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MysteryDate: Who is BigFail?

IPv4 address:
IPv6 address: ::ffff:8d4c:2d23
Host name: proxy2.anon-online.org
Reverse DNS: proxy2.anon-online.org
Country: Germany
City: Dresden

more anon-ing.

AJ - I thnk that clue was too big for sarah - edit it!
AussieJester said:
ROFLMAO@Methods, yes poor ebike Sarah is doing it tough at the moment, 'she' definitely isn't the one we're after here ;) Hope 'her' op goes well this week so shes back with us healthy, fit and at 'her' "stunning" best.

Someone's in Germany then-now to race maybe :?: :?: :?: :idea: :p :lol:
Miles said:
Bigfail said:
I think this comment:

methods said:
Say that you are going to give up ownership

I swear to Christ that if you dont clearly say that right now I am going to blow this frock place up :evil:


really speaks volumes for the type of person you are and the type of person Trevor is not.

The many members that jumped up and down like spoiled brats should take a look at themselves and their posts and if they see nothing wrong, ask their family and friends if they they think many of the posts were:

- rude
- a turn off for civil people
- self serving
- childish

It's the cliquey members (and their sheep followers) - and there is a clique, being upset that their perceived "powers" were being threatened by someone "new" and outside their cliquey group who would hold power.

This clique group has done more harm to the shallow words of "furthering the e-bike revolution" than any other posts I've ever seen. Whoever ends up hosting and managing the forum - beware of this group.

I read some comments from members comparing ES to some other forums. ES has had 11675 members join in it's history.
Most are totally inactive, the most ever online in a 24 hr period was 236 - and that was a year ago. ES is not growing. It's stagnant and going downhill.

I know Trevor must be more of a principled man than me, Methods, the clique and the sheep, because if members had reacted in the same manner to me and I owned the forum, I would have banned, told you all to GF and shut down this forum for sure.

Now that's off my chest, I have one recommendation: move the forum to e-bike.com or whatever similar named domain so it represents what the forum is really about.

Congratulations to the members who were brave enough to speak up against the clique - I wouldn't do it under my real member name.

Bigfail said:
Intelligent come back. Haven'tr asked your family or friend if your behaviour is normal yet?
Address the points otherwise don't waste the electrons.

Bigfail said:
Nobody like criticism but hey it's the truth.

Bigfail said:
Actually you jumped onto him immediately.

Never had a chance to explain himself - so you are the Asshole.

Nothing he would have done would have appeased the clique, power is hard to give up!

Bigfail said:
communication was bad, on both sides of the fence.

"remains" hate free? didn't see anything but hate in the last couple of days.

You can't be arsed waiting for others to push electrification of personal transport, yet someone put their hand up to do just that.
ES is a small forum and will remain so as it is a clique.

Bigfail said:
No scores here, I don't know you from a bar of soap, nor any other member. I just found the post you made and that I quoted offensive, immature and polarising for a community that had the potential to do some good.

Bigfail said:
No-one, I'm not into the wolf pack / gang rape like you guys. If you read my 1st post, you would have seen I had one recommendation (I know the clique won't change) but moving forum to a better domain name that refelects the actual content of the forum will help with SEO and this furthering the e-bike revolution - unless of course you would prefer to keep it amongst the clique.

I'd prefer to be an individual and read the posts and make my own decision on what I think is right.

Bigfail said:
Thanks deVries, this kind of post explains a lot and is a great argument.

Bigfail said:
corporate ownership? more like small business owner. Don't oversell ES... it's a small membership, less than 12000 members, probably 500 active. Oops, I had better talk it up for Trevor so he can get a better selling price - 60 000 members, 27 000 active. Sound better?! :)

Bigfail said:
No doubt about the great work done and shared... and that's why I stated move it to a recognisable domain and share it more!

Now if it were me, I would apppoint you and devries as caretakers, or reps of the board as you're not loose canons and are reasonable and listen and have good points and can address issues.

Bigfail said:

Bigfail said:
What would a troll say? No I'm not - just to get you to reply?

Bigfail said:
No, not Trevor, thanks for verifying. So you resort to blowing my cover? Not nice.
chekola said:

so no one figured it out yet ?

chekola said:
I havent read the whole thing to know what all the fuss is , but why the big need to find out who BF is ?

I thought Justin had bought this place back last I heard , so why the witch hunt , and for what purpose ?


chekola said:
jonathanm said:
For the pure sport of it.

Why is the criminal always so compelled to return to the scene of the crime?

Slow down J, are you saying the black knight himself is here ?

I thought he was " technically" the only criminal here or are we talking a group now ? ( aside from trevor whom i just thought was the clueless buyer )

chekola said:
jonathanm said:
wrote:No crime has been committed, I was speaking metaphorically. perhaps perpetrator would have been a better word....But I think bigfail is here among us now :D

According to Dr. Paul Fedoroff, ... the behaviour of returning to the scene of the crime was first noted more than a century ago.

