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[nearly original] An update on what I know from my end

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Sorry you lost a bunch of money, Trevor - if you need to sell of any of your ebike stuff to make ends meet, be sure to post it in the for sale section :D
And while one end of the earth sleeps the other kicks on :)

Great work Justin, fingers crossed for the positive outcome we all want and need.
I know you want to keep the place as is and are passionate about it enough to front a large amount of your own money for this so I respect your decision and of course you have my support. However after sleeping on it (ok technically it was a short medically induced coma :lol: ) I've been thinking...

* Why should Justin have to spend so much of his own time and money on this. It speaks volumes about the guys character which should already be well known to all but really, why spend so much on buying out a crook who sold us all out and a guy that's made a bad uninformed business decision ? Spending even 10% of the ballpark figure that's being tossed about would set up a villian-free new community for us that would last the ages.

* ES.com is just a name and at the end of the day means nothing. It's not ebike related and in 6 months time once the new forum is in full swing we'd actually be better off with an ev related URL.

* New and better urls are free or cheap as chips. We have Justin's offer of ebikes.com, mine of electric-revolution.com and several others, or even start fresh with a topic relevant URL

* It seems that we can simply copy the database across to a new location so we won't lose any content. It may not function 100% as it does now but that information wouldn't be lost, if posts couldn't be resumed to existing threads it could atleast be hosted as a searchable archive. We already lost a big chunk of the hosted photos and files recently that are now gone for good. We still have all the text though and even if we had to rebuild from this point it wouldn't really be the end of the world.

* I actually wouldn't mind starting over and would look forward to rebuilding and contributing to tech and instructional DIY threads. Within weeks the influx of noobs would populate the rest of the site with their usual questions about what the best kit, how to increase the performance of their 36v SLA ebike and how to build a kit for $500 that has a 100 mile range and does 50 mph :lol:
I almost wouldn't mind starting over either but i like the format of the board.
So much broken content from the database crash, the tech info area is very dated, and the sub-categories need to be expanded greatly due to the broader range of what people are doing. But that would involve a lot of work categorizing posts etc.

That's one reason why i was pushing the nuclear option of not buying it.
Hyena said:
And while one end of the earth sleeps the other kicks on :)

Great work Justin, fingers crossed for the positive outcome we all want and need.
I know you want to keep the place as is and are passionate about it enough to front a large amount of your own money for this so I respect your decision and of course you have my support. However after sleeping on it (ok technically it was a short medically induced coma :lol: ) I've been thinking...

* Why should Justin have to spend so much of his own time and money on this. It speaks volumes about the guys character which should already be well known to all but really, why spend so much on buying out a crook who sold us all out and a guy that's made a bad uninformed business decision ? Spending even 10% of the ballpark figure that's being tossed about would set up a villian-free new community for us that would last the ages.

* ES.com is just a name and at the end of the day means nothing. It's not ebike related and in 6 months time once the new forum is in full swing we'd actually be better off with an ev related URL.

* New and better urls are free or cheap as chips. We have Justin's offer of ebikes.com, mine of electric-revolution.com and several others, or even start fresh with a topic relevant URL

* It seems that we can simply copy the database across to a new location so we won't lose any content. It may not function 100% as it does now but that information wouldn't be lost, if posts couldn't be resumed to existing threads it could atleast be hosted as a searchable archive. We already lost a big chunk of the hosted photos and files recently that are now gone for good. We still have all the text though and even if we had to rebuild from this point it wouldn't really be the end of the world.

* I actually wouldn't mind starting over and would look forward to rebuilding and contributing to tech and instructional DIY threads. Within weeks the influx of noobs would populate the rest of the site with their usual questions about what the best kit, how to increase the performance of their 36v SLA ebike and how to build a kit for $500 that has a 100 mile range and does 50 mph :lol:
Hey Jay, glad to see you alive and kicking :lol:

I did a google search for ebikes and your site is listed higher than endless-sphere so so much for exposure! I also enquired about a fully managed web-site hosted by one of the major players in Oz. Full management costs $50 to setup and $10 per month. Domain name ebikes.on.net is $80 for two years so what is the value of a non-ebike domain name???

