Illegal #EBikes

amberwolf said:
Easy to ban bikes. Impossible to ban celphones. (enforcement is hard so why bother? :()

actually its easier to stop than banning most other things... just jam the signal.
its just that its illegal to do so.... no law, but FCC regulations apparently carry weight of law. :roll:
spinningmagnets said:
The red flag act of 1865 (UK), limited the new steam cars to 4-MPH, and a man had to be employed to walk ahead of the vehicle a certain distance waving a red flag.

Ostensibly it was about safety, but the truth was pushed through the legislature to slow the adoption of cars.

Only wealthy individuals could afford a car (which was purchased with a lump sum, rather than payments), but steam trains were booming and public transportation between cities was very profitable. Also, horse-drawn cargo and passenger commerce was profitable everywhere. Many of these entities immediately saw the competition as a threat to their livelihoods.

Who is behind limiting the use of electric bikes in New York City? The cab businesses and the subways (run by the city). Follow the money...

Exactly. Follow the trail of horse sh|t to the bags of money... there's your leprechaun.

It is truly shameful that ebikes have been outlawed there.

Writing tickets to people riding them around is one thing, but stealing bikes that are parked?!?! This is nonsense.

You could not pay me any amount of money to move to NYC and I will never visit there again now. That is how strongly I feel about this.
I dont see anything worth visiting in NYC other then to say I went, I saw, I got the T-Shirt.
Do the tourist thing, see the sites and I always like to cruise through the shitty parts of the town. Like Vancouver, I always go to Lower East Side. Last time I went, I went from seedy shitty bar to seedy shitty bar. I tell you though, next time I will visit Justins "new" place not far from Oppenheimer park this is on my way to Vancouver Island though.
I like to stay one night, because the Greyhound is 18 hours. Vancouver's good for a day, too many people, too many cars, downtown has too many bums, metro is too expansive. I never really noticed many ebikes there.
It is interesting how NYC seems to be so backwards.
Research has shown that e-bikes is a very effective way of getting people to drive less.

Here's a link to the study:
Parts of it is in english.

For the second year now, the city of Oslo subsidized e-bikes with about 25% of the cost to get more cyclists on the road. It wasn't aimed at regular cyclists, but rather lazy motorists who needed an incentive to park their car and use a bike to get about. The first year they subsidized all e-bikes (not kits or homemade ones), the second year they limited the subsidy to electric cargo bikes only.

There's no way of knowing if this helped increase the amount of cyclists, but combined with some simple infrastructure improvements, there's been an bicycle traffic has increased by 10-20% per year the last couple of years in Oslo, while the increase in car traffic is marginal.
markz said:
Vancouver's good for a day, too many people, [snip]

Yeah, it's a side effect of not being a deathly frozen hellhole. Vancouver surely doesn't have my favorite climate, but if I had to live in Canadia, it would only be there or Victoria.

Good thing I don't have to live in Canadia!
You are always looking on the bright side, Chalo! LOL
They will likely turn the bikes to scrap metal. They did it with motocross bikes atvs and motorcycles before. This video disgusts me because some of those bikes could be stolen.

From one crusade to another. Glad buffalo ny where I am is not as psychotic.
While New York State is trying to legalize the basic eBike, New York City will still legally be able to restrict or ban them.
Local laws can be more restrictive than State laws.
Example: "No trucks allowed on residential streets" complete with fines etc.
Allowed eBike use might need an alternative tack.

Most promising looks to be the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act).
If an eBike rider with some degree of disability (including ambulatory, respiratory or circulatory) disability is harassed ... it could be considered as a civil rights violation.


In part:


To qualify the Act is fairly liberal allowing.


link to - ADA Flyer


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DrkAngel - Very good angle on the law. If the ebiker is prepared and knowledgeable, the pigs wont wanna touch a civil rights warrior with a 100 foot pole. Another angle which fits perfectly in that arena, is medical. Even if its a temporary stubbed toe, or bunnion on the foot, out of alignment bones such as hips or legs. I broke my femer which has not had any issues, but when I broke just below my knee from a car hitting me in Kelowna BC I have had alignment issues every now and then.

A good actor can play any role they want when talking to a donut eating, power tripping, corrupt p.o.s. pig.
Seeing how many the police stole, there has to be one or two people whose ebike they jacked that has a legitimate disability. The sad thing is, the older Vietnam vet with compartment syndrome in his lower leg and can't pedal hard, but can still ride a bike is going to get no help from the people hired to protect and serve.
NYC seizures were typically instigated by excessive (unsafe) speed on sidewalks amongst pedestrians or other traffic infractions, wrong way on one way streets etc.
Complaints were blamed on eBikes rather than their riders.
Outcry elicited this response.
A few bad apples spoiling it for everyone else!
boytitan said:

Their at it again.

Shame on them !