He says there are four reasons an offender would do so:

The first is the "mundane" reason -- to find out if the crime has been discovered, what police know and find out if any evidence was accidentally left behind, said Dr. Fedoroff.

The second reason is to appear heroic. An example of this is a firefighter who secretly sets fires so he can join in battling the resulting blaze.

The third reason is what Dr. Fedoroff calls the "prosaic" reason -- the offender wants to be part of the excitement.

"It's not unheard-of for serial offenders to infiltrate the process," he said, pointing to offenders who join search parties or get involved in police investigations.

"There's something exciting about being that close and still getting away with it."

The fourth reason is what many forensic researchers call the turning-tragedy-into-triumph phenomenon....

Maybe you should conduct a seance then ? :mrgreen:

chekola said:
I think someone should close this thread before someone goes insane ...

just my 2 cents
A quick scan back shows that chekola is prone to outbursts as well.... and then returned to the scene of the crime.

Thats it folks.
I want to see the cards.

I say it was chekola, with the keyboard, in the forum (that's a reference to the board game "Clue" for you kids born in the digital age...)

methods said:
(that's a reference to the board game "Clue" for you kids born in the digital age...)
Or "Cluedo" for those outside the US.

Hmm... From reading that collection together Miles posted, I would say it's deVries, they both seem to miss the entire point in the same way (our content was not donated for commercial purposes), and both appear willing to install and tighten up their own manacles of slavery.

Methods had previously said he traced the IP and had a confession via PM though... Maybe I misunderstood what you told me??

Ok, I've read enough Sherlock (actually everything ever written by Sir Conan Doyle) Find an anomaly and peruse it to your man.
Hmm... That word "clique" That might be a lead, it's a word I haven't heard used since Jr. High, and perhaps have never seen written down. This person likes to use the word commonly, let's see who else does.

Here is Oatnet:


Oatnet again:


Do those sentiments seem to align with our mystery coward poster?

Seller with interest in forum name? - Check
Writing style? -Check
Similar word-choice? -Check
Deep enough knowledge of the members to make those posts? -Check
Angry sentiment towards outspoken members? -Check

But, entirely possible to just be coincidence. Witch-hunts are fun, but seldom constructive or good for group-relations.
DeVries has sent me about 30 PM's over the last 15 minutes :mrgreen:

I actually considered him early on to... but eliminated him.

I am sticking with my guess.

liveforphysics said:
Hmm... From reading that collection together Miles posted, I would say it's deVries, they both seem to miss the entire point in the same way (our content was not donated for commercial purposes), and both appear willing to install and tighten up their own manacles of slavery.
Hmmm, I am sorry to be confused by even what you are writing now? :|

1) I've never missed the point or reasoning about why "our content was not donated for commercial purposes". Simply read all my recent posts regarding that subject, and I hope you will come back with proof of your assertions, please.

2) I don't even come close to understanding "both appear willing to install and tighten up their own manacles of slavery". What is the association or comparison between what Miles posted & what I've posted. Precisely, please. :?
Erogo said:
I dunno that the writing styles match up

someone run Erogo's ip #'s. :twisted: :lol:

BF didn't post enuf for anything conclusive.
plus his first post is the only one contiguously long enuf to be useful wrt writing style.
i'm just going by both have a penchant for one sentence paragraphs.
but if you have some specific examples in mind i'll entertain them.

oatnet would bleed ES tru-blu.
methods gets a shovel to go start digging....

first stop? Looking for wide spread recent edits to remove keywords :wink:

methods said:
DeVries has sent me about 30 PM's over the last 15 minutes :mrgreen:

I am sticking with my guess.

If you read through that person's posts, then there is a definite writing style that really does not match-up in thinking/ideas or some "health issues" this person admits to having. Though, I didn't study this for very long, or enough to stake my rep or firm belief about it. :wink:

methods said:
DeVries has sent me about 30 PM's over the last 15 minutes :mrgreen:

1) Re: MysteryDate: Who is BigFail? To methods Sent: Tue Aug 09, 2011 6:56 pm
2) Re: MysteryDate: Who is BigFail? To methods Sent: Tue Aug 09, 2011 5:38 pm

Just to be not exaggerating quite soooo much it's twice, as above. :p
Interests: History, Science , People , Art , Music Fashion and everything else ontop.

type of person I am...
civil people...

dogman said:
But now I think maybe that other vendor from the past, Solar something or other? The Aussie who had trouble shipping what was paid for after something went on with an employee?
I think you mean Brett - aka solar bbq. He hasn't been around for ages though has he ?

deVries said:
What was eBike Sarah's IP addresses? Can't that be traced just as it has been done with BigFail
Didn't we establish that the IP thing doesn't work - after the thing with Adrian having several IPs and others have reported the same that their location can be 500 miles away - ie way off.