Justin had to kick in a huge amount of cash to save ES.

Trevor had to take a loss.

In the end they both compromised and came up with a fair price.

Talking to justin tonight it seems pretty much a done deal.

Congrads to Justin...i think this site will grow into something truly epic.

All of us in the electric bike world will flourish because of this transaction. This is top 5 moments in ebike history...somewhere up there with the advent of lithium and hub motors. :D
How do we know Trevor took a loss? I thought there was a NDA and he couldn't reveal his purchase price? I hope some proof was seen.....
And for folks like me who only just discovered that you can download music off the internet... I'm still a bit confused :lol: I didn't even know forums could be owned. And to think, we nearly got "pwned!"

Alas, all's well that ends well.

Now, back to my savings regime for a couple of new motors... :(
I was gonna leave this alone. After reading for three hours, this thread has worn me down. I know nobody cares what I think, so I'll say it anyway. I love this site. I do not wish to leave. I will not be coerced to pay to stay. I post here for the benefit of all, not just the rich! I do not like the idea of one man buying up everything I helped to create, and profiting from it, at my expense. The trouble is, there isn't much I could do to stop it from happening. Even if I had the entire legal dept of Microsoft at my disposal, I couldn't justify the unscrupulous use of it just to flex my ego. Times have come when I felt bad for not contributeing directly to this site. If that has contributed to this situation, I know I am not alone in regretting it. I hope that a resolution to this can be reached, that preserves this forum in it's current state indefinitely. I could go on here, this issue has grave implication for me. I enjoy haveing one of the most popular build threads here. That is no small potato, to me! For those who have worked diligently in an effort to preserve this site as is, you have my undying respect and gratitude! For everyone else,there's a nice little bake shop in So Cal, that has a cure for what ails you. Remember to bring your medical card with ya! My ass is sore, my heart is heavy, and my hand is trembleing, but I will return. I only hope it isn't just to say goodbye.
Brian L.
If there is going to be one man to buy ES i cant think of a better man than Justin.

Dont worry... he has no intent of commercializing this forum. His intentions are good.

As a group we could not have raised enough cash to buy the forum ourselves.

Also it would have been difficult deal to negotiate as a group.

Evidently there was a 3rd party (a commercial interest) also making a bid on ES.

Feel lucky the forum will be in good hands soon....it could have been a lot worse.
gtadmin said:
Hey Jay, glad to see you alive and kicking :lol:
Only just mate, see my build thread!

I did a google search for ebikes and your site is listed higher than endless-sphere so so much for exposure!
REALLY ?! what key words did you actually search for ? I've done absolutely zero advertising, not even any google SEO etc. Just a link in my sig and the url I hand out to noobs on the street. Wow.
Anyway that's a bit off topic for this thread.

I'm still not counting my chickens but it sounds like Justin has this pretty much sewn up. I still don't agree with him having to spend wads of his own cash but it's his choice at the end of the day and we'd all much rather have him at the helm. If everything he's done with ebikes.ca somehow didn't cement him into ebike history, purchasing endless-sphere and what he does with it next certainly will.
it just doesn't seem right.

The crook gets away and the good guys bailout the ignorant trader.
It all sound very much like an episode of crooked banks and wall street.

This all totaly sucks.

Yes, great we get true controll of our community, and thats a huge win, but man some one better track that NightMB down and ______________(fill the blank).

Justin is one of the cleverest guys I know, and a some one I look up to and follow as a role model, I know he will do only what he is comfortable with and that it will be a good call.

Still, the fact that he is using his money is bailing out Trevor to fund NightMB just makes me furious.
Infact even if the community get together to pay back Justin, I wont feel comfortable until NightMB has repaid Justin or been _____________(fill the blank).

Total credit to Justin for taking all this on and regaining the forum, a personal thanks.

