10 kW said:Mark,
I am enjoying the thread about your new "powerful" hub motor. I'm currently working on a leaning three wheeled E-vehicle here in Western NY (Near Rochester).I know you have a lot on your plate but before you do too many runs on that hub motor by all means FIX THE SPOKE PATTERN. Get some longer spokes and lace it up correctly. The current spoke angle will not only restrict the amount of power (Torque) the motor can send to the rim but it can be VERY DANGEROUS! Use the first photos in your discussion as a pattern and work from there if possible.
Keep up the great work.
John Head
C/O Elegant British Bike Bits.
Your certainly right about the spoke pattern not being the best way or the strongest way to build a wheel. I haven't made a issue of it with my supplier because there are so many details of the motor design that had to be addressed that I didn't want to overwhelm him. I probably let him do radial spokes for the next prototype as we are working on so many design details for the hollow axle design. At this point the spoke pattern is easy to fix and not worth making a issue about. In the end I'll get motors without rims in many hole numbers 36, 40 and so on. If the motor is a success I'll even have a cast aluminum version. Thanks for the encouragement.
My original wheel was built by a small company out west called Wheel Master. The quality is obvious when a skilled wheel builder builds a wheel.