Motobob & other e-trailers

Jan 8, 2010

I'm looking for some feedback from anyone who has used a Bob trailer with a conversion kit powering the trailer wheel.
The motobob was made for awhile but is out of production. I'm especially interested in how one of these would handle hilly terrain. Thanks.

I thought you might be interested in this video by a Canadian e-bike store showing how a customer set up a dual motor kit using Crystalyte hub motors on the front and rear wheels. He's also got a modified Bob trailer that he ultimately wants to motorize and use as a push trailer. It's a pretty impressive setup and he says the dual motors, in addition to giving more power, consume fewer amps so his battery life is extended. He has an 80 kilometer range (about 49 miles) on his two 48V batteries that are wired in parallel. This might be the build you want to replicate.

NW, you are the best !
That video covers each of my leading options, dual drive or using a push trailer.
Thanks so much for digging that up.
It is great to confirm what I suspected, dual motors use 1/2 the amps. This may actually make my 25 mile mountain commute feasible and affordable.
It also answered one of my questions about the availability of a dual controller.
I"d love to know how a currie/front hub dual drive would perform compared to two hub motors.

I'm glad I stumbled upon the video. I think I would stick with all Crystalyte parts so you didn't have any issues. You could always email a few questions to the store that took the video (they are really expanding the number of e-bike videos they have on you tube). Here's their page with info on the dual motor controller.

This would be an expensive build, but you should have a very good setup that will serve your needs for a very long time (if kept locked up well so some envious bike thief doesn't get their hands on it).
Electrec, now Rayos, built a dual motor e-bike in 2007 that used their 600W Currie-style non-hub rear motor and a Crystalyte Phoenix in the front. It would be interesting to know what controller they used since it appears to have had only one throttle. Supposedly, the bike could get up to 35 MPH without pedaling.


They also offered a "long range" version of it that came with a Bob trailer loaded with additional batteries.

Jack's dual drive~
I'd love to talk with Jack....what a range he has. I'm not familiar with those C'lytes...what kind've hills can they handle and what is top speed on the flats? I assume, (though he never said in the video)...that his two 48v packs add up to 20ah??? This makes perfect sense....each motor helping the other to stay in the sweetzone for max efficiency. !!