is there a page with info on real/likely specs, ID marks, $ range, etc for the dozens of motors common on ali, ebay, etc?

Nov 14, 2023
New York City
I'm still going generic, and when I look for used motors, most come out of existing products.
so I'm curious about the specs and opinions on the DD and geared motors available for sale online and those sold in a particular model by an e bike brand.

for instance, images are of two DD hub motors sold on ebay, easily found searching "20" hub motor".

I'm curious what the specs of those are.

I don't even know what the specs of my own motors are.

although im pleased to say that my little 250w 20 inch geared hub in my a2b kuo isnt as gutless as id originally thought- just the original battery which was likely having major voltage sag once I reached 9-10 mph.


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I don't know of such a listing.

But both of those motors look like they are 9 Continents clones (9C+ 2705, 2706, & 2707). Because they are built into 20" wheels, odds are that they are "fast wind" variants. Grin's motor simulator can give you some pretty good insight into expected performance under various situations/conditions. If you provide links to the listings, you could probably use things like the max RPM and speed range to help determine which version the motor is most similar to. I had one of these on my first ebike and the Grin motor simulator was very good at predicting performance outcomes.

Less tech support and info is usually just one of the things you have to deal with when buying no-name inexpensive clone products.
the lack of support doesn't bother me. the lack of info.... kinda. although I had/do hope that this and other forum users would each contribute a few quarter hours to a sort of general wiki-catalog of on/off brand DD hubs, geared hubs, their price ranges, appx year of intro, points of failure and possible flaws, user "records" for how much power they put through it.
controllers: what the power switching devices are, what the micro-controller/central IC is, "extra" features (hidden or open) like a 12v 1a lighting rail, ability for regen braking, display com protocol
I'm looking to a geared hub motor (although I think I can get a new set of gears- PROPERLY ORIENTED THIS TIME- need help sourcing replacement nylon motor gears. Pics and specs in post) I was just looking at a post that was kinda what I wanted to see, except the thread is nearly two decades old (Brushless Geared hubmotors: BIG list & details)
I think I'm gonna make a concerted effort to start as much of this as I can on my own (which will be very little in terms of populating the information cells, but the format/blank fields usually make it a lot easier for others to contribute their info.

anyone reading this in the upcoming, please toss me your suggestions on where this wiki-catalog (does that sound like an appropriate term?) should be, info to include, auxiliary sections, etc.
although I had/do hope that this and other forum users would each contribute a few quarter hours to a sort of general wiki-catalog of on/off brand DD hubs, geared hubs, their price ranges, appx year of intro, points of failure and possible flaws, user "records" for how much power they put through it.
You're more than welcome to start writing this info up right here in this thread. ;)

Then when the KB opens, you can copy it there.