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Kunteng Controller Regen


1 mW
Nov 4, 2017
Hey :D
So I've recently swapped out a 500w KT controller from Cyclotricity with a similar KT controller which is 1500w dual 36/48v (KT36/48ZWSRL) so that I could use it with a KT-LCD3 and get cruise control...

The controller is sold as having regen capability (and the setting is there in the C params menu), but it doesn't look like there are connectors for it - So I was wondering does anyone have a similar KT controller with regen wires out there that can tell me which pins I need to solder to on the PCB?

Regen is just braking, so you engage the brakes, and it engages regen if the controller is capable of it, and you are using a DD hubmotor in the wheel.
Ah, that makes perfect sense! I'd seen conflicting reports on the net whether it was a separate control line or not.

I activated the regen, shorted the brake signal together, and the brake indicator lit on the LCD, but the wheel just coasted to a stop, not a forced stop I would have expected from regen. Looks like this controller wasn't as the supplier described. I'll chase it up with them.

Thanks for the reply,
soeno said:
but the wheel just coasted to a stop, not a forced stop I would have expected from regen.
What hubmotor do you have in the wheel?

If it's a geared hub, it won't be able to act as a brake.

It has to be a DD (direct drive) hub.
Yeah, definitely have a hub drive that should be capable of it, but it's a Cyclotricity 500watt motor, although don't know the specific manufacturer/model.

@j bjork
The parameter is C13 on the Kunteng LCD-3. Tried all settings and it just doesn't seem to work when I've had the bike upside down for testing. It's likely that the controller doesn't actually support it.

Yes, I've tried it above 6mph... But the bike was upside down, whilst I was testing it, so there was no force. I don't know whether the controller is smart enough to realise not to enable regen in that circumstance.
What does the LCD indicate? Even on the highest regen setting, I can barely "feel" the regen working, but the LCD scrolls the battery indicator right to left, for charging, and the brake symbol is showing, and volts increase.

I took a test ride yesterday, descending 700 ft in a mile section of road, 3 times,using the regen braking. The voltage would be about 2 volts higher by the time I got to the bottom, then settle about 1 - 1.5 volts, so it definitely works. I don't have any before and after test to see how much it saves on brake pads though.
It lights up the braking icon but I didn't actually notice if it starts scrolling the battery like you say. I didn't notice any perceivable slowing down when the bike was freewheeling upside down, I expecting it to force stop the wheel. Because I didn't actually see anything to prove that regen was working, I didn't wire in the brake cables so I haven't actually tried it out "in real life".
soeno said:
It lights up the braking icon but I didn't actually notice if it starts scrolling the battery like you say. I didn't notice any perceivable slowing down when the bike was freewheeling upside down, I expecting it to force stop the wheel. Because I didn't actually see anything to prove that regen was working, I didn't wire in the brake cables so I haven't actually tried it out "in real life".

I got around to testing the other C13 settings yesterday, raising my rear wheel, twist throttle on full, and then tapping the front brake lever to activate regen. On C13=1, the regen braking effect is mild, but definitely slows the wheel as soon on the lever is pulled, and the LCD indicates charging. C13=2 increased the braking effect, and each setting above that further increases the effect. I'm going to try playing with level 2 and 3 next time I ride, but I'm hesitant about levels above 2, since the regen braking comes on abruptly, so I can see why the manual says to be careful. If I had a more robust torque arm, I'd feel a little bit more comfortable with using the higher settings.