PAS not working with brand new controller


1 mW
Aug 1, 2014
Hello everyone,

I just bought a brand new controller from elifebike for my Tongxin Nano front hub motor. Throttle seems to work fine but I am pulling my hair out trying to get the PAS working!

Here is what I have plugged:
- "Power wire" plugged to battery
- "On/Off switch": I wired together the orange and red wire as I have no "ON/OFF" switch
- the PAS connector is plugged to my PAS wire
- The 3 phases wire is plugged to my motor
- The throttle wire is plugged to the throttle (for trials only, I will not use throttle later on)

- Motor hall sensor wire is not plugged (motor is sensorless)
- Low voltage brake wire is not plugged
- 3-speed wire is not plugged
- Cruise wire, speed limited wire and EABS mode wire are all unplugged

So here is what I know so far:
- The controller powers on alright: I can measure the +5V on the PAS and THROTTLE connectors when power is on
- Throttle works alright
- PAS does not work: nothing happens to the motor when I pedal. However, I can see the voltage on the signal wire change when I pedal so it means the sensor works fine and signal wire is ok.

A few things to note:
- On my first try, I wired my phase wires in the "normal" way with the phase wires of the motor: yellow w/ yellow, green w/ green, blue w/ blue but the HUB motor ran backward so I switched 2 phase wires and now it works fine.
- The wires of my PAS sensor are red, black, green and the wires of my PAS connector on the controller are red, black, blue... guess it does not mean anything but I mention it anyway.

Do you guys have any idea on what might be going wrong here? Is there anything to do on the controller? Could the PAS sensor be "incompatible" with the controller?

Thanks a lot.

If your bike works with the throttle, it's only a problem between your controller and PAS. You don't need to look at motor wires or anything like that. Unfortunately, you didn't tell us which PAS you have. Some are handed. Start with the obvious. Does the motor kick in when you pedal backwards?
Hi d8veh,

PAS is a 4 magnet sensor from OutRider (bought at the same time as the Tongxin Nano motor):

I have not tried reverse pedaling but I will try that ASAP... I doubt it will work though as the sensor did work for months with previous controller so I suppose it means that it is correctly fitted.
Hm well... pedaling backwards does work! I flipped the magnet ring and now it works alright.

That's a bit puzzling though... the PAS did work correctly with the previous controller and the magnet ring mounted the other way around.
I had that before on a Cyclamatic. When I changed the controller, the PAS worked backwards, so I flopped the magnet disc too., and then it was OK.