Thanks, I had a testride today :wink:
But first things first, a little extra protection over the hv stuff:
Mounted everything, I "borrowed" the nucular 24fet from my EEB "stealth bomber" and turned on the ignition. I could hear relays switching, and then nothing.
The controller wont turn on. Measured voltage, nothing.
Unplugged solenoids, they sure turn on and off. Measured before the fuse, voltage.
My "little" fuse was blown
I had another one, switched and things worked. Did an auto setup, and the motor only turned in one direction.
From what I remembered it should turn in both directions a few times, but I am not sure.
Anyway, the chain drive was noisy as hell! I made a video clip, but I don't seem to be able to upload it.
I was thinking I wont be able to drive it like this..
I went for a testdrive, first at half power settings. But it was so sluggish that I went for full settings almost right away.
At full power it was ok, but not very powerful compared to my EEB "stealth bomber" bike. On that it is hard to keep the front wheel down at full throttle. It wheelies or spins, and is basically a beast when fed over 20kw

The extra weight sure seem to make a difference. But the battery was only charged to storage voltage, 3,7V/cell.
The chain drive noise was not as bad when driving.
But I also got a power cut, I don't know why. It has never happened on the EEB.
I thought I would be able to see something on the status flags, so I checked when I got back.
But as far as I can tell they doesn't show anything wrong?
I have never had this kind of regen on the eeb ither, it just locks the wheel when I go hard on the brake and stops. Here it took a while, the weight really shows here too.
Maybe I should have checked when it happened, but I thought it was saved.
For the first time I have tried the charge through the controller feature:
It is the only way for me to charge at the moment.
I charged at 20A, that was about 30A at 54.4v from the psu. It seemed alright, but the normal 240v plug got rather warm..
The controller got about 56 degrees C, and the motor got rather warm too. I don't think this way to charge is the best if you want to drive when it is done, because of the heat.
The controller got a bit warm on the testdrive too, I believe it was over 30 degrees C at least. On the EEB it is in the airflow behind the front wheel, and has stayed really cool on my rides in rather cold weather.
I have 2 of these huawei R4850G2 psu:s , that I planned to series connect and adjust to charge to 88-90v.
They are adjustable trough can bus, and I have ordered control boards with potentiometers to be able to set both voltage and amperage. But where they are seems unknown :?
I did get a picture of them anyway, I guess that is something.
I have charged now, but only to 88v. I plan to use 90v later, but now I don't have a way to check cell voltages. So I want to be careful.