Do we know that ebike sarah is one of the forum regulars though ? Her join date is well before all this fiasco started. If she = bigfail why wouldn't bigfail just have used that fake account to post with ? The plot thickens! :lol:

edit: ah crap, I just realised there was another 3 pages of posts after these while I slept last night :lol:
Looks like I better go catch up!
Nah nah, it's not Chekola. Look how he sticks spaces before punctuation. Not a very technically correct writer, whereas the only mistake I spotted in BF's writing was an apostrophe error, and a pretty common one at that.
So are we after ebike sarah now ? Are we giving up on bigfail ? I'm confused :lol:

Is the word punani a clue ?

I just checked urban dictionary and it says

Function: noun
Plural Form: punani
Etymology: Mod. Hawaiian punani (lit. heavenly flower) from Old Hawaiian pua (blossom); nani (glory, splendor, heavenly)
1: female genitals
2: sexually receptive female
3: sexual intercourse

Firstly, lol
Secondly, it says it's a Hawaiian word, which fits with her location. Or is this a commonly used term through the US ?
If LFP knows who this person is does that narrow it down to members he may know or have met. ie US west coast ?
I love how my luring of Ebike sarah onto the thread sent people into a frenzy over a connection between Ebike Sarah and Bigfail. It's like thinking Borat (or more accurately Dame Edna Everige) has something to do with Deepthroat.

But speaking of Deepthroat, [I had some awesome material written here, but better judgement tells me it belongs in the CessPool, highlights included the words "Vestigial penis" and "reach around"]....
Hyena said:
So are we after ebike sarah now ? Are we giving up on bigfail ? I'm confused :lol:

Is the word punani a clue ?

I just checked urban dictionary and it says

Function: noun
Plural Form: punani
Etymology: Mod. Hawaiian punani (lit. heavenly flower) from Old Hawaiian pua (blossom); nani (glory, splendor, heavenly)
1: female genitals
2: sexually receptive female
3: sexual intercourse

Firstly, lol
Secondly, it says it's a Hawaiian word, which fits with her location. Or is this a commonly used term through the US ?
If LFP knows who this person is does that narrow it down to members he may know or have met. ie US west coast ?
According to AJ...
AussieJester said:
@jonathanm..re: e-bike Sarah, it was made public weeks ago who 'she' was, ain't a secret to regular readers matey ;)

He-She was on the What is a Frock Motor thread, which I just saw he-r eBike Sarah name on tonight w/you posting there too. Did you figure out or know who s-he was then :?: :?: :?: :p

Since Methods told me it was not himself, & I had seen nothing in the Frock thread at that point, & Luke answered on this thread in/directly (w/o denying he could be eBike Sarah), I've circled back around thinking LFP is likely eBike Sarah. I didn't want to waste more time reading the threads, which is a twisted mind-warp anyway. :p WTF :lol:
This might be what AJ is referring to:
What is a frock motor?
Tiberius said:
liveforphysics said:
.....The lesson to learn in all this is simple. Stay safe. ....

Oh, this thread is priceless. All it needs is now is safe.


PS. My gf reckons I've got better legs than either Sarah or Portland.
liveforphysics said:
Tiberius said:
PS. My gf reckons I've got better legs than either Sarah or Portland.

Well, let's get on with it then. I don't have a lot of spare time these days for courting Nick. :p :p :p :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :p :p :p
Seems the powers that be are protecting the true identity of eBike Sarah, since it is admitted by a Mod 2 IP addresses exist for this spoof-her eBike Sarah. Maybe spoof-hers should be relegated ONLY to the Toxic Discussion Area. I vote for that. Produces less confusion up here in the tech areas or general discussions. Weirdness has its place & spoofing is a bit too weird for this section of the Forum, imo. :idea: :wink:
So now there are 3 for Oatnet, any more takers:

TPA said:
Here's my official entry:


liveforphysics said:
let's see who else does.

Here is Oatnet:

Toorbough ULL-Zeveigh said:
oatnet would bleed ES tru-blu.
gtadmin said:
Erogo said:
... whereas the only mistake I spotted in BF's writing was an apostrophe error, and a pretty common one at that.
And several spelling and grammar mistakes "Haven'tr" "Nobody like criticism" "refelects" "canons" (and a few more, but I'm busy "working" :shock: )

True true. Still, I reckon they're a different sort of mistake than what Chekola makes. More like speed-typing ather than systematic errors, hey?

But anyway, what are we going to do with this infos, even if we do figure out who it was/is??