Is this a good controller?


100 µW
Mar 12, 2020
Looking at the available controllers (or lack of) these days I am consdiering this one from Ebay:

I have found out that it is a Sabvoton which I have heard marginally good things here on this forum.
What I DO like is that it comes with, by all appearances, a great dashboard, and I like the fact that it comes WITH a dashboard!
It has a very high headroom for current so i would not be worried about heat damaging the FETs that seems prevalent with the complaints about Sabvotons, and is capable of handling a 20s lipo which is my batt of choice.
It also apparently has many good features within the software.
The down side is, with what I have read, is that they are not very smooth on initial throttle up.
(Has that been ironed out?)
And others here have not been happy with the performance with acceleration along with frying them and other less than glowing accounts. And another here has stated that Sabvoton is no longer making controllers (????) so...
I want to believe that this controller will be a good choice.
"wanting to believe" isn't quite the right way to pick something for a job. ;)

since we have almost no information about what you want the controller to do for you, we can't tell you which controller would be good.

so if you tell us exactly what you need your bike or vehicle to do and under what circumstances / situations, and what parts you already have, we may be able to assist.

note that you may have to replace other parts you already have in order to do the things you want to do, if they're not up to the task, which is why you should list all of them here, too.
Seller is Hallomotor same as Conhismotor which you can do a search on and see if their controllers are any good.
For that price, maybe look at Kelly, Sabvoton, Nucular, Grintech Phaserunner, ASI BAC, Sevcon, Mobipus, Adapto and a few others.
Yes I have seen those two guys. I believe they are also connected to Risunmotors, or at least it appears that they have the same products. As previously mentioned this particualar controller is a Sabvoton. I have heard some good some bad things about them.

What I wonder about though is the 'drivability" of these units, particularly: How they program, how they learn, how robust, and how they deliver power on throttle up and sustained power delivery. Most important question for these units: DO they have proportional regen like the ASI and phaserunner. THAT is indoubtedly a great advanced function for a hub motor.

So again I ask do these Sabvotons have proportional regen?

Many here have complained about Sabvoton sketchy throttle up, others have said the performance and speed is not as good as others, others have fried them (one for external wire cross and thus shorting out--not controllers fault). Kelly controllers have many detractors for the same reasons.
Phase runner--great product--out of stock-and lower current rating for same price and need to buy additional CA for function. ASI's--expensive as hell for large current, Nokular--yes I want one, but I don't want to wait until the middle of summer for delivery. Infineon has posiibilities but no large current offerings. Powervelocity sounds like a reasonable choice UNTIL you try to contact them--5 emails over 5 days and NO response. (even tried different addys for concern about junk foldering) and still no response (this doesnt lend itself to any appreciable confidence in this guy. Plus his forum Q&A is about advanced medical questions--screwy.) AND I understand that he gets Sabvoton boards and merely adds his own higher quality FETS. But I have heard good things about his skill and would want to consider his products but he seems to be incommunicado so......

So what is left is either to wait, and wait, and maybe wait for 4 months for restock and then pay wayyyyy more for same rated performance and have to buy some sort of dashboard and hope it interfaces (or possibly dedicate a android to this function).
Or... buy this "somewhat" inexpensive controller option that has lots of features and that has lots of current headroom THUS negating any overheat FET problems/failure.
Additionally, the dashboard that COMES with it (saves money and) is a really great device both for programming and information interface while riding (these are vastly superior to CAs in my opinion.) The dashboard is a really strong selling feature for me. I am not certain that this dashboard can even be added to other controllers.
So for me the question is not what my application is but what is the build quality, longevity and ergonomics of this Sabvoton controller.