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LiPoly powered 18HP Twin Motor Brushless MONSTER build!

I had a free hour, so I hooked up the other motor/controller and stuck 2 more batteries on it with zipties.

Total bike weight is under 55lbs all ready to ride with the 4 batteries.

0-100m time, roughly 6.1 seconds. Not done with a perfect distance and laser timing or anything, but fairly accurate measured out and timed with a buddy and a stopwatch. This is not the full potential though, as the motors/controller/system can handle having 9 more volts, and my controllers loose sync if I try to apply full throttle too rapidly. When I finish the real battery setup for the bike, and get a pair of serious 300amp HV controllers, it should be a lot quicker to accelerate :)
I'm using the older models of the hobby city 100a HV Turnigy units. This is kinda strange, because I've never had them behave like this before. They have always worked perfect for me in the past. I think maybe the giant 12pole motor with lots of load on it gives them a hard time. I do have the programmer for them though, and I will try out some different settings, and hopefully something will help. If you only give very smooth throttle movements, they do stay synched and perform fine, but I didn't build this for only doing smooth throttle movements. In planes and heli's, these controllers have always behaved perfect, frustrating that they don't want to perform well for me on my bike.

I did a long charge at 45-50mph up a very long (maybe 1/2mile) hill,then stopped and felt the motors. Both were just slightly above Luke-warm, and the controllers were still actaully cool to the touch. Even discharging these batteries at 20-25c, they felt cool to the touch, and this is only running 1P to each motor!

After my ride, I re-charged the cells from 3.6v to 4.2v in about 7 minutes. That is just using half my chargers ability. I pressed the balance button on my intigrated balancer setup, and it started working, but the cells were all ready within 1-2mV, so it didn't have much of a job to do.

So, the next step is to finish my real battery setup, protect and mount my real battery setup, and correctly setup the controllers I have, or buy a new set of controllers that can stay synched to big motors.
I can say that I know what the "EV grin" is now. :D

A smile just appears on my face when I blast up hills :)
Just made a silly but exciting mistake. Left the pack connected up in series, and tied to plug in the special cable I made to balance the packs with all cells in P... Vaporized the ends and the socket for that balance plug :) Take that balance plug! Ha!

Now I feel kinda like Methods, plugging in LiPo packs in any which way I feel, paying no attention to polarity or what is still connected in S or P :) :D
6 seconds? How does that compare to Matt or the DOC? Sounds like everything worked out as planned, even got an EV grin out of the testesterone twin.
I'm on my 5th pack charge now :) 20min recharging rocks! :) Definitely need some controllers that don't loose sync though! Grrr!!!
etard said:
6 seconds? How does that compare to Matt or the DOC? Sounds like everything worked out as planned, even got an EV grin out of the testesterone twin.

Best accelleration I have seen with my recumbent was 0-35mph in 5 seconds. That run drew 7000 watts.

I think Luke has me beat. That is untill my second bike gets done! :wink:


I am enjoying your build!

What are you using for a throttle?

I'm running a magura twist grip pot to a turnigy servo tester. A switching type UBEC supplies the power. Its all ugly right now because I spent about 5mins on putting that side of things together LOL.

I also have a switching DC/DC converter that takes in voltage up to 100v, and outputs 15a @5v, 15v@12v, and 20a @ 3v, but I haven't mounted it because the little UBEC seems to be doing a fine job, but I'm maxing it out for voltage, so I will have to mount the other one when I bump voltage up. I want to double voltage :)
6.1 sec 0-100m !!! wow!.. excellent :wink:

mmm weel i feel i have something to work on my actual setup :twisted: i did 8.7 GPS measured...

posting a nice video o fthat would be awsome!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


clash of the SUPER titans :D
come on guys lets get some 0-100m vids up, i'm itching to see Luke pop that fsr on it's rear wheel 8)
Not as powerful as your gassers Luke but hey remember it's all about taking the bike where you'd wouldn't be able to take the gassers :)
An EV grin from a gasser rider is great - i'm not sure what it is that makes us smile so on electric?
just a twist of the throttle and silently powering uphill while all around are oblivious to the fact your under power i suspect?
Anyway rock on dude!!!


I will put the vids on youpube etc, so I don't want them to have me babying the throttle and hearing it make squealing noises as it goes in an out of synch etc. The last thing needs is another video showing electric bikes look like hokey-pokey crud. As soon as I get the controller situation figured out I will put up a good video or two. I also want to connect up the rest of my batteries. I'm still just running 1p strings rather than 4p strings, and I'm 7.4v away from the voltage the controllers are setup to take, so things will be a LOT quicker when it's setup right.

