering getting a motorbike.. i already have a licence, but on short trips such as going to work a bike with hadron4 kit would be better...
GCinDC said:
Hey Hyena, I saw this and thought of you... :p

great video.. i bet i could get around the corner.. although i havnt done a lot of similar corners.. i cant even think of a similar place in brisbane

Edit: last day of my weekend today (thrs, i work odd days..), 1pm.. bored.. so ill go for a bike ride.. the closest bush to me is a 25 minute ride though.. im not as fit as i use to be.. i use to be able to ride literally all day without loosing much steam.. cant wait till i can get an ekit..
Is there anybody from Brisbane or nearby who has bought a hydron IV kit?

Or anybody who has something similar?

I would like to test ride, if possible..
I didn't but just googled and found this

Is that what you're talking about ?
If so, I probably would have face planted about 2 seconds in. haha
Pretty Amazing, although they could have saved all that money with the ramp and just borrowed Lukes BMX with about 50 feet of run up :lol: that does take some balls to do that though, get that wrong and it wheel chair time at best :?
knoxie said:
Pretty Amazing, although they could have saved all that money with the ramp and just borrowed Lukes BMX with about 50 feet of run up :lol:
haha indeed!
that does take some balls to do that though
Balls and a weak self preservation instinct that comes with youth :lol:
Yes quite right! ha ha although even in my youth I reckon just standing at the top of that ramp looking down would have got my knees shaking ha ha, still anyway if he had of failed and made it in to a wheel chair he could have just had another go? This Guy is amazing 8)

well.. getting a little bit more towards topic.. i have found a bike shop willing to fit the hadron mk iv kit (if im not able to do it myself) - Electro Bikes in brisbane gave me a quote of $195, for 3 hours work..
It took me a lot longer to fit my kit to my bike. It was a front wheel hub too so I'd expect that the quoted time seems reasonable especially as the Hadron is a rear wheel.

Maybe Hyena can tell you how long it takes him to fit one?

I can tell you how quickly one can be removed if you don't do the axle nuts up tight and use a torque arm... :lol:

Installation time really depends on how neat a job you want. If you're experienced and you're mounting the battery and controller on a rear rack you could have the whole thing done and dusted in under an hour. Certainly having it running well enough for a test ride in an hour is definitely possible. Tidying up the wiring and sorting out permanant mounts for the controller and battery takes a little longer. If you're fumbling around though and learning as you go it could take you 3 hrs I guess. I'd expect an ebike shop to be more experienced and not take as long so I would think 2hrs worth would be more reasonable.
Maybe a Brisbane ES member could help you out ? There's a few around that spring to mind and personally if it was me I'd rather throw the money their way.

Next time I install a kit I'll make a time lapse video showing whats involved.
brisbanebikie said:
well.. getting a little bit more towards topic.. i have found a bike shop willing to fit the hadron mk iv kit (if im not able to do it myself) - Electro Bikes in brisbane gave me a quote of $195, for 3 hours work..

I got a kit from Hyena, rear wheel, and it took about 2 or 3 hours. Like others said, time taken depends a lot on how well its been thought out, and how fussy you are.

Mine works, I'm riding it, while AJ is still scratching his head! :mrgreen:

I do need to do a bit more work on it, make case to protect battery and shield electrics from water.

All said, its not hard :D just takes a bit of time. Jay has done all the hard work! :D
Oh yeah fitting the disc brakes can be fiddley, but that's the same with any conversion. V brakes are a straight forward affair.

Anyway back to me :p

All my winter riding gear bar new gloves has arrived so I'm set to battle the cold weather and sub zero wind chill now.
The jacket is just a waterproof lightly lined cheapy, the pants are light snowboarding ones which were really baggy at the ankles (to go over big boots) but I got my dear old mum to take them in for me so they're now a much snugger fit from the knees down so no flapping around and getting caught in the chain. Helmet is my pilot one and a balaclava to scare people :twisted:
I might go with a full face visor helmet later if this set up proves too cold.

GCinDC said:
subzero wind chill? really? what are your temps?
It's warmed back up a bit this week but last week it was low single digits (celcius) and just below zero about 20ks west of my place. Thats about as cold as it gets here but it hit really suddenly and fairly early for this time of year.

nice outfit to relax at home with the wife and kids too. :lol:
Yeah the little fella was scared of the balaclava at first, then wanted to wear it :lol:

In unrelated videos, here's a quick one of my other ride
First time I've driven it without the kids in about 6 months (other than sitting in traffic :x ) so decided to throw on the gopro and give it a squirt.
0-100 in under 5 seconds, not to shabby for a big comfy auto sedan that weighs nearly 2 tonnes!

What a day to not have the gopro on board!
I got a heap of looks in the balaclava today, including an old lady waiting to cross the road who turned around and saw me stopped at the lights next to her and physically jumped and put her had on her chest :lol: Then on the way home I saw a bike up ahead on the bike path that I wasn't gaining on very quick. What gives ? I thought, normally I catch other bikes very quickly. I flicked into turbo mode and reeled him in and as I got closer I could smell why it took the extra effort. It was a stink bike! Must have been a hotted up one too because he was sustaining fairly high speed. I tagged him for a bit but didnt want to overtake on the narrow path as he wouldn't have heard me and wouldn't have been expecting anything faster to come past. We slowed down for some bollards then the track widened up and I had much more room to safely pass so quickly accelerated up along side and jokingly challenged him to a race. He just had this blank shocked look on his face like I'd asked him for a kidney or something and then I remembered what I was wearing. :twisted:

A: He went from being king of the bike path and didn't expect anyone to be going faster than him and
B: It was the ghost rider challenging him :lol: :mrgreen:

Sadly he didnt want to play or couldn't match my pace because when I looked back 20 seconds later he was no where in sight. I must get the gopro back on my bike for tomorrow!
lol. Thanks for that- I had a really good chuckle!

Go the xr6t as well- I have a lightly boosted bf auto. Awesome family car!