I hope there can be further resolution and justice found.
I hope all will turn out well for Justin. I totally don't understand how the content of ES could be anything but owned by the owner of ES, whoever that may be. But at the same time, once it's put out on the net, it will be copied and used if somebody wants to. Just too hard to stop it from happening.

The old threads have historic value, that's for sure. One epic thread needed to be saved of course. But I'd hate to see Justin use up his profits in shaky economic times, and then have to close up. God forbid that should happen. If Justin needs to sell some ads or whatever to make up his monetary outlay I'm cool with it. I trust him to make it work tastefully.
Hyena said:
... REALLY ?! what key words did you actually search for ? ...

(and I only mentioned it to point out that "Endless-Sphere" isn't rated as highly as people are saying - at least not when googled from Oz. I'm assuming google targets your country?)

dogman said:
I hope all will turn out well for Justin. I totally don't understand how the content of ES could be anything but owned by the owner of ES, whoever that may be. But at the same time, once it's put out on the net, it will be copied and used if somebody wants to. Just too hard to stop it from happening.
So do I, and I would chip in if required. Certainly don't want to see Justin go bust just for this.

And just because something you wrote is published on the net doesn't mean that you give up your copyright, you still own the copyright unless you've assigned it to somebody else - which we haven't. We gave permission for it to be stored on the owner's database, but he can't sell our copyrighted material (even if only selling by association). Well, that's my understanding of copyright law when I looked it up today :)

Edit: needless to say, I'm not a copyright lawyer
Justin, my thanks to you! You have done an epic, selfless thing solely for the good of the community. The world could sure use more folks like you. I don't know how you did this, but you have my sincere CONGRATULATIONS!! I would have given 0.01 probability for the compromise to occur.

When the dust settles guys, we need to consider some actions to at least help to make Justin well on this purchase.
I never read the fine print, but just figured that ES could do whatever it wanted with my spew.

But in reality, once you put shit on the web, anybody can read it, copy it, etc etc. I suppose you could do something about it, but it's like selling a CD. How do you detect it that I made a copy of it? Sure it's copyrighted, but no police is going to help you much to protect that copyright.

I've been wanting a second CA. I think I'll go buy one right now.
Justin is truly an awesome person, wow. I wish I could grow into someone like him.

Read through his whole Canada trip thread, and then in this situation, he just continues amazing me with every word, every action.

I was going to buy a cycle analyst anyway, I swear! :)
dogman said:
...The old threads have historic value, that's for sure..
I believe that is the main reason for Justin to invest time and money to save ES: Nostalgia :wink:

The software is open source, more than half of the database is obsolete, most of registered users are not active... The only commercial value is in the domain name, because the activity of the core members developping EV makes this forum THE place to find valuable info. The visiting trafic that is gathered by the forum gives the domain name a sure value for targeted publicity, for all visitors are interested by EV technology.

Then, I don't see Justin trying to make a commercial success out of ES. His motivations are essentially nostalgic IMO, he wants to give back to the ES community and save the old threads for their historical value. That is why I said that he is too good, to spend time and money for this.

The EV technologies are going toward a very fast evolution, and if we had moved to another domain, the new forum would have quickly filled with up to date infos and its activity would have made the old sleeping ES domain lose most of its commercial value in a short time. Justin could have waited for this to happen over a year, and buy ES for peanuts to make a museum of early EV development. :D
I still think that we HAVE to donate and help Justin. Whos with me?

Justin gives us a way to send you money!
Ypedal said:
I'm pretty sure it's going to take more than a few donations if it comes to that, too early yet.. hold on to your cash for a while longer until some big decisions are made.. 8)

I understand... im a little anxious to hear from justin. But im still up for a wealth donation if thats needed.
heres an idea:
power assist yahoo forum was well underway before esforum began, people swapped from power assist to esforum, I followed
( username has change so I'm a bit anonymous these days...lol)
lets go back to power assist forum .........lol..........and take our posts with us ( wholly crap that would be some task)
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