Dr. Bass, I think you should stick one of the 6X crystalite hub motors in the back, and throw your 5x on the front, then wire them both to start in Wye and swap to delta. You are one of the few who actually has the amazing battery power to handle that much hub motor! It would be awesome!!!
Toasted both Turnigy 100a HV controllers. :(

I tried seeing what happens if i just stay on throttle when they are making the sqealing sound of no sync, to see if they would eventually sync up on there own. Well, it turns out, that is trick to release the magic smoke from them. :(

So, now I'm in a more urgent need to get some serious controller setup for the bike. I have two more of those Turnigy HV 100a controllers sitting on the shelf, so I will swap them in and go back to cutting throttle immeadiately when they loose sync.

It sucks having the electronics be the weak-link in my project, and not really having any available solutions to the problem without building your own stuff, but I guess I will do what I gotta do. With the support from the great minds on this forum, I'm sure it will turn out fine :)
Are you using the newer version of those esc's they supposedly are much better now.
Nope, this was on the older version. Stuff I have had on my project shelf for a couple years. I just placed an order for a pair of the version 4 models.
liveforphysics said:
Nope, this was on the older version. Stuff I have had on my project shelf for a couple years. I just placed an order for a pair of the version 4 models.
What shipping method did you select, takes from 1-4 weeks for my orders to arrive usually. I want to see you bike in action now :twisted:
I hope those will work for you, it may be difficult to find another option.
You could post some videos on Vimeo, its not as popular as youtube so no one will see it there :wink:
Luke, can you say a bit more about how it all behaved as it failed?

I'm considering doing some test runs without a limiter on my bike with an HV 110 and am HOPING to avoid the same kind of thing!!

Sorry to hear, man. Setbacks like this suck. Glad to see it's not ruining your day.
You running a Watts up or anything to measure voltage and current?
I am willing to bet those batteries are sagging under load.
Any idea what kind of current draw? I bet it has got to be substantial.
Once you get the packs up over 10Ah I think you will see a lot more power.

As far as the ESC... oh well.
Get your wallet out :mrgreen:

Maybe the big dogs can get together and do a group buy for some serious ESC's.

I am in for two of the biggest we can find.
Luke will do whatever I do ( because he wants to be cool like me 8) )
That's 4.
We need more like 8 orders to impress any kind of respectable source.

Anyone else have deep pockets?

Doc, you still want to do that other deal we talked about?

Matt, you've seen my moped conversion thread?

One of the same motors as Luke's two and an HV 110, SLAs, (until budget permits!) running a belt + chain drive... I don't want to hijack this though!

Luke, why not a Castle HV?
Before the controllers failed, I tried dicking around with programming them, and I set the timing advance to "very far" or something like that. It had been set at "normal" before. I tried riding, it never sync'd well at all, then they just released the magic smoke.

They are claiming the new Version 4 runs a 12mhz processor, and claiming it's the fastest processing of any ESC on the market, so when the pair I ordered arives, I will be able to tell you guys if they are able to sync any better. Lets hope so.

Nothing available on the market looks like something pleasing to me. I want 100v and 300amp minimum. These RC controllers are made for being as tiny and light as possible, and made mainly just for bursts of 100-200amps, then coasting, then another burst etc. We need something for charging full speed up long hills, and I would like my bike to be able to do 70-80mph uphills.

I'm thinking we get a smart side of a controller that works very well and has lots of tunability and features, then adapt our own dumbside, and make it beef. Use TO220 package FETs for grown ups rather than surface mount stuff. Use a CPU heatsink with fan for mounting the FETs. I'm not opposed to paying thousands of dollars for a product, but I'm opposed to paying jack-squat for something that isn't going to work, or that I have to buy again and again as my needs for power grows.

You need extremely low timing to keep high pole count outrunners synced. I ran into this with my Hydra ESC. It would not go to low timing in the program section because it was designed for 2 pole high RPM boat motors and it lost sync easily. The higher the pole count, the lower the timing needs to be. I am going from the 20 pole Plettenberg of my recumbent to the 8 pole Astro/s on my next build. That alone should help the controllers last longer.

I never blew an HV110 with my 14 pole AXI. But, my 20 pole Terminator blows them regularly if I push them hard repeatedly without added caps.

Anyway, there is a solution. We just need to find it!

Sorry to hear about the setback Luke ECSTATIC to hear you smoked Docs 100m time :)
Your carrying a hell of alot less weight i can't see how it will be possible for Doc to get even close to that
time with a hub...be interesting to see how he goes about trying though :)

Hope your up and running again soon Luke...best of luck with the new esc


Apprentice Gangsta 8)

p.s when your running again any chance you and Methods could get a video of side by side 100m
run ? Might be just the stinging Patrick needs to pop 3 rc motors on his Stinky hehehe