How to laugh at crosswinds:
The constructions up high give the crosswind a lot of leverage so the best shape for all those vertical bits going straight up is the teardrop shape... NOT!
Teardrop shapes act as wings and wings produce a LOT of sideways force when vertical.
That's OK; you just lean into the crosswind...
Problem is; WINGS STALL (no more force suddenly) at an angle of attack of around 15 deg IIRC.
So there you are leaning into the strong 'wing (sideways) lift' in a 12 deg crosswind when the angle changes to 16 deg and all off a sudden the force you were leaning against... is just suddenly gone!
So you either turn in the direction you were leaning or you fall.
Turning in the direction you were leaning (before the sudden 'wing' stall) means turning into traffic or going off the road.
That right there is why teardrop shapes are OUT!!! in bicycles.
(They are also way more difficult to work with when making the construction to hold up the solar panels)
What if you used round bar for the construction and slipped or snapped 3D printed wings over the pipes..?
As long as the 'printed in' swivel point is somewhat ahead of the 'wing's' center of lift you get 'vertical bars' with a CD of 0.04 trying to push you over rather than a CD of between 0.47 for round and 1.05 for square and similar.
That's between 11.75X (round) and 26.25X (square etc) less wind drag pushing you over.
And Here the big kicker:
You can get free Forward THRUST!
If each wing is slightly sprung to want to return to straight ahead; any side wind results in a small forward thrust force from the wind..! For very little increase in 'blow over' effect..!
I would add the wing leading edge shape (half an ellipse with 3 to 1 length to width ratio) all around the solar panel frame too.
Using 'quick stick', replaceable styrofoam half ellipses gives you a soft bumper that would help save panels etc in the inevitable fall-overs etc.
This 'Wind Assist+Aero' can be added to all the vertical-ish round bits of a bike. Even small ones on the spokes, where the forward thrust should be more effective.
Anyway; that's where my head goes whenever I see solar powered recumbents.
I'm like:
"you guys could all be Solar AND Wind powered (vs the plain drag of a std setup)) and be having a lot less of those dangerous, nerve wracking sidewind issues!