NYC doesn't care about going green, or trying to minimise NYC streets crowded with car... They want YOU to pay for everything. Pay for cabs, pay for Subway, pay crazy fees for car insurance in NYC... E-Bikes are profitable for users AND the environnement, but not for our money-corrupted governors. Hence the interdiction on eBikes in NYC. It's just all about greedy people who want to keep the power just for their little self. Very close-minded people they are.


It appears that, just by your say so, any type of power driven mobility device is to be considered "legal" when used as a motivational aid.
Exceptions might logically include conveyances exceeding the Federal "legal" definition of a bicycle as being limited to 20mph under motor power alone.
Important to note that this would not relieve operator from damage or injury liability, especially if operated at speeds higher than a persons natural "mobility". (walking - jogging - running - cycling speed?)

"Credible Assurance
An entity that determines it can
accommodate one or more types of
OPDMDs in its facility (including streets!) is allowed to ask
the person using the device to provide
credible assurance that the device is
used because of a disability. If the
person presents a valid, State-issued
disability parking placard or card or
a State-issued proof of disability, that
must be accepted as credible
assurance on its face
. If the person does not
have this documentation, but states
verbally that the OPDMD is being used
because of a mobility disability, that also must
be accepted as credible assurance,
the person is observed doing something
that contradicts the assurance."

Best of all ...
You can online file a complaint with the ADA.
No lawyers required!

How to File an ADA Complaint with the U.S. Department of Justice

Please! Do not abuse this option by just complaining.
This is provided for direct offenses specifically against you.
And you must have specifically mentioned to the offender(s) that your eBike was to aid a mobility, circulatory, respiratory, or neurological disability problem.
Additionally, you must have been operating in a legal bicycle manner or, if on sidewalk or footpath only trail, operating at a moderate-safe speed.

NYC seizures were typically instigated by excessive (unsafe) speed on sidewalks, amongst pedestrians or other traffic infractions, wrong way on one way streets etc.
Complaints were blamed on eBikes rather than their riders.
Outcry elicited this response.
A few bad apples spoiling it for everyone else!
Somebody get an old bike and set it up to look like a ebike but its fake put some sabotage on it, a firework in the seat post and fill the frame with thermite they love that stuff in NYC, put a electronic spark on firework that then gets the thermite going in the back of they van haha. Or just rig it to shock them stand at a distance and let a small amount of wee out as you piss your self laughing at them trying to half hinch it and get the shock of their life not that I endorse violence.
The best first course of action is listed below.
I think the best bet would be to bring attention to the wrongs they are doing and get a petition going to make E bikes legal in NY state.
boytitan said:
I think the best bet would be to bring attention to the wrongs they are doing and get a petition going to make E bikes legal in NY state.
I would sign it !
NYS EBike Bill is up for ratification already.

See - NYS eBike Bill

Leave comments on each Bill link.

Contact your Assemblymen and congressmen and ask them to support the Bill.
Use links provided.

It's clearly on the nation's mind well above trump and king Jon un, Those pesky menace Ebiker riders making a mochery of everything.

The crackdown falls under the banner of Vision Zero, Mayor Bill de Blasio’s initiative to eliminate all traffic deaths on city streets. But bicycle messengers argue that the crackdown unfairly capitalizes on nebulous laws while taking away many immigrants’ means of making money.

Do the immigrant have ebikes then ?, if so they are a better class migrant than we have here in europe and if they want to work then it's win win, most of ours just want to infiltrate and destroy create their own ghettos but some do cross for a better life it's the minority that make the majority look bad normally.

I'd like to see the statistics on this one how many ebike deaths have occurred how dangourous are the streets due to this new menace no more than Rollerblades or skateboards I presume.
Ianhill said:

It's clearly on the nation's mind well above trump and king Jon un, Those pesky menace Ebiker riders making a mochery of everything.

The crackdown falls under the banner of Vision Zero, Mayor Bill de Blasio’s initiative to eliminate all traffic deaths on city streets. But bicycle messengers argue that the crackdown unfairly capitalizes on nebulous laws while taking away many immigrants’ means of making money.

Do the immigrant have ebikes then ?, if so they are a better class migrant than we have here in europe and if they want to work then it's win win, most of ours just want to infiltrate and destroy create their own ghettos but some do cross for a better life it's the minority that make the majority look bad normally.

I'd like to see the statistics on this one how many ebike deaths have occurred how dangourous are the streets due to this new menace no more than Rollerblades or skateboards I presume.

I think It's time for someone in New York with a head on his/her shoulder to contact the media, explain what eBikes ar about to the masses and loudly call out NYPD on their BULLSHIT CAMPAIGN...
We pay cops to eat donaughts and steal our own bikes ???
LockH said:
Illegal e-bike confiscations continue as NYC steps up enforcement:

The huge uptick in NYPD enforcement has led to 687 seizures of the e-bikes in 2017, compared with just 551 confiscations last year.

Wow, its interesting to read that PAS ebikes are in fact still legal in NYC. :lol:
Currently, only “pedal assist” e-bikes are actually classified as bicycles in New York City, meaning they are legal to operate on